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ASK A JUDGE: While we're busy NOT voting - your questions, we want 'em

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Posted (edited)
I live to give.

Your givings are well received, good sir :-)

Was totally hoping it wouldn't hit 1 month, especially after getting 2 new joojes. Totes makes you guys look bad. I mean even if it's just superficial updating, best to make it not look like it sits untouched for an entire month. :-D

Thank you!

It looks like it went forward a month too, unless I'm mistaken (June 1st to July 1st) Very good work :nicework:

Edited by Brandon Strader
I naturally assumed the newbie judges became lazy like the old ones. :-P You have to bring in more new judges than old timers, otherwise it just spreads to the newbies. That's just science.

I dunno, introducing a small amount of something to battle a large virus (like say taking cold medicine or something) totally works -- the newbie judges, as you put it, could totally rejuvenate the others rather than becoming old and tired themselves, but it would be a hard fight. It's definitely possible though.

I naturally assumed the newbie judges became lazy like the old ones. :-P You have to bring in more new judges than old timers, otherwise it just spreads to the newbies. That's just science.


The newbie judges became judges on Dec 13th and judged like crazy fools right up through Christmas and to New Years, at which time we both (in fact, MOST of the judges) went to MAGFest. After that, many of the judges including myself became amazingly SICK and have been doing their best to recover and get back to the voting bizzz. I did seven tracks yesterday.

[/defensive rant] :-P


The newbie judges became judges on Dec 13th and judged like crazy fools right up through Christmas and to New Years, at which time we both (in fact, MOST of the judges) went to MAGFest. After that, many of the judges including myself became amazingly SICK and have been doing their best to recover and get back to the voting bizzz. I did seven tracks yesterday.

[/defensive rant] :-P

You can stay.


Many months ago (probably August or September), I sent the judges a re-submission of one of my remixes, which also appears in the recent DKC3 album. The original album remix got NOed, then I made some edits and changes according to the feedback I got and re-submitted that. I have not heard back from the judges about this, nor has it appear in the "To Be Judged" list (I feel it hasn't been updated in an eternity though)

Few questions about this: How can I be sure the re-submission didn't just fall through? Maybe the changes in the mix weren't great enough to be re-judged?

And in the case that an edited, improved form of the original album track does get posted, does it count as its own track or part of the album?

Many months ago (probably August or September), I sent the judges a re-submission of one of my remixes, which also appears in the recent DKC3 album. The original album remix got NOed, then I made some edits and changes according to the feedback I got and re-submitted that. I have not heard back from the judges about this, nor has it appear in the "To Be Judged" list (I feel it hasn't been updated in an eternity though)
The judging status page says:
Mixes subbed prior to July 1, 2013 on the panel.

If you submitted a mix on or after this date, your mix is still in the submissions inbox and will not appear on this page.

Since you said the original submission was 8/13 or 9/13, and they're on 7/13 now, they haven't caught up to your resub yet. The only reason your original one went through so fast was because of the album. Check with them if the date on that page is later than the date of your resubmission.
And in the case that an edited, improved form of the original album track does get posted, does it count as its own track or part of the album?
Usually updated versions of album tracks are still flagged as being part of the album. I suppose it might not if you altered it drastically enough. They'd probably contact you to discuss it, though.

Every so often we skim through the inbox for resubmissions to post to the panel. Because they are resubs, they do get priority for making it onto the panel, which is usually why you see some mixes that are far ahead of the 'Currently' date. What I do personally when looking for a resub is to search the keywords ("resubmission", "resub", "re-submission"). If you didn't give us any indication that it was a resub in your email it might have been missed.

Meanwhile, send me a PM of the date you sent it and the name of it and stuff and I'll take a look for you. :)

The judging status page says:

Since you said the original submission was 8/13 or 9/13, and they're on 7/13 now, they haven't caught up to your resub yet. The only reason your original one went through so fast was because of the album. Check with them if the date on that page is later than the date of your resubmission.

Usually updated versions of album tracks are still flagged as being part of the album. I suppose it might not if you altered it drastically enough. They'd probably contact you to discuss it, though.

I know you're trying to help, but please don't answer questions if you're not a Judge.

I know you're trying to help, but please don't answer questions if you're not a Judge.

...because your answer wasn't actually accurate as to why we hadn't gotten to that track. :lol: Had to explicitly say that, just to be clear that THAT's why we ask peeps not to answer for us if they're not on the (evil) panel.


My apologies. Once of my duties at work is to intercept common questions that get asked all the time, so the administrators don't spend their precious time on that sort of thing, so I guess I get into that habit. I'll refrain from trying to "help" in that manner going forward.

My apologies. Once of my duties at work is to intercept common questions that get asked all the time, so the administrators don't spend their precious time on that sort of thing, so I guess I get into that habit. I'll refrain from trying to "help" in that manner going forward.

It's no big deal. I'll have to add a section in the Submissions Standards about resubmissions that lays things out in some detail so that we can clarify how it works, so thanks for the nudge. :-)


I'm not 100%, but I swear sometime recently that there was a re-release of Relics of the Chozo with MP3 files and better tagging. If it's true all I'm able to find is the original torrent on main page for the album. Is there anyway to get this MP3 download now?

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