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  1. So around the net there are a ton of places that offer custom vinyl pressings and I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on which one is the best for record/sound quality as well as quality of the slips. I one day want to make music and put it on vinyl, but I want it to be of the best quality possible.
  2. I've been working on a new EP with lots of chiptune elements that will be releasing in December. I thought I'd share a little sample of it. The EP will be a mix of chiptune elements, acoustic piano pieces, ambient electronic music and analog synths. Hope you guys like it! I'll be updating pretty regularly on my channel as we head to release. Hope you all are having a great day!
  3. Introduction For the past few years I have been working on an arrangement album of music from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it is finally complete! It features 12 songs of metal/rock covers of various themes and songs from the original score. This is a FREE, non-profit album and is not affiliated with Warner Bros, New Line Cinema, Reprise Records, Howard Shore, Peter Jackson or anyone else related to the original score of these films. Links/Social Media Album website - http://bit.ly/LOTMR Download on Bandcamp - https://sbeast.bandcamp.com/album/lord-of-the-metal-rings (various sizes/formats) Download on Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcveei0mgo0i9j2/Lord of the Metal Rings.zip?dl=0 (84.9MB MP3) Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/SbeastMusic Follow on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/SbeastMusic Video Playlist
  4. Hi! I'm the lead reorchestrator of Metroid Reorchestrated (MREO) and I'm recruiting for a reboot/revival of MREO. This reboot will be called Metroid: Orchestral Fusion (MOF) and will be a fusion of orchestral and electronic elements. We're moving beyond just orchestral because a lot of Metroid music incorporates electronic elements that are incredibly difficult or impossible to replicate with orchestral instruments. The overall goal of this project is to arrange/remix every Metroid song from every game. If I can find enough talented, passionate individuals (6-7 people besides myself) we will start with Metroid Fusion. The goal of the album would be to arrange/remix every song as if Fusion had released in 2015 on the 3DS. So essentially a high-definition audio upgrade with some original music/embellishments. Tracklist: Please let me know via PM or reply which track(s) you want to do. Title - DarkDjinn Sector 1 Environmental Sound (Silence 1) Environmental Sound (Tension) Environmental Sound (Shock) Facing a Huge Reaction - Light_of_Aether Tension Before a Confrontation Vs. Arachnus - DarkDjinn X Invasion Detection Navigation Room Vs Fake Chozo Statue Environmental Sound (Disquieting) Sector 2 - Chernabogue Vs. Cyclops Environmental Sound (Silence 2) Sector 4 Aquatic Level Control Zone Vs. Serris - DJ Galvanization Sector 3 Vs. B.O.X. Sector 6 SA-X Appears Sector 5 Low Temp Area Sector 3 Emergency Situation Sector 3 Restart the Cooling Unit Timer Mission Environmental Sound (Intrigue) Vs. Mother Plant Vs. Nightmare - Chernabogue Sector 4 Underwater Area Vs. Ridley - DJ Galvanization The Final Command - Coaltergeist Vs. SA-X Station Escape Timer Mission Epilogue (Part 1 and 2) Ending/Credits Appearance Jingle Get Item Jingle SA-X Chase Timeline: Get team together and begin working by mid-August - Still taking team members! Have 4-5 tracks ready as a teaser for release on December 25, 2016 Release full album on November 17, 2017 for Metroid Fusion's 15th anniversary This project will be entirely volunteer-based. I'm looking for talented, passionate individuals who periodically spend some of their free time on making music. The capacity of your involvement would be arranging music, critiquing music, and making new electronic elements. Don't worry about deadlines. I'm working on my Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and my research/coursework comes before any of my hobbies. It would be quite unreasonable of me to expect anyone else to meet hard, specific deadlines when I wouldn't meet them, either. If you would like to join, please either comment in this thread or send me a PM. If you have comments, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to comment or PM me. Thanks!
  5. Last summer I had much more free time than I had ever had before. As a result I decided I would begin work on a youtube channel producing arrangements and remixes of video game music for (french) horn ensemble. I would write the arrangements, then record both video and audio, do editing, and have a video ready to be released on a regular schedule. Not long after starting, I decided that keeping a regular schedule would be more work than I could do as my free time would quickly run out. Quality was selected over quantity, and I would save these arrangements for future use, possibly on OCR. I wouldn't get involved with the OCR community until December of 2016. My first submitted remix to the site was a success, so I figured out I had found a home here. As a horn player, I've been told by so many people that the horn is a classical instrument, and it is not possible to play in other genres. I then proceeded to play professionally in a jazz ensemble, rock band, funk group, and other non professional ventures in other genres such as a gospel choir and mariachi band. I am not the only horn player who has done this. However, the view that the horn is a strictly classical instrument is still very common, and I believe that it is a very limiting viewpoint. There are many horn players who do not feel they are capable of venturing into new areas because they do not think it is possible, and there are many more who want to venture but are held back by teachers, peers, etc. I was told that I couldn't play jazz, a genre I was raised on, and the horn was literally taken away from me when I tried to play. They told me I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO play on trumpet or trombone, then when my skill level was so much lower than it was on my primary instrument, basically told me that I was no good at jazz. I want to contribute to the solution of this problem. My contribution will be a series of arrangements for horn in many genres. This is where the community comes in. As it stands now, I have 4 arrangements that are complete and awaiting recording, and others that are in various stages of completion. I would like to make a whole disc's worth of music, however I would definitely not object to having two or more. I am looking for collaborators on this project. What is the purpose of this project? The purpose of this project is to produce music with the horn as a central feature. One of the arrangements being recorded is a rock track. There are 8 horn parts, and a collaborator is recording guitar, bass, and drums. I recorded all the horns and programmed piano. The horns do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to presenting themes. The other instruments are primarily support, however they are invaluable for the end product. For a different track, it would be different, such as working with a vocalist. If that were the collaboration, they would be the primary feature, with the horns supporting. I am a little split at the idea of having a solo wind instrument other than horn as a feature, however I am open to suggestion. After producing this, there will be a body of work that can be referenced to say "Yes, the horn can do that, and yes you can do that too!" Or for arrangers, composers, or remixers to see what is possible and create new works inspired by this. What would be needed from a collaborator? There are two ways to contribute; as an arranger or a performer. Arrangement contributors would write the arrangements to be performed. Most of the work would be left to the collaborator, and I would edit minor details as needed for playability or effectiveness. Contributing as a performer could involve arranging as described above and also performance with the voice or another instrument. Performers would be highly encouraged to participate in the arrangement process to highlight their strengths. Non musically, an artist to design artwork for the album would be needed. What genres are possible? Many genres are possible. Due to the nature of the project, some genres are more difficult than others. For example, predominately electronic genres such as EDM or dubstep that are driven by synths would be much more difficult to keep the acoustic horn as a central feature. However, if those genres could be made to feature the acoustic horn I would be more than happy to oblige. I have performance experience in jazz, rock, funk, gospel, mariachi, country, and others, and have worked in even more genres not as a horn player, so gaining familiarity would not be much of a problem. I am looking at the London Horn Sound albums for reference. I am excited to work with people on this project, and am even more excited to see what can be produced!
  6. Hello, I am Reinhold from the Game-Art-HQ community. Back in 2015 we collaborated with OCR already and members from GA-HQ drew illustrations for the excellent Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart OCR Album. We are creating a couple of video game art tributes / collaborations per year and I thought it could result in something quite awesome if we can do another "Music & Visual Art" Project. I am writing this post because I myself am searching - Enthusiastic remixers that love the music of fighting games of the past and today - People that know what is important in a music piece and can basically do the judge part. I myself am a vgm addict since at least 1992 when I heard the timeless Guile theme for the first time in the SNES port of Street Fighter II but I believe that if we can do another collaboration, I leave the music part completely in the arms of the guys that are actually musicans. My idea for a Fighting Game Music & Art Project by OCR and Game-Art-HQ would be relative challenging and unorthodox for an OCR Album I guess. Fighting games are all about the fighting obviously. There are usually two characters beating the shit out of each other, and my idea would be to move this element into music tracks. In short, mashups. Ryu vs. Chun Li with elements of both characters themes in one track like they are basically fighting each other. Game-Art-HQ's Artists would come into play by creating illustrations of exactly those character matches. Including crossovers. Like if one of OCR's remixers has an excellent vision of creating a remix with Geese Howards theme with the one of M.Bison instead of another Fatal Fury or King of Fighters character, one of our artists would illustrate a fight between Geese and M.Bison. I think such a project should start relative small with a goal of 10 tracks. Ideal might be a mix of popular characters and games as well as to cover a few of the rarely remixed games. Each character should be a part of only one track, personally I would love to have 20 character themes of different games there. If you are familiar with fighting games, you know that a ton of them have excellent soundtracks, even if we go back to games like TMNT Tournament fighters or the earliest of the SNK fighting games like the first Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting. Here is a small selection of artworks that were created for Game-Art-HQ Art Collaborations in the past, we have a ton of very talanted artists in our community that love video games and just as much as everyone here: These are artworks made for our Legend of Zelda Bestiary Project, our Fighting Game Boss Tribute and the Nintendo 64 Anniversary we celebrated last year with games like DK 64. Would be awesome to get a new music and art collaboration together, I am open to support other OCR projects as well ^^ Greets and happy easter days everyone, Reinhold Hoffmann
  7. Hey ya OC-Remixers! My name's Fabian Rastorfer and I'm the founder of Fabraz, the dudes behind Slime-san! Slime-san is a fast-paced action platformer about a slime that got swallowed up whole by a giant worm! Your goal is escape its innards, finding other survivors along the way, back out its mouth into freedom! It currently features 100k+ players on Steam and is coming to the Switch, Xbox One and PS4 in the Summer! The game features a KILLER chiptune soundtrack made out of 20 tracks. The composers involved are: Adhesive Wombat, Meganeko, Tiasu, FantomenK, Inverse Phase, Kubbi, Lumena-tan, Michael Miller, Mischa Perella, Saad Akter Ali and Carl Clark! Quite the all-sat team, ey? You can sample the soundtrack in this video: Youtube Or just give it a listen on Spotify! Here's where you, OCRemix, come in: I'd like to make an official remix album! One or two remixes for each track in the playlist. Claim your track and I'll provide you with the relevant file and add you to the list below. Mighty Mama (Ear)Worm - Richard Gould - 3:58 (Unclaimed) Mixtapeworm - Adhesive Wombat - 0:55 (Unclaimed) Slumptown Shuffle - Mischa Perella - 1:47 (Unclaimed) Slimy Success - FantomenK - 1:45 (Unclaimed) Wormhole - Adhesive Wombat - 1:39 (Unclaimed) Hit the Slime Note - Meganeko - 1:08 (Unclaimed) Instrumental Intestine - Kommisar - 1:33 (Unclaimed) Organ Donor - Mischa Perella - 1:50 (Unclaimed) Akiha-Worma - Meganeko - 1:13 (Unclaimed) Brain Beats - Tiasu - 1:31 (Unclaimed) Old Worm and the Sea - Lumena-tan - 1:32 (Unclaimed) Acid Trip - Mischa Perella - 1:57 (Unclaimed) Heart Trebbles - Kubbi - 2:25 (Unclaimed) Woodwinds - Adhesive Wombat - 1:50 (Unclaimed) Birdie Breakdown - Carl Clark - 1:04 (Unclaimed) Uvula’s Groovula - Inverse Phase - 1:49 (Unclaimed) Red Shadow’s Revenge - Saad Akter Ali - 2:14 (Unclaimed) Slime Crisis - Meganeko - 1:48 (Unclaimed) Tequila and (S)lime - Michael Miller - 2:04 (Unclaimed) Once the remix album is complete, I'll provide a unique website, cover art and download link for the entire internet to enjoy. What do you guys say to that? The entire team would be ecstatic to see what magic you guys can whip up!
  8. Released today is my first album, self titled Artificial Eye. The catch-all genre is synthwave, but it encompasses a range of cinematic soundscapes and melodic tunes. Available on Bandcamp Tracklisting: Love Locket [3:00] Flight of Apollo [6:43] What Awaits [5:57] Don't Feel Bad [4:38] Designer Perfection [6:47] The Babysitter [3:42] Vacation [4:29] American Dream [8:29] The Future We Are [3:45] Follow on Bandcamp Like on Facebook Follow on Soundcloud Please give it a listen and tell me what you think!
  9. Hello fellow ReMixers! I would just like to share my latest album Endless Time! Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/afilionmusic/sets/endlesstime
  10. Hey everyone! The game is out and so is the soundtrack Have a listen here http://fredrikdronen.bandcamp.com/album/winds-of-trade Steam page for the game can be found here http://store.steampowered.com/app/576260
  11. Hey OC Remix folks! We are DrKrake vs Jellyfish. We've been remixing video game music for quite a while (since 2009), but never really felt the itch to submit anything to OC Remix. Instead, we had a short-lived run on Newgrounds and mostly only uploaded our tracks on YouTube on random occasions. For this Christmas, we decided to release all of our stuff in a big free package and did so in the Super Musical Entertainment System! It's a massive collection of 33 tracks spanning various electronic music genres - trance, goa, house, hardstyle, and everything inbetween. You can grab it (for free, of course) on Bandcamp: drkrakevsjellyfish.bandcamp.com Most (but not quite all) tracks are VGM remixes. As a little special for the OC Remix forum, I'd like to list all tracks with their original sources: 147 (Intro) - not a remix, but uses samples from F-Zero X (N64) and Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (N64) Welcome to Marihuana Kart - trancy remix of the Mario/Luigi/Royal Raceway themes from Mario Kart 64 (N64) Voll Auf Stern - short remix of the infamous Starman tune from many many Mario games Fuckin' Party - hardstyle-ish remix based on the Cameroon theme in Super Soccer (SNES) Snowland - trance-ish remix of the Frappe Snowland theme from Mario Kart 64 (N64) Finish Line - trancy remix of the Mario Circuit theme from Super Mario Kart (SNES) Super Club Bros - housy remix of the infamous main theme of Super Mario Bros (NES) Ein Erfolg - short remix of the Level Clear theme from Super Mario Bros (NES) Romanina - trancy remix based on the Romania theme in Super Soccer (SNES), uses Nina's voice sample from Tekken 3 (PSX) Stellungswechsel - short remix of the Change Court theme from Super Tennis (SNES) Tor für Deutschland - football goal theme based on the Ireland (nope, not Germany ) theme in Super Soccer (SNES) Clowns R Funneh - not a VGM remix, but a remix of the Clown College theme from The Simpsons Archives - psytrance-ish remix of the Archives theme from Goldeneye (N64) How High Can You Get? (Level 1) - psychedelic remix of the Level 1 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) A - remix of the A theme from Tetris (Gameboy) Halbzeit - short remix of the Half Time theme from Super Soccer (SNES) Viererkette - trancy remix of the Denmark theme from Super Formation Soccer 2 (SNES) Crackman - short remix of the intro theme from Pacman (Arcade) How High Can You Get? (Level 2) - psychedelic remix of the Level 2 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) Headin' For Las Vegas - not a VGM remix, original track using samples from the Beavis & Butthead movie Samstag Nacht - not a VGM remix, completely original house track Omnitopia - new beat remix of the Omnitopia theme from Secret Of Evermore (SNES) (no Square Enix samples are being used) Cruisn' Datteln - mostly original house track based on the House Special theme from Cruisn' USA (N64) How High Can You Get? (Level 3) - a... "remix" of the Level 3 theme (yeah, right) from Donkey Kong (Arcade) How High Can You Get? (Level 4) - psychedelic of the Level 4 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) Zum Mond - remix of the second moon level theme from Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy) Six Golden Coins - remix of the intro level theme from Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy) Yoshi! - remix of the scoreboard theme from Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (SNES) The Party Never Ends - remix of the Belgium theme from Super Soccer (SNES) Maverick - fast trancy remix of the theme from Dr. Wily's Castle in Mega Man 2 (Gameboy) Mouse Maze - short remix of the stage 1 theme from the Mouse Maze minigame in Fun 'N' Games (SNES) Sonic The Nitzhog - nitzho-goa-ish remix of the bonus stage theme in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) Endgegner - hardstyle-ish remix of the Bowser battle theme from Super Mario 64 (N64) We hope you enjoy this album and would be happy about any feedback! A very Merry Christmas!
  12. Introduction You've just completed your archaeology degree. You're about to take your experience into the field, where your daily life will include whipping living mummies, breaking ancient pottery, jumping out of airplanes, dodging spikes, and stealing priceless golden artifacts from Nazis before they can use them to take over the world. It's a dangerous job, but you live for thrills, fame, and riches (and, to a lesser extent, the study of past human civilization). Regardless, you're going to need some background music. Sources Definitely approved: La-Mulana, Tomb Raider, 1001 Spikes, Uncharted, Indiana Jones (no tunes from the movies). If you have a different idea, we’re open to other sources. The protagonist of the game needs to be an archaeologist or archaeology-related adventurer primarily; if the character often fills various other roles, their games are not currently eligible (i.e. Mario, who only occasionally appears as an archaeologist). If you’re wondering whether a certain game will be an appropriate choice, listen to the soundtracks listed above and see how well your idea fits in thematically. Check the tracklist or ask one of us for specific recommendations. Style Mysterious temples, heart-pounding action, and everything in between. World instruments and/or influences are highly recommended, but not required. You can be totally serious, you can be a little silly, just keep it in the theme of adventure, exploration, danger, wonder, etc... Deadlines On an individual basis, we'd like to hear from people once a month until they're done. That could mean an extra minute of arrangement, a tweaked snare, or an occasional "my whole family fell to the mummy's curse and I didn't get a chance to work on it." If you don't show any progress or cannot be contacted for three months in a row, we'll remove you from the claims list, though you can come back if your source is still open. We'll work out final deadlines once the project is well on its way; it's possible you'll never have to worry about it. Claims To claim a source, send Hylian Lemon or Mr. Bottle Rocket a private message describing how you plan to approach the arrangement. If you aren't a posted remixer, we'll need some recent examples of your work first. Make sure you're ready to get started on your track at the time of your claim. Goal Official OCR status Other Notes This project is headed by myself and Hylian Lemon, don't hesitate to contact us about any doubts or updates you may have! Tracklist View it through our Google Document.
  13. Hey all! DDRKirby(ISQ) here -- A lot of you might know me from my Katamari and Link's Awakening remixes, but the very first mix I had posted on OCR was a waltz from Touhou 11 that was specifically designed for social/ballroom dancing. That remix was actually part of a larger dance music project that I've been working on for the past 4 years! I'm proud to announce the release of Celestial Melodies, a collection of 23 "9-bit" chiptune tracks designed specifically with social dance in mind. Album link (Bandcamp): https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/celestial-melodies Release trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V695LnQOjHU I've been social dancing for about 6 years and it's been an amazing experience. This album is my way of contributing back to that wonderful community. It's got over an hour of music in my signature 9-bit style, and features a ton of waltzes, as well as some songs for hustle, west coast swing, east coast swing, nightclub two step, and even a handful of irish ceili tunes. Hope you enjoy! --DDRKirby(ISQ)
  14. So hey, Undertale is a year old. Not too early for a MASSIVE TRIBUTE ALBUM, is it? Doug Perry (you may know him around these parts as DrumUltimA) and the Materia Collective organized this tribute album with nearly 100 arrangements of the game's soundtrack. I'm on the album with Marshall Art, and there are at least a handful of other posted OCReMixers on here, so I think it's kosher to have a thread in the community forum, right? http://www.materiacollective.com/music/fallen-undertale-tribute/ https://materiacollective.bandcamp.com/album/fallen-an-undertale-tribute https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/album/fallen-an-undertale-tribute/id1152673403?ls=1&uo=8&at=1l3v4op https://loudr.fm/release/fallen-an-undertale-tribute/S7RFW
  15. We've been asked by the folks at Northwest Majors (a fighting game tournament in Washington) to put together an event album! This is planned to be a digital album release. I need remixes for the following games. Street Fighter V Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Mortal Kombat X BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND - OA Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Skullgirls 2nd Encore Killer Instinct Ultra Street Fighter IV Hit me up. High energy stuff, suitable for combo videos and highlights reels! Need these remixes by end-of-March! Not a lot of time, but you guys are amazing.
  16. I play guitar in this band and we just put out our first collection of music! Five pretty good tracks from games you may or may not have heard of! Bosconian, Ace Attorney, Shovel Knight, Wolfchild, and Gimmick! https://steelsamurai.bandcamp.com/album/criminal-justice-system
  17. I have been working my little pants off at this for about a month and a half. I need some feedback, pronto. Just released yesterday, I launched my Stay Determined album onto Soundcloud with some fairly positive reviews. Lots of likes, reposts and views. Now I need your opinion. Please tell me what you think (I will not tolerate haters) and thank you for listening.
  18. . Today is Marshall Art's fifth anniversary of being a band! To commemorate this, we've gathered up all of the covers we've recorded in the past five years and collected them into a single album. If you've ever wanted to hear Ecco The Dolphin music arranged like a Pink Floyd song (with chiptunes), or Chrono Trigger with elements of Deftones (and chiptunes) thrown in, then we've got the album for you. Bandcamp: https://marshallart.bandcamp.com/album/gallery (pay what you want!) Loudr: http://www.loudr.fm/release/gallery/sC8xq iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/gallery/id1127919212 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Gallery-Marshall-Art/dp/B01HIDV6TA/ Google: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Marshall_Art_Gallery?id=B2rpezvyhnt4uqdztqcck267dfy Stream the album on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3SpBNgs8MrkycLSm306nFb | Tracklist: We've also made a short run of cassette tapes! Each of the 25 copies is individually dubbed onto a different color cassette. The tapes are hand-stamped using custom laser cut wood stamps. The j-cards are all hand painted in color schemes and patterns inspired by the songs on the album. The tapes are housed in orange and black swirl/splatter painted cases. This item is as unique and hand-made as I could reasonably make it, save for hand winding the tapes myself. These will be for sale via our Bandcamp page at noon eastern time. Cassette photos:
  19. I think classic NG hasn't really gotten a lot of love from this community. Sure, there's a ton of covers of "Ashtar's Theme", and "The Parasprinter", but that's just a couple songs. Maybe we could get a collab album of all three games** together? I think it could be rather awesome! **The main reason I suggest doing all three as one album, is because there's a considerable amount of overlap between them. At least to my recollection. (May be time for a re-listen...) Ninja Gaiden 1: Ninja Gaiden 2: Ninja Gaiden 3:
  20. OverClocked University: Spring Break DJ Set GET IT HERE, CHUMS! https://t.co/UStHNTaeop The sun is shining, the waves are crashing, and there is an umbrella in your drink. It’s gotta be spring break! Get down with the latest OCU release, “OverClocked University: Spring Break DJ Set”. It’s sunny, it’s synthy, and every track is completely crossfaded to have a continuous playing time, so the party never stops. Featuring fully-licensed music from: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Bravely Default Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Final Fantasy V Mario Kart Wii NiGHTS… into Dreams Pokemon Black/White The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Street Fighter 2 Tales of Innocence Undertale Xenogears Available soon from OverClocked Records!
  21. Anyway, Here's Wonderwall A Wonderwall Tribute Album 2016/04/01 Anyway, Here's Wonderwall is a tribute to the ubiquitous classic masterpiece Wonderwall, originally released by the English pop band Oasis in 1995. Put together by your pals over at ThaSauce, and many of their friends, it's 15 tracks -- nearly 60 minutes -- of Wonderwall homage, including works by OC ReMixers such as SgtRama, Shael Riley, and Injury, in multiple styles and schools of musical thought, from acoustic guitar covers, to other acoustic guitar covers. And vaporwave. So have a listen, and enjoy. Anyway, Here's Wonderwall. DOWNLOAD HERE
  22. Hello! I'd like to share with you this album by the Pixel Mixers community, organized by myself. We do monthly VGM Cover contest (a bit like DoD but with less advanced musicians) and of course we make free VGM Cover Album. I've started organizing those albums on gametabs.net in 2013, inspired by OCR Work's but with the website community and open to all even beginners... 3 years later i'm doing it with Pixel Mixers (the name of the community on the "VG Cover subreddit"). About this album, it contains covers/remixes of songs from horror games, but also more cartoon games that use the horror lore in some level/stages. The quality vary a bit from song to song, it's more a compilation as each song was mastered by the artist. But some songs definitely worth a listening and if you have some time i'd like to have some feedback to help us improving the quality of our next albums, like maybe having 1 person mastering all the unmastered tracks or some criticism about individual songs Thanks! Track-list CD1 - 0:00 Silent Hill 4 - Tender Sugar [Deiselc1] - 5:28 Adventure in the Magic Kingdom - 999 Ghosts [Hyde209] - 8:32 Castlevania Rondo of Blood - Divine Bloodlines [SlashBib, Draskon] - 11:56 Parasite Eve - Kyrie [Hashel05] - 16:41 Grim Fandango - Manny y Meche [Adam Matlock] - 18:58 Until Dawn - O Death [PyjamaPants] - 21:23 Left 4 Dead 2 - Re Your Brains [Awesomeman321] - 24:02 Silent Hill 2 - Promise (Reprise) [VG Maniak] - 25:58 Rayman Origins - Land of the Living Dead [Lord Bif Music, Marc Papeghin, Vled Tapas, Nat & Alice] - 29:29 Bioshock - Main Theme [David Cookie] - 31:03 Banjo Kazooie - Mad Monster Mansion [Omar1Up] - 34:33 Luigi's Mansion - Main Theme [Ubaldo B] - 38:02 Corpse Party - Chapter 1 & 5 [Haawke] - 43:52 Pokemon - Lavender Town [Christian Richardson] - 48:59 Resident Evil 2 - Save Room [Hashel05] - 51:58 Majora's Mask - Ikana Valley [ImAFutureGuitareHero] - 56:22 Alice Madness Returns - Jack Splatter [Kain White] - 1:00:24 Silent Hill - Main Theme [ShaKe Elite, SwigglesRP] - 1:04:59 Final Fantasy VII - Trail of Blood [Steven Morris] Track-list CD2 - 1:08:38 Silent Hill 2 - Medley [BlackearacheXD, Haawke, SixteenInMono, Paul Farrer, BillyTheBard11th] - 1:32:56 Dino Crisis - Save Room [Hashel05] - 1:34:47 Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Prayer [Soundole VGM, PyjamaPants] - 1:36:53 Super Metroid - Spore Spawn [SwigglesRP] - 1:40:09 Nightmare Creatures - Graves at Highgate [Hyde209] - 1:44:47 Ghost Trick - A Dashing Enigma [David Cookie] - 1:48:30 Parasite Eve - Missing Perspective & Memory 2 [Adam Matlock] - 1:52:10 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis - Staff Roll [SlashBib, Dolkins, Hashel05] - 1:54:49 The Last of Us - The Choice [Srvjimiandkurt] - 1:57:13 Luigi's Mansion - Mini Medley [Andersongs87] - 1:59:48 Dead Space 2 - End Credits [Dolkins] - 2:02:16 Silent Hill - Otherside [Pegster Mc Dudeson, Hashel05] - 2:04:47 Medievil - Cemetery Hill [Hashel05] - 2:07:24 Nightmare Creatures - Third Boss Theme [SharpRainMusic] - 2:10:41 Castlevania - Dance of Illusions [Nemix] - 2:15:57 Deadly Premonition - The Woods and the Goddess [Toxodentrail]
  23. Sup everyone! Super happy to announce that my Kickstarter-doublefunded anime soundtrack album, "Beyond Libra", has been released AND we're having a listening party tonight!! For those unfamiliar, this was an album of original music I wrote over the last 8 years, with lots of stylistic references to composers such as Yoko Kanno, Jo Hisaishi, and Yasunori Mitsuda. I collaborated with several OCR artists on this one, including Jeff Ball, DrumUltima, Jillian "Pixietricks" Aversa, Sixto, Finbeard, Harmony, Audiofidelity, XPRTNovice, Shrack, Snappleman, and Jose the Bronx Rican. We also had three different live choirs (The Philadelphia Boys Choir, The Yale Slavic Chorus, and a Nigerian vocal ensemble) and live orchestra, along with artwork by Keiiii and Star Wars artist Stephen Chang, so it was a gargantuan production across three continents. Kickstarter backers who opted for the digital release should have already received their copy via an emailed bandcamp code; Physical copies will be mailed off later today and tomorrow. The album is available at https://rogetmusic.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-libra for the full release with all our gorgeous disc art, and it'll be available on iTunes, Spotify, and several others soon as well. Listening party will be on Wednesday, March 9th (ie. today) at 10pm EST (7pm PST), courtesy of 8bitX: www.twitch.tv/8bitx Scott Porter (SeattleOvercoat) will host the show, and I'll answer questions and give behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the album's production. Sorry for the short notice, but I hope you guys can make it!
  24. Hi, folks. I asked about making a thread for the album I am working on to keep people updated and get some feedback, like any other normal project thread, they said to put it here. I basically want to keep people updated on the happenings instead of doing it secretly. I'll be posting 2 finished songs here that will be set to post before the album comes out, or whenever the panel gets to them (could be 2 years after the album comes out!) and the rest will likely be 30 second clips. And some bloopers, out-takes, and other goodies, like this choir recording for Embrace the Night. First off, here is which will be near the beginning of the album and has already passed the panel to be posted! Secondly, here is which is a collaboration with Cheryl Norfair on female vocals. It has been submitted to the panel but I have pretty good hopes it'll make it. In conclusion, I won't share the track list because I might submit other songs to DoD. That just gives you MORE REASON to subscribe to this thread. You can also follow my progress on Youtube, and twitter following the hashtag #shadetheday (older tweets aren't showing, no idea why) That is all! Hope you enjoy! Trailer: Tracks Revealed: Aquaria - Lost to the Waves Portal 2 - Exile Vilify The Nomad Soul - New Angels of Promise Xenoblade Chronicles - Beyond the Sky Max Payne 2 - Late Goodbye Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night
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