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ASK A JUDGE: While we're busy NOT voting - your questions, we want 'em

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So I started a remix I was planing for a while, and I had this idea of using the actual source tune for an intro, only the first 12 seconds of it (time-compressed a bit), as sort of an initial transition into the beats.

Source Tune:

Remix, so far, nowhere near done the intro: http://tindeck.com/listen/blpi

Question: May I use the source like this if I intend to submit it later?



I do a lot of remastering for videogames (pretty high quality stuff). I'm wondering if I could technically submit those for judging? I don't just "add a drum loop to the original MIDI" but I take the source file and completely revamp it. It's still the same song straight from the OST, but with high quality VST instruments.

It's a real long shot, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Judge queue begins at feb 2011. How come a mix dating from july 2010 is still stuck in there?

Jul 2010 - Legend of Dragoon 'Deadbeat'

I'm starting to feel sorry for the poor guy/gal.

Also, how can there be a remix of Deus EX Human Revolution when the game (and subsequently OST) hasn't even been released yet?

...unless of course, the person who composed the soundtrack walks among us. :shock:


I can't figure out from the decision what we're waiting for, but we're waiting for something from the remixer on that vote. I'm gonna blame OA for lulz.

The Deus Ex music is a named theme called 'Icarus' from the game used in an E3 trailer.

I can't figure out from the decision what we're waiting for, but we're waiting for something from the remixer on that vote. I'm gonna blame OA for lulz.

Pretty sure the blame is on OA and not just for the lulz. :razz: I think he's personally helping the remixer with that one.

Posted (edited)
You guys do that often? Personally help people to pass? Or is that only for certain (white + rich) people? :<

I think that that is not anyone's business but Andrew's and the remixer's. Also I think what you said is actually very rude.

Edit: also, they personally help people to pass all the time by JUDGING. What else are you expecting?

Edited by Level 99

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