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Back when i joined I just used the name Coop, as my real name is Cooper. Someone here already had Coop as a name, so I decided to play off of a joke I always told about ho wmy parents where crazy and actually named me Cupernikus and Cooper was short for it. I changed it to a K. BAM OCR name. however in most places online I go by Kouper.

I should point out that my original account here was made sometime in 99/2000 but I can't remember the account name/password so I lost it.


Used to be an emcee back in the days, with a different name. During a radio show, I mispronounced a few words and it later became an inside joke. A good friend of mine dared me to use it for my beatmaker handle, and that's how Dj Mokram was born. Soon after joining the VG community, I was told by some folks that having DJ in my nick was hurting my chances. Against all odds, I decided to keep it. Now a few years later, I'm thinking of switching things up a bit, but haven't found a clever or not already taken pun yet. So I remain DjM for now.

Oh, and since I was asked a few times: the green moon & star in my logo is actually a platform from Jumping Flash, a game dear to my heart. :wink:


I already posted in this thread five years ago, but I don't think you could get much lamer than a corruption of the gaelic word for 'fork'

though these days I like to pretend that my online personality is a fork of my regular personality


Has anyone heard of an arcade game called T-Mek? It was pretty much the coolest thing when I was in high school. It was a seated combative simulator with stereo sound built into the cabinet and massive rumble when you got hit. At the time, it was incredible. The boss of the game was Nazrac. Move some sounds around, throw in a couple 'X'es, slap on the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, and the rest is history.

Also, special shoutout to SnappleMan. The first time I spoke in #ocremix, he said something along the lines of, "Xarnax42? Now that's a classic 1997 screen name right there." Dead on.

Posted (edited)

In high school, I was writing a story. One of the characters was a clone of the main bad guy who decided he didn't want to follow the path of his progenitor. He (like all of his cloned brothers) had a symbol branded on the back of his neck to differentiate them from the original guy. I needed a name for the clones to identify them, and at the time I was in Spanish class. I flipped to the back of the book to find a Spanish word for "close".

Cerra, is Spanish for "close", unfortunately I neglected to realize this meant close like "close the door" rather than "close to the edge". Regardless, I used this and stuck 'x' on the end because it was 2001 and X's were still cool. So the clones in my story were known as the Cerrax.

Fast forward two years and I released my first album. I had really liked the word Cerrax and decided to make my album look more legit, I'd make a fake "record company" logo called Cerrax Records, complete with the Cerrax symbol that the clones had on the back of their necks. The album tanked, and I was starting to hang around the forums here. My original forum name was Cerrax Records, but that later just became Cerrax.

I have the Cerrax symbol tattooed on the back of my neck, just like the characters in the story. It is also on the banner of my website: http://www.cerrax.com

TL;DR - I wrote a story with beings called the Cerrax. It slowly wriggled its way into my life and became part of my identity.

Edited by Cerrax

Okay I'll bite.

I used to have a more feminine handle way back in like 2001. One day after a hiatus, I forgot the password to that handle. So I just decided to make a new name instead, this time, not gender specific, kind of as an experiment to see how this community would react to me if they thought I was one of the dudes.

I chose Monobrow because I once got in a semi srs bzns strange argument w/ a dude in an AOL chatroom in like 2000 over him using the word "monobrow" over "unibrow" and I thought "Wow I need to stop being so serious over the internet", so I went w/ Monobrow. Also I thought it was cute.

The end.


When I was in elementary school, my at-the-time best friend and I were really into Digimon. We were so into Digimon that we made our own Digi-Destined. I wanted to name mine Jim, but I wanted to spell it in a very different way, to which my friends sister came up with the spelling J-E-H-M. She also came up with the last name Falking, which I somehow misread as Faulking. And that is the origin story of Jehm Faulking.

  • 1 year later...

I'm sorry for not being more musically inclined with my questions, but my curiosity abounds when I see...well, virtually every username...I gotta know! Some are more obvious i.e. names, games and random(?) words and numbers. Was it a nickname? A tribute to something? Did you need let everyone know how cool you are? Saw mine on a knife that was supposed to never dull.


During high school, I worked at a Renaissance Faire. My character was a juggler and a notoriously bad poet. I named my character "Geoffrey Taucer" as a triple entendre:

1) A pun on Geoffrey Chaucer, the author of the Canterbury Tales

2) Pun on "Tosser," because I was a juggler

3) Lol "Tosser"

And I liked the name so much I kept it.


In L.A. around ten years ago. For the "city of angels" it sure has a lot of outlaws. First day I was there they found a dead guy out front of the motel, a standoff in Beverly Hills...sirens everywhere.

Turns out the name isn't as cool or original as I thought since I later found out John Corabi had a band called "The Angel City Outlaws" at one point. :-(

In L.A. around ten years ago. For the "city of angels" it sure has a lot of outlaws. First day I was there they found a dead guy out front of the motel, a standoff in Beverly Hills...sirens everywhere.

Turns out the name isn't as cool or original as I thought since I later found out John Corabi had a band called "The Angel City Outlaws" at one point. :-(

You mean John Kohlrabi? OH SNAP! :< I'm just in a memey mood today.


My big reason for choosing my username was because a bunch of people kept spelling my name wrong. I finally took on the previous username "Double A Ron" because an American girl I liked kept spelling my name like the girl "Erin" even though I had spelt "Aaron" out like my username. I since then changed it to A-Ron after feeling the "Double" would cause flow issues when phonetically speaking the name fast.

Anyway, I'm just ranting. Sure the name is all about me, but it's my catchiest handle, so sue me for keeping it.:tomatoface:

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