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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Besides the ones you and the others suggested (like Killer Instinct and Virtua Fighter, I so second these ones), I'd like to see some more Street Fighter Alpha 3 ReMixes. Sure, it's still SF, but Alpha/Alpha 2 and SF2 seem to get 90-95% of the Street Fighter ReMixes, and Alpha 3 does have some good tunes. Hell, if anyone can manage a ReMix for any of the sources from the original Street Fighter, I'd be impressed.
  2. I think the guitar is brilliant in the way it was used, and for the rest of the ReMix, I just love the light and airy melody that flows on all around the guitar. It is almost like a cake, light and fluffy for quite a bit of it, then you hit the icing and BAM, flavor. Very cool.
  3. Wow....this is utterly incredible! Violin and hard-hitting percussion along with Sixto guitar!? This is easily one of the best ReMixes I've heard in the last few months! So much justice and epicness in one ReMix, you'd be crazy not to download it!
  4. Haha, very clever! 80's style with Jenova, and yet it totally works! That's pretty damn cool. While I would also have loved to hear a vocalist match this thing up, as it is, it's one of those ReMixes that makes me grin simply because of the arrangement. Damn good ReMix, Anti-Syne!
  5. Dan, you really shine when it comes to these massive orchestra pieces and you've done extremely well here. Sounds really paced in a good way and I can tell a lot of thought went through each section. Very nice.
  6. Pretty tight adventure piece here. While I do agree with some others that some areas could have been bit stronger, it's kinda like saying the Grand Canyon could be bigger on the whole. I personally liked the section between 2:38 and 2:50 where it breaks down for a moment. Not bad at all, I certainly liked it.
  7. That's a lot of freakin' sources. But hey, being able to fit in so much while maintaining a wonderful piano melody that sounds great, that's unreal and my hat is off to you. Fantastic work.
  8. Man, this gets up to full gallop and doesn't stop, huh? This just screams "crazed and manic" and truthfully, I say it's all the better for it. Haven't had the pleasure of playing any Splatterhouse games, but judging from the description and this ReMix, it's on the to-do list. My only nitpick is that I'm not fond of the very end's one wank strum. Sounds a little off compared to the rest of the guitar work, but again, that's a severely minor gripe when looking at the rest of this awesome beast.
  9. The electronics and synths work out pretty well for this weird monster, so kudos on a matching arrangement for Zero Two. Loving the use of the electric guitar and the glitches, including the fade in and outs. Great to see perhaps the most disturbing thing to come out of the Kirby world get a cool ReMix like this. Well done.
  10. The evil album series returns! Such a great day for the bad guys. As for this ReMix, that intro is menacing, sure, but after 0:50 when it really hits, the damn thing is FIERCE! This goes harder than I could have ever hoped for, and I liked the roars in the background. Such a long await ReMix, perfect way to kick off this album. Wonderfully dark and sets the mood for a final battle so well. Damn good stuff, man.
  11. Really difficult to describe the enjoyment I get out of this ReMix. It's like something I can leave on for hours and never get bored of. The electronica sound is evenly paced and well-energized to give it enough of a kick to keep the interest, but it's not so overbearing that it requires attention. Pretty good piece, I liked it.
  12. I play (and die at) Ghosts and Goblins around this time. I also usually go through the Haunted House levels in Super Mario World and Mario 64, as well as DKC2 (darker atmosphere, kinda fits even with non-haunted areas). Anything else is coincidence for me.
  13. Since I'm kinda in the same boat (I prefer podcasts to watching hour to two hour long videos), let me ask you this: are you able to convert the video to another audio file so you can just plug it into your phone? Quality differences aside (which may be a dealbreaker to some people), that could get you pretty close to being an audio-only podcast without it being one. I've had the past two week's shows on my MP3 that way. Great show BTW, folks. Been fun to hear what you've had to say.
  14. Holy shit, the funk just doesn't stop in this ReMix! How did I not see this before!? In any case, I have to give props for the insanely good production and both the clapping and 70's sounding guitar work, which just adds to the spice of the arrangement. So much fun, it's incredible! Hard Latin funk for the win!
  15. Lots of fun going on here. I love the 70's beat building up to Wily's Castle. And tossing in some Benny Hill was fantastic. I love goofy little throw-ins like that, reminds me of the Mexican Hat Dance throw in from Dr. M's Sunset Riders ReMix. Great work, Rexy!
  16. Whoa.....this is a pretty damn sick hip-hop ReMix! Production is insanely clean, the vocals and lyrics are tight as hell (bonus points for the Y2J line), and it even has the boppin' funk, complete with bass, trumpets and piano that reminds me of my favorite hip-hop songs from way back when. I think I can safely say that Overclocked Assembled didn't just knock this out of the park, they clipped a satellite or two on the way out of orbit. Hope we can turn it up and get down some more later on!
  17. While I do agree that the first minute is basically one long lead in to the meat that follows afterwords, I enjoyed this one very much. Groovy riffs that can, I'll admit, conjure up images of evil clowns and enough metal to rock a cave, mystic or otherwise, I'd say this is a very strong debut. Looking forward to more from you, PirateCrab.
  18. Oh, absolutely. It is a minimalist sounding ReMix, but everything has it's place and fits like a snug little puzzle piece that makes it all whole. DJP said it best, this is perfect peaceful, drifting, meditation music for just letting your mind wander. Wonderful debut, Jordi!
  19. Oh, man, OCR is hitting me right in the feels today. Those vocals from Dale are just so smooth and....it's hard to explain, but this guy was meant to sing like this. His voice works so damn good with this style, it's insane. And of course the music behind it sounded brilliant as well. Gorgeous stuff.
  20. Ooooh, so good! Never heard anything from Kate that I didn't absolutely love, and this might actually be my favorite ReMix from her. Can't beat a Celtic folk tune like this with those kind of vocals. So damn beautiful.
  21. Rest in Peace, good sir. Your impact on many folk's lives will be felt for a long time.
  22. The switch from the intro into the more rockish section was pretty sweet. Definitely enjoyed the transitions in styles you made throughout the ReMix. Vox-like soloing was pretty cool as well. Very nice!
  23. I can really dig the grinding undertones of this ReMix while keeping the spirit of the source alive. Sounds like something you would expect from an action filled level anyway, so it works for me. Not bad.
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