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Everything posted by BlackPhantom

  1. Entry one and two go to the same thing.
  2. A few days ago, my Software Engineering professor talked about something he called the Bus Factor, meaning, how many employees of a company have to die in a bus accident to destroy the company. Mega Man is one of, if not the biggest, franchise of Capcom, so if Capcom has a Bus Factor of 1, then they're doomed. In reality though I imagine it's higher than 1, but this is still a big hit to Capcom.
  3. This is the first serious remix I've heard of this song; the other ones involved Ronald McDonald or something like that. Very well done though, an excellent job.
  4. Thus is the fate of many people on the internetz: They simply disappear.
  5. I thought instrumental music usually refers to any music without vocals?
  6. I really like music that's made by non-musical instruments, like sound effects from Windows or Super Mario, or pots and blenders, doors closing, or what have you. You can check out this playlist I made for some examples: My question is, does this fall under a certain genre? And if so, what's it called?
  7. The Dublin Delight one is good. I've thought of how it would be cool to make a music video out of that, but I would want to do a live action one.
  8. I'm curious though: they said there were some small strings attached, but I can't find anything that says what those are.
  9. I can never seem to have the words to say other than "This is awesome!"
  10. I can hear 16, but that's kind of strange. I don't use headphones or listen to loud music.
  11. I don't know how you plan on making this game, but if you need any help with programming, I might be able to help you. Just throwing that out there.
  12. Well, it's not April 1st....
  13. Er, I don't know, seems like a stretch to me.
  14. The Sonic 4 website has one of the songs up to listen to. http://www.sonicthehedgehog4.com/us/
  15. It would be nice to see a return of that.
  16. I've seen this before, and it looks quite interesting. I think they would need to compact the design though if they want to actually market the item; seems a little bulky and awkward with the finger tip things.
  17. Well, regardless of how this turns out, it's good to see that SEGA is actually listening to what the fans want. I'm curious what the music will be this time. Will they also go back to the old music? Will it be something entirely new? It would be cool to see some remixes. I think it would have been good to at least have Tails in it. I had lots of fun playing Sonic 2 or 3 with my brother controlling the invincible Tails.
  18. There's also this guy: And Kriby:
  19. And of course there's the many Windows remixes:
  20. Man, that looks like nightmare-inducing.
  21. Doesn't matter to me if a new generation comes or not; I'm still too poor to afford new stuff. There's plenty of games for the PS2 I've never played, anyways.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBPAd11lji8&feature=PlayList&p=7C1A1BAFA1FAEC5C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2
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