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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Thanks for the comments. Ya know its funny. Your not the first one to comment on the guitars being a off beat a little somehow, and i still can't hear it. I'm gonna go ahead and just re-record that part anyways i suppose. It'll help anyways.
  2. I think you hit it on the head. It sounds like an old NES song or something. The production seems very fluid here. I like the whole chiptune tones you got going on here. I still can't fricken figure out how to get a sound like that!! Oh well... Anyways, I'm liking some of the key changes (1:44 or so is a good example) and everythign seems fairly well balanced. All in all, good song man.
  3. I just wanna say hell yeah to the Tone Port!!! I've got a UX1 and its fricken awesome. Do you use an electric acoustic guitar? It sounds really nice and comes through very nicely. Anyways, i'm not sure what to think of the inspired by worlves thing, but whatever works for ya man! I gotta tell ya though, this song rocks. I'm really diggin the whole sort of irish or scottish ethnic tone with the flute(?) lead. All your instruments seem to come through very nicely and your can hear everything clearly, which is obviously the most important aspect of recording. I really the part at 5:15, those chord progressions are awesome. Now for a production stand point. I think the drums are way too weak. There's not enough bass and its kinda hard to hear the snare sometimes. Now, i'm not saying to crank the volume, but try increasing either the whole drum track or just the snare drum itself. Then try messing with the EQ on the drums and increasing the lows to add more bass for the kick drum. All in all man, this is very great track and i wouldn't really change much about it all. Your acoustic guitar skills are very impressive. I wouldn't mind hearing a short solo somewhere as well on the acoustic. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
  4. Yeah man, this has definitely come a long way since i first heard it. The production on it spot on. The bass jumps out but doesn't clip or distort the overall track at all. The synths you use are nice. They really help shape the song and the chord progression is perfect as well. I don't really have much to say other that i think its just about ready!
  5. I guess i'm gonna have to a searchin'!
  6. Yeah, as for the right direction that's always entirely up to you. We can just suggest things to production wise and maybe some pitch some ideas, but in the end its all up to you my friend. I like the updates on this, it really sounds better musically. The bass sounds fuller and i'm liking the choir. The lead playing the eastern part is a different touch still for this theme, but that's what makes it stand out. It wouldn't be remix if everything was copied note for note in the mix. As for suggestions on what to do next i was thinking maybe a fully orchestrated section as a kind of interlude. I'm not sure what you have access to in terms of software and hardware, but as long as your using a fairly decent program you should be able to include some strings, more choir, and an orchestra pad or vst. I'm thinking have the orchestra play the bass and choir notes you have now and then have the strings play the leads. If its done right it might sound pretty awesome, but then again if you wanna stay on a more melodic tone, then maybe just going with a solo of some kind with a nice bass line for :30 seconds or so. Looking forward to the next update.
  7. I downloaded the audjoo but when i load up my program it says no license file found? It says it free. Did you have a problem like this?
  8. The intro was interesting, however there really was not segway into the drums. Something like a snare roll of even hi hit hits leading up to it would make a difference. I would personally eliminate the low synth after that fast intro synth altogether and just going right to the drums would work as well. Now as for the lead low bass kinda synth. Its not bad, but way to dry sounding, and this goes for all the instruments in here. Try messing around with reverb and delays to start with. Maybe adding some delay to the low synth and some reverd and and a slight delay to the higher pitched instruments. Also try tweaking around with the EQ for all the tracks. A good place to start is to give the drum track a little more bass by bringing the lows up a few notches and a tiny boost on the highs. Then for the bass synth maybe the same, but bring the mids up instead of the highs. For the higher pitched synth, try lowering the lows and bringing it up slightly on the highs in the EQ settings. After that's all done, everything is very centered excluding the drums. Try panning some instruments more. Also you can duplicate some instruments and pan them opposite each maybe about 75%. A good place to start would be the lower synths. Its always a good idea to try and fill all the studio space from left to right when doing any sort of music. The little breakdown thing at 1:13 is kinda hard to hear at first. Once the other 2 synths join in its alright though. Again, try messing with the EQ. I know you said your a beginner at this, and that's fine. That's why we're here to help. With some touching up this could be a decent remix. Hang in there, it'll get there.
  9. Hey man, i dunno if u got a chance to check out the strings i added to your mix or not or if you did and didn't like just tell me man. I'm not going to be offended.

  10. If he's just looking for a regular use laptop, then check out this Compaq at bestbuy.com http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9168063&st=compaq&type=product&id=1218041998438 I got it for my wife almost a year ago and she loves it. Shes does a lot in terms of video and music on it as well as the obvious, the internet. With the dual core processor and 3gb of ram (that i upgraded it to from 2gb for $20) it can do a lot for the little money you pay for it, $400. Good luck though.
  11. I don't think Nintendo and other video game companies really have too much of a problem with it or all these bands wouldn't exist and have myspace accounts, tours, and live contest performances all accross the country. I think if most bands want a choir in their songs, they would just use a keyboard. Its cheap, always hits the rights notes, and doesn't cost anything more than the keyboard costs. I know my keyboard has never let me down or been late to a recording session! But seriously though, if you can find work doing this, more power to ya! Powerglove and Arm Cannon are another couple awesome cover bands,
  12. You said it best man. You need to talk with the people your writing the music for to get an idea as to what format, bitrate, etc.
  13. Well, its seems that this is a WIP, so you posted in the right place! Anyways, that constant 1 or 2 measure drum beat, depending on your BPM, gets waaaaay to repetitive and could use some change up. Maybe just a different tom tom pattern every other measure or at the end of a set of 4 measures. I think some of the leads could be brought forward a bit, maybe just in terms of volumes and maybe some reverb or delay. For now its kinda repetitive and some parts need to either cut back on or expanded upon. But with some work, it could really take shape.
  14. Well, this is the first remix i'm checking out with my new speakers and its giving them a good workout. I like the bass line and the drums seems to kick with no probs. I agree that maybe the drums could use a change up here and there and the length of the song is something your probably going to work on as well. The lead synth seems to be coming through just nicely and it above everything else, like it should be. The synth string thing that fades in and out is kinda different, and when its by itself seems odd, but it fits in with the rest of the song. The production seems pretty good so far and i'm looking forward to an update on your interesting take on the classic theme.
  15. Its funny, i never thought about that either. Why don't people sample Samurai Jack more? It seems to work in your mix very well here. I don't think the bassline is to much. It seems to fit in just fine. It doesn't take away from the other instruments/samples from the song. I like how the hi-hat sample jumps in at :44 to pick up the beat slightly. The drum beat seems to fit nicely as well and doesn't hinder the track. I think once more is added to this WIP, it'll be awesome Keep going, i can't wait to hear the next update.
  16. Yeah, this sounds like something from a serious scene from a movie. Maybe when the USA Army is moving towards the invading alien army or something, lol. Anyways, as far as production goes it seems to be pretty decent. I think sometimes the bass overpowers the strings, maybe the highs are too high on the EQ? Everything else seems very nice and well done. I think the maybe that lead synth thing that pops up here and there could be toned down a bit. Other than that, i can't really comment much else about this track. This is a very well done track, and those strings sound awesome. Are they a vst? Or an outside source? If its a vst i gotta know which one!
  17. I'm more of a metal head but once in a while i hear a techno song that's so damn catchy that it really grows on me and this is one of those. The production seems spot on. Not one instrument seems to overpower or distort any one other instrument. The drums really kick, but don't clip or distort due to bass. And all the instruments, especially the lead synths, really stand out and help drive this track. The breakdown at 1:29 is a really nice touch. The synth strings and the piano sounding lead really help bring out the breakdown. When everything slowly builds up and kicks back in at 2:47 it gets ya going. The little vocal thing before 2:47 is a nice touch as well. The outro at 4:30 is a really nice touch and helps wind the track down to a nice close. All in all, its a really awesome track and i'm looking forward to hearing more from you guys.
  18. I like the melody. The piano sounds lovely and seems to be mixed just right. Now the drum beat could use a little sprucing up. Its too repetitive and bland. It also could use a little tweaking on the EQ, maybe just a tad higher on the highs. Ok, now the vocals aren't terrible and were actually sounding pretty decent until 1:37 or so til about 2:04. It sounds like you might be a little off key or something, but i think its cause your singing that part a lot quieter than you need to. Maybe there's people in your house and you don't want them to hear you sing! Also, in some parts, especially the beginning there's too much air going into the microphone. This can be solved by several things. Either move about a farther away from the microphone and just up the volume after its recorded, or get one of those microphone filters for the microphone itself. It also it seems they are too overpowering once they come in. Maybe lower the overall volume and add some slight reverb and delay effects to them so they stand out more. I think this has some serious potential. The melody is there, and once the drums are tweaked around with a bit this could be something great. You seem to have a pretty decent voice and doesn't need the whole electronic treatment as long as you spend some more time mixing the vocals properly.
  19. Maybe try lowering the mids of the bass line and raising the mids on the kick. Maybe that'll help separate it enough to not distort it. Also, lowering the overall volume might solve that too.
  20. Says video has been removed by user?
  21. Ya know, some simple effects might make the vocals fuller without needed to add the whole "electronic treatment". Try adding some reverb and some delay to them and raise the 3k (2k and 1k if you equalizer doesn't have just a 3k) in the EQ to bring them out more from the rest of the track. Cause right now, the vocals sound very dry. The only other thing i would consider is to add a little bass in the EQ for the drums. Otherwise, its sounding very promising so far!
  22. I've always found that soloing can be the hardest part of writing a song. That's where the synth leads come in handy! ;)

  23. This is very interesting and not at all what i was expecting. First off, is that you doing all the voice work? If so, then bravo my friend. Its very well done. Every note seems to be on key and flows very nicely. The production seems to be ok. Maybe its me, but i think it could use some more highs on the EQ. Other than that, sounds good to me!
  24. I think maybe the thing that sounds a bit off is the bass drum? It might just be me, but i think when it hits it distorts the track for that fraction of a second. I know you like your bass, especially in the case of Liljedahl. I think the chiptune keyboard thing is kinda in the background too much, but that be because the bass is pushing it back there as well. Don't get me wrong, i think your stuff is awesome and very creative. By the way, how do you get the chiptune keyboards in there? Is it a vst of some kind or an external keyboard?
  25. To be honest, i'm not sure if the link to the youtube video is your song or music from the game?
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