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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. I actually couldn't find a working link for The Diaries.
  2. That about sums it up - congrats!
  3. You might give the music produced by this competition a look-see, if you haven't already. I don't think anyone produced exactly what you requested on any of those, but there's definitely Planet Wisp (and other level) remixes in there.
  4. Obviously, a nice course of In all seriousness though, I'm excited to see too.
  5. I am very excited to hear this in just a few hours.
  6. Hope it was a great birthday!
  7. This. The better our interaction with SE as a community now, the better treatment we as a community can expect with other companies and entities in the future.
  8. Happy birthday to one of my favorite remixers!
  9. I used to wonder about that too, so I made a point of remembering this response by Level 99 a while back in this thread. Maybe it'll help:
  10. THANK you! I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a year. I'll go fix my link in the other post.
  11. If you're asking are they ones that OCR accepts mixes from, the answer's... maybe? I know it was being discussed a while back, but I don't know that they ever came to an official decision. Lemme go see if I can find where I saw it being discussed. EDIT: Found it. It's here, in the Ask the Judges thread..
  12. It's a very interesting concept; I'm curious to see how well it does in the next year or so.
  13. Happy birthday, and many happy returns!
  14. I love the cello. Welcome to the community!
  15. Honestly, I don't mind if they do that, because and I'm one of them - there's very few genres I outright dislike. I actually enjoy making playlists based on genre or mood made entirely of OCRemixes and OC Album tracks, and I like that most of those playlists have a dozen or more different games on them. But I can understand people wanting more of a definite progression to albums, too, so eh. Honestly, whatever the artists want to share with me, in whatever order they want to share with me, is okay with me. But back on topic to FFT and Ivalice Alliance. Actually, I missed that! I'll go check it out now, letcha know. To summarize:
  16. That was a really interesting read! Thank you for sharing.
  17. Oh, no disagreement on my part at all - I'm nowhere near as familiar with XII's soundtrack as that of Vagrant Story or Tactics, but I can think of at least a dozen tracks off of both of those that deserve recognition without even having to think hard. That could work - it would help keep project artists focused and do each OST justice without having to wait on some mega-album being finished. And there's the rub of it, unfortunately.
  18. Oh, trust me, I know how hard it is to get anyone to participate in any kind of album project; I tried to help run an unofficial album from site a few years ago, and we got, maybe, six remixers? Who as far as I know, only completed 2-ish tracks before the project petered out and died. So yes, I'm well aware of how hard it is to get anyone to make an album of something that doesn't have the captcha of a main-entry Final Fantasy, or a Legend of Zelda, or Mario, or some other name-recognition game has. What I was responding to was the unattainable part of what you said. Do I think that the three-disc, full-on awesome treatment that the music of Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy XII, and Final Fantasy Tactics deserves would happen? No. Do I think that a one-disc, 12-15 track album highlighting some of the best from each is unattainable? No. Do I think it would require a HUGE amount of work, HUGE time drain, and probably take three to four years, minimum? Yeah. It'd probably also end up with only a handful of remixers doing the majority of tracks. But it's not unattainable. As to what someone said earlier about me getting the project going, I would honestly consider trying it, but I don't really have the kind of free time any more to do something like that - the only reason I have as much as I have had lately is because I'm job hunting. And I'm still kind of turned off from the last time I tried to help a project get off the ground, tbh. EDIT: Plus, I have nil communal pull, which wouldn't help either, lol.
  19. That would be an AMAZING project - get Vagrant Story AND FFT's music in the same place on the same album, and I will be a happy little listener for MONTHS. I honestly don't think that's an unattainable dream though - it'd definitely make an interesting and somewhat unique project germ to grow one out of.
  20. Definitely. I mean, to me, the two are right up there, tied with each other, just behind 6's OST, for my favorite OST. Oh, another track, Ovelia's Worries would make a nice, somber remix, too. Btw, went looking and found my old thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28440
  21. Don't forget Antipyretic, which - had I been able to afford the $500 donation level on Kickstarter - was going to be the track I asked them to remix. Seriously though, this game's music needs some love. Think I even made a request thread for it once, a year or so ago. Too many good pieces in sore need of remixing.
  22. If anything, I'd think it'd be Kickstarter itself. Hopefully it's just a misunderstanding or something.
  23. I'll give you my one cent on the matter. It's one of my favorite sources from 2nd gen, so I know it pretty well. Let's see... I felt like the lead/melody was exposed without sufficient background just a touch too long at the beginning; I would've liked to have it come in a few seconds sooner. I get that it's a longer piece, and so the builds are going to/can take longer to get to where they're going... it just felt a little too long, even given that. 4:01-4:11 - Really liked this section. I felt like you could've gotten to this point a second or two sooner from the quiet section immediately before it, but that's definitely personal preference. Overall, an enjoyable piece - I definitely liked the feel you were going for. The soundscape did feel a touch empty in a few places, but not painfully so. Wish I had more advice to give!
  24. I fully endorse both of these ideas.
  25. Gotta second this - probably my fave track in the medley. It's good stuff.
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