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A piece of advice for you people: If you can't wait for supspace emissary mode, just play a Kirby game. From what I've seen, Kirby games and this mode play pretty similarly. So yeah, Kirby.



Lucario looks interesting, I like the aesthetic of his fighting/movement style, but at the same time he looks really laggy to me, and that's already being compared to my melee main, Yoshi. Sonic looks really fun to try to learn, but the way he skitters around so fast seem like it might take some time to be able to control him.

I really want to see something more with the pokemon trainer, and the different pokemon myself (especially Charizard cause dragons are fun!) :D

There's so many characters I want to try out and get great with in this game, instead of just sticky with Yoshi/Link. Whenever I finally get to own it like 2-3 years from now I don't think I'll feel let down in the least.

On a different note, I'm amazed at how well the CP can handle custom stages. (Jigglypuff FS at the end)

That is quite impressive. The stage has an interesting layout with the falling crates providing entrance to the "play area", and the steel walls serving to create a pinball game effect with death awaiting below. I'm surprised the AI didn't run the characters off the side at the top to attempt to get in the fight, which would ultimately lead to death, and instead waited patiently for the crate to fall and allow entrance. Pretty sweet really.

A piece of advice for you people: If you can't wait for supspace emissary mode, just play a Kirby game. From what I've seen, Kirby games and this mode play pretty similarly. So yeah, Kirby.

Yeah, I kinda got that Crystal Shards vibe based on the videos.


I wonder if they will make enough copies for me to just go in and pick up without a reservation.

Don't know if you could. Japan had a blowout in sales of the game. I wonder how bad it will be here?

At least I reserved mine. I don't know if I'll pick it up at midnight...

There's so many characters I want to try out and get great with in this game, instead of just sticky with Yoshi/Link.

That's what I think is so great about SSE. Instead of Melee's one-player mode where you chose one character and played through and unless you got REALLY bored or wanted to unlock that trophy for clearing Adventure with all characters (I never did), you stuck with your one or two characters you KNEW you were good with. SSE, though, actually forces you to use characters you might not be good with or have even used before.

That's what I think is so great about SSE. Instead of Melee's one-player mode where you chose one character and played through and unless you got REALLY bored or wanted to unlock that trophy for clearing Adventure with all characters (I never did), you stuck with your one or two characters you KNEW you were good with. SSE, though, actually forces you to use characters you might not be good with or have even used before.

Eh well, I'm obsessive and beat every mode of the game on easy at least with all the characters. There's 3 or 4 that I beat on hard/very hard and another handful I beat on normal. So I'm still going to try out all the characters, I just don't think I'm going to settle on maining from the start Yoshi like I have for the past two games.


I like the idle animations they made for a lot of the characters. :D


Wow... most of those were underwhelming as hell. Sure, Mario, Link, Samus (non Zero Suit) and a few of the others were pretty spectacular, but everything else was... just... plain. I wasn't even sure if those were Final Smashes except for the video being labelled as such, and the shimmer around the characters.

And I swear I just saw Luigi use Za Worldo on Mario... except it was more hippy smoking drugs than freezing time.

Za Druggo?


I, too wonder what Luigi's is supposed to mean... I figured it might have had to do with ghosts or something but then it just turned into... a bad acid trip, followed by falling off the edge of floating platforms, as any worth-while drug trip does... Otherwise, I thought the Final Smashes were by and large fairly decent, personally. Some were just dull (Ike's FS was made out to be a lot better, but... eh. I would have gone with more fire and explode-y-ness.) Olimar's was awesometastic though, especially when the crowd starts cheering. That was epic.

Also, LOL Arek.

touch fuzzy get ZA WARUDO

I used to play that stage so much in yoshis island, it was pretty amusing to have a drunk/high yoshi stumbling all over the place, also never could get 100% on that one >(

Luigis final smash kind of reminded me of the Futurama when Bender was addicted to jacking in.

You know, Sonic isn't that fast in the games. Comic books and cartoon series' aside, at best he runs about as fast as the original Volkswagen Beetle. 60 MPH and not a yard per second faster. Given all the obstacles he has to navigate on top of that....

His speed hasn't been reduced in the slightest. Play the damn games, fool.

You've got a point. However, Sega themselves have set the record straight on Sonic's official top speed: 721 MPH baby! Sorry I can't link you to something official looking. You'll just have to trust me on this (or don't, it doesn't matter). I'm just presenting a fact.

so anyone else sad about ganon and the fact is he gonns be joke tier? no l-canceling + 35 frames of lag on his forward air (compared to the 12 frames in melee) = sad gannondorf players mainly me

I remember reading that aerials auto-l cancel as long as you fast fall them.

so anyone else sad about ganon and the fact is he gonns be joke tier? no l-canceling + 35 frames of lag on his forward air (compared to the 12 frames in melee) = sad gannondorf players mainly me

and the tourneyfags shed a single tear

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