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Everything posted by Mazedude

  1. There's some hilariously wrong artwork for the old "Squaredance" album by OneUp Studios on there too... http://www.legalsounds.com/InspectAlbum?__key=468185
  2. Awesome production by Kunal (love the ethnic elements), on a very challenging source tune. Great work as usual from a very versatile dude.
  3. Bit the bullet... put the new chiptune EP on Bandcamp for all y'all who want to hear but don't want to pre-order the larger project just yet - http://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/star-spangled-chips I'll just add that demixing these chiptunes from the source material was HARD... I mean, Medal of Honor with sine waves?!
  4. I dig this music man, good work... and it's very YOU. Like, if that randomly came up in a shuffle and I'd never heard it and had no idea what it was... I'd still know it was written by Big Giant Circles. Could be fun to remix... hmm...
  5. An incredible remix. The heroes took the gold in this Heroes vs. Villains match-up; my Dedede remix doesn't even compare. Great use of chips, fun fusion, and I love the Kirby sound effects worked in there. Great job!
  6. Boom baby! http://baddudesmusic.com/metroid-arrange.php And... http://baddudes.bandcamp.com/album/metroid-arrange-25th-anniversary-album Been listening to the album all day... and now you can too!
  7. Got my pre-reg done just before the 16th. So, good to go. Lookin' forward to seeing ya all there - and don't forget to drop by the Bad Dudes panel! It's the first year we have our own panel, and will be discussing the new Metroid album, other projects in the works, how we go about making a remix project... some pretty cool stuff.
  8. On my end, it's been about 4 years since I've trained consistently or done regular martial arts and gymnastics... but, I've missed it, and as of a few weeks ago I'm getting back into it. I agree with Taucer - push yourself, but don't kill yourself. As to the diet, a few simple rules to follow will make a HUGE difference: 1. Avoid sugar. Sodas, candies, sweets, etc, just avoid it. Get the sugar-free versions of whatever you can that you still feel you need to eat. 2. Avoid breads and potatoes. Lots of starch and carbs that really don't do a lot nutritionally there... just avoid it, and you won't have to work off that extra fat. Try hot dogs without the bun, for example. 3. Lots of meat, lots of veggies. Period. Incidentally if any of y'all are in the Syracuse area, I'm thinking of starting up a little informal Capoeira group there for training, come Spring of 2012 - http://www.syracusecapoeira.com. I still have to work a lot of rust out of my own system before I'll personally be ready, but it could be a lot of fun. - Mazedude
  9. Heh, methinks I've already bought most of these for the regular prices when they came out... kinda like when when you buy a DVD, then a week later you see the "special edition" released, and you're like "doh! I already bought the regular one!"... still, mayhap I'll get the bundle anyway, it's important to support your fellow artists.
  10. Turkey tomorrow... today, the wife and I are doing a Gordon Ramsey style Thanksgiving; making beef wellington with some risotto on the side. Yum yum. Everyone have a great one!
  11. Oh poo... forgot to make a Halloween mix this year! My bad. Well, I still have a few hours... hmm... I nominate Mustin's "Haunted Hell" as one of the all time freakiest Halloween mixes out there - Those of ya looking for more Mazedude, "Opening to Hell" from my American Album is pretty Halloween-esque: (download it from mazedudemusic.com)Happy Halloween!
  12. Had this on in the background while I worked today... went through it at least twice, maybe more. And it's still good! Jimmy, if ya do a sequel at some point, hit me up if you're interested in doing a co-op or something, I'd be game.
  13. I believe Joshua Morse did... and didn't K-Wix get into some game scoring as well? Oh yeah, and there's me...
  14. Good day, friends. As some of you may know, I have officially begun work on the official sequel to my 2006 American Album. The album tite: AMERICAN PIXELS. Once again, I am creating a tribute solely to American game composers, although this time I'm getting it professionally done: properly mastered, live instruments, legal licensing, and... I'm getting a CD made. Yep, selling this puppy, getting it on iTunes, all that jazz. After releasing over 100 free remixes (50+ on OCR), I hope you won't begrudge me an album that I'd like to profit a little bit from. This time around I'm also honoring a great many American composers and games who didn't make the cut the first time; just a few examples include: Jake Kaufman - Shantae Garry Schyman - Bioshock, Dante's Inferno (per his request) Clint Bajakian - Outlaws Chris Tilton and Michael Giacchino - Black Jared Emerson-Johnson - Sam and Max Gerard K. Marino - DC Universe (per his request) Cris Velasco - Clive Barker's Jericho ... and more. I've also received requests for Christopher Tin's "Baba Yetu" from Civilization, Danny Baranowsky's Super Meat Boy, and others... (yes, there's a request form on the front page of the website). It's shaping up to be pretty awesome. So, stay tuned; I'm currently taking pre-orders on http://www.americanpixels.com (the more I get, the faster I can finish this... hint hint), I'm plugging away at the music over the next several months, and I'll do my best to keep everyone informed. I also invite you to join the newsletter on the site so you can be the first to see the making-of videos and all that goodness. And, if you pre-order now, you can enjoy a 4-track bonus EP (not available anywhere else) of American chiptune remixes by yours truly! Ok, enough talking from me. Back to the music. Got an 11th Hour remix calling my name here. - Mazedude
  15. Ooh, say, if OCAD wants to chit chat with ol' Mazedude about his epic new project - http://americanpixels.com - I'd be game. :)

  16. Would definitely love to hear more game remixes in this genre. Very good stuff here, a nice surprise.
  17. I second that this was a fun project to work on, and Darren was very cool through the whole process; checked in enough without being annoying about things, was open to diversity and unusual genres, and did a great job keeping us all in the loop. The end result, a pretty awesome end product. The tracks that didn't grab me the first time around are starting to grow on me, and I really enjoy the wide variety of styles. This also marks my first Metroid Prime remix to be heard, so... enjoy.
  18. Man... makes me feel old... a beloved childhood game turns 25. Happening a lot these days, but only the really great ones that have survived are being bragged about. I mean, I didn't see anyone celebrate Ice Climber's 25th or anything. I haven't played all of 'em, but I concur that Super Metroid is my favorite out of the ones I have. Still go back and play through it now and then. Favorite memories would be the thrills of finding a secret energy tank by taking a leap of faith. "Hey, maybe that lava won't kill me, maybe I'll find something super cool... holy crap I was right!!!" .....
  19. Had a blast at BitGen, great seeing you dude! (And all the other bands, of course... OneUps rocked the house with live interpretations of the music of Intergalactic Redux... excellent stuff.)
  20. I admit, I wasn't too familiar with WillRock's work before we did Heroes vs. Villains... but man, his work on this made me perk up and wonder "what else has this guy done?" You have a new fan dude, and it's due to the high production quality, excellent mixing, sound remix structure, willingness to tackle challenging originals, and - like everyone else said - your way around the synth leads. I like. No wonder that this was a headliner track to the HvV promo video. Good stuff, keep it up.
  21. Awesome dude, it's lookin' good that I'll be able to say hi at BitGen this year, so see ya then if all goes as planned!
  22. And, it's here! http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-7th-guest-infection/id416849801 Go grab it while it has that special launch price baby. Yeah.
  23. Ah, more Jazz Jackrabbit love, I like! This did make me smile, brought back memories, and I like that my friend Alexander Brandon is getting some love. A couple criticisms though, if ya don't mind... for one, I would have liked to hear the lead synth change up, rather than maintaining the same sound throughout the track for so long. I would have also liked to hear some more creative liberties taken with the melody, once it was already established. Ya know, you've played through the theme once as is, now have fun with it, ya know? The joy of using those types of synths is that they're great for screaming, wacky solos. I felt the percussion could have used some more variety too... the groove was nice, but maybe try some rides instead of non-stop hihats, some alternate snare sounds... that kinda thing. But that's me. Still, a nice mix, fun, and from a game that has a lot of possibilities. Good stuff. - Mazedude (And yes, the S3Ms weren't that hard to find within the game package, but ya know, not a lot of good if you don't read S3M files.)
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