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Found 17 results

  1. This is a collection of my solo piano covers of my favorite video game music. From Sim City to Silent Hill 2 - I hope I can share some nostalgia with you, let me know if you like the covers. Timestamps in the videodescription!
  2. Hi everyone, I just finished my cover of David Wise's "Aquatic Ambience" from Donkey Kong Country. I primarily used analog synthesizers to compose most of this song. Let me know what you think!
  3. pianocover of "water world" from Donkey Kong Country 3, originally composed by Eveline Novakovic/Fischer for the Super Nintendo. I wanted to do a pianoversion of this song for a long time, diving into it I was very surprised of the twisted chordprogressions and classical influences this piece must have had. Playing the Donkey Kong Country series on the SNES is one of my fondest memories of my childhood. Hope you like it ??
  4. A fun forest tune by Eveline Fischer brought to life with modern instrumentation and software!
  5. Yo guys! Here is my latest composition called "Astronomia". It's space music inspired by DKC series. Has some synthwave vibes. Any feedback is welcome!
  6. Hi :)! I published new music. It's an orchestral track with tribal elements inspired by Donkey Kong Country 2 soundtrack.
  7. Yo! I just updated my mix on this orchestral version and uploaded it on YouTube. Thought about sharing it with you :)! Original song:
  8. Hey guys! This is my take on the Stickerbrush Symphony theme from DKC2. I went for a Joe Satriani feel on the overall track, I hope you guys like it! https://drive.google.com/open?id=15bq3BVBAGtGuEGPSmdlFuQ5oAi8XNPI_
  9. I'd been wanting to tackle "Bonus Room Blitz" for years, and I always had it in mind to arrange it in a classical style. I ultimately decided on a more contemporary piano and string quartet. Also incorporated are bits of "Island Swing" and from DKC2, "Cranky's Conga". Hope you enjoy and thank you for listening!
  10. What's up guys, I'm working on a VGM Remix album. Released a few teasers at my YouTube page. Teaser 1 - Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience Teaser 2 - Chrono Trigger - Opening/Title Theme Teaser 3 - Castlevania Bloodlines - Iron-Blue Intention Music styles will be well varied.. Would be cool to hear what people think, and perhaps find some new subscribers. All the best!
  11. Just something I started on a couple weeks ago. I like the Fear Factory theme from DKC a lot and I've been on an 80s kick lately. I dunno. Could use a bit more variety I suppose? Link to WIP (old, see newest post) Original theme
  12. Hey everyone ! Here's my cover of Fear Factory from Donkey Kong Country. It's my first attempt in this style, so any feedbacks are welcome
  13. So I started to play Banjo-Kazooie on the 360 last night to prepare for Yooka-Laylee... I haven't played the game since last year. Even then, I'm STILL somehow better at it. I forgot how much fun it was. Got through the first level in 13 minutes. (Best time for me.) Two deaths so far, currently on Bubblegloop Swamp (Get someone else to free you, Clanker!) (Tiptup, no one's going to help you with your music if you kill them if they make mistakes...) What's funny is that the top ten spots for overall times/levels/everything are the same people, just sometimes in different spots. Also very happy about the changes and stuff, too (saves EVERYTHING that you do, no more "Save and Quit" to save. NOTES STAY WITH YOU WHEN YOU DIE!) Had to remember the controls, of course. Also: hold the Right Bumber (right trigger on N64) to turn faster when swimming or flying. (Thanks, ADGQ!) Any other tips/codes/games that you've played by Rare, put them down!
  14. Donkey Kong fans! So I did a space remix to the level "Aquatic Ambiance" from Donkey Kong Country for SNES! All that reverb and echo make it sound like Phil Collins song lol. Let me know what you think! MY REMIX ORIGINAL
  15. Hi, this is my take on Cave Dweller Concert by David Wise which I created in the last few months. I am quite satisfied with how this mix finally turned out. What do you think about source arrangement/instrumentation and original writing? Also feel free to tell me anything else that strikes you about it. All sorts of feedback are welcome! Thank you!
  16. Hi. This is my new cover from Snes. Donkey Kong Country is a funny game and the main theme is amazing. I tried here to make it more tribal with african sample. Original theme :
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