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Yumm, this remix isn't done in the original instruments that made it, but somehow it reminds me a lot of the beeping type music of the Virtual Boy, thats good in two aspects. One, I really don't like the sound of beeping synths (like NES music), and two I really enjoy mixes that are true to the original. Very good stuff, I almost wet my pants seeing the game on the screen, hehe :D


I love the wall of sound this mix creates. So many little bleeps and blips my mind can't comprehend the madness! I love when my my mind can't comprehend something. But seriously, it's McVaffe. I think any TRUE lover of remixed game music will d/l this mix. Not to mention it's a Virtual Boy remix. HA! Virtual Boy... :P


Hehehe. I liked this song for the most part. Has anye one here ever heard of Dj Trance. No, I mean the ORIGINAL Dj Trance. The guy that basically invented goa and psy trance. Well anyways the style of this song was very similar to one his most famous songs. It is called trancesexual. No, I mean the ORIGINAL trancesexual. There a million songs out now with that name. Anyways this is my little rating system.

| 10 | Concept:

A perfect TEN! concept is the general feeling that an artist is trying to create when he/she makes a song. In this case McVaffe nailed this one perfectly. All the riffs, including percussion fit flowed flawlessly.

| 3 | Repetition/Timing:

Ouch! This song's main weakness is undoubtedly it's rampant repetition. It took FOREVER to change in several areas. Any lesser song would have completely fallen apart. This is a huge compromise to concept more than anything else which is why I listed it second.

| 8.5 | Synths/Samples:

Extremely good synth work here. To some people it may seem like just a bunch of beeps yet it was this exact almost retro sound that really helped solidify the concept. My only problem is that some of the synths caused signifiacant pain to my ears. I think the freq. was too high along with the already top notes pitch on certain sounds.

| 9 | Structure:

Very well done. Everything seemed to be in the right order. I noted a few very minor extemely insignificant areas where things were a little out of place so to speak. But as far as I'm concerned it's practically perfect for what I think McVaffe was trying to do.

| 7 | Transitions:

The transistions in the beginning of the song are beyond brilliant; particularly the one that begins at :24 and pitch shifts like mad. Unfortunately as the song progresses..... .....they seem to digress. The intro and and ending were a bit well......... There weren't really any. It just sort of began and then builtup then just ended abruptly.

This rating is carried mostly by the few displays of brilliance where Mcvaffe really showed his Vinyl.

| 6.8 | Overall:

I thouroghly enjoyed this song. Although I have never played the game or even used the system, I somehow get the feeling that McVaffe more than adequately fulfilled and built upon the original's song's intent and feel. I recommend this mix to anyone for at least ONE listen. Once again the hefty length and mad repetition kind of ruins it for me a little but didn't entirely prevent me from enjoying this song overall.


Much repetition...too much. This song didn't need to be this long. Other than that, sweet synths, clean sounds, cool effects like the beeps that add a lot to the mix, and competent drums. Pretty cool song. Where is the ending?


I really enjoy this remix, especially the changes at 1:52 and 2:22. It sounded like a pretty awesome robot was singing to me about something.. err that robots like to sing about. :)


Great stuff again by McVaffe. Here' we have a fusion going on. Trance and Freestyle. Yea, must be true about Long Islander's and their Freestyle loving. And then it breaks off into some Epic'ish moodness. and finally back to the freestyle goodness. I myself am a fan of this type of sound, especially for gaming. This remix got game remix written all over it. It's 80'ish rythm, fused with today's technology, and subtle strings and winds, makes this worth the download for any retro gamer.

My only wish was for some ambiant sounds like rain&thunder, or windy forest in the background. Im hoping McVaffe will take this next step into the world of sound. :hint:


Hi McVaffe! Pretty damn slick mix here, Though not my favorite Genre - I found this more then enjoyable, Deffinitely a keeper - on top of that -> You Remixed Red Alarm, Bonus Points!

0:01 - I love the synth techno feel right here..the bassline sounds cool too.. does a great job of getting you in the mood.

0:21 - Love the selection of instruments here..

0:30 - Cool work, but .. I think the drumbeat could be just a tiny tiny bit louder. Also, Though i know how the original sounds, and the notes your using Are for the original, i don't like how they fit here. but it only lasts for about 7 seconds

0:48 - More Cool Snyth-y work here.. love it.

1:00 - The lead fits really well, I love how its used.. and you do a great job of keeping it interesting, That i like :P

1:22 - Though.. I can't quite put my finger on it, while this mix is really sweet, Im constantly waiting for you to just let everything go and push at it even more..but .. for some reason i don't see that happening.

2:00 - Not my favorite part here, but it sounds pretty good, and it works.

2:30 - Sweet part here.. feels like your building up to something, i Hope so.

2:52 - Cool Synth intro..more building..Long song.

3:20 - No climax - but .. i love this part right here..Almost forces you to dance to it in some respect.

4:03 - On my tastes, that simple, synth lead has gotten boring by this point :( i wish you would've mixed it up a bit more, i think this is the 3rd, maybe even 4th time its played. although the backround is always Dynamic and changes every time, but you gotta mix the lead up too!

4:48 - Cool change, but Id still like to see More. Your still not pulling out all the stops that i think you could've.

5:05 - I dislike the ending here..its just a simple fadeout.. while I think it works, Mcvaffe, i know your capable of more :P

  • 8 months later...

Of the 642 tracks I have downloaded from this site, this one here rates in my top... hmm... ::counts::... 5. Maybe my top 3. And that's after I've had it for 9 months, and listened to it many times. I don't remember falling in love with it instantly, but this one really grew on me over time.

Note: Best effect is achieved with a powerful subwoofer. Although I still like this piece while wearing headphones, it's not the same.

  • 2 months later...

i believe this to be among those tracks i find to be the pinnacle of mankind's dream to create music.

though it definately has a very special niche, it's definately beyond greatness.

  • 2 months later...

Great Song; this track just oozes with style while not sounding cheesy at all. Like many have said already a little more variation would be nice but then most of the Techno-type songs have few variations. Definitely one of the best songs on this site.

  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

I've never played Red Alarm, I've never even heard of the game but from this song I can tell it has sweet music! The style and instruments McVaffe's chosen are great!

1:21-1:28, I wish McVaffe emphasized this part later on in the song or made it stick out.

Just before 1:50 it starts to build up, I was waiting for something amazing but instead it all falls apart and splits into a seperate section. The same thing happens again at 3:20 and once more at 4:21. McVaffe should have pushed it and kept it going.

Oh well, still an excellent song!

  • 5 weeks later...

I have never played a Virtual Boy, never mind Red Alarm, but this remix seems to capture the atmophere of the system perfectly! 8/10

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

I think I was one of the few that dared to look into the scope of that infernal machine. Kinda screwed with my vision afterwards @_@

Anyway, I don't remember much of the music, and I don't really need to. McVaffe got this song down so well you can just imagine yourself on a red-wire jet, shooting down the enemy in the thin-red-line world that McVaffe painted so well.

This one's a classic, hyped up shooter song, don't miss it!

  • 1 month later...

This one is super crisp and clean, the synths are all very well balanced and panned, so you can hear every element at all times. I do think a little more bass would have made it rock a bit more, but it's still very nice.

Arrangement does get a bit repetitive, but there is plenty going on, and the grooves are pretty hot, so it doesn't detract as much as it could have. There is an underlying current of development, and it seems to work its way from the bottom to the top, which is a pretty cool sonic effect.

Lack of an ending is too bad, but the song itself can stand on it's own.

Good stuff.

  • 3 years later...

Where are the reviews? This is one of McV's latter tracks. It's got the same clear production you've come to expect. Here he takes on a more obscure source but pulls it off nonetheless. This is mostly electronic with some throwbacks to his earlier Castlevania Adventure mix among others.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00914 - Red Alarm "Red Dimension"
  • 7 years later...
Posted (edited)

The synth quality in this song and arrangement is absolutely on point.  The panning is great in the beginning and it's always a pleasure to listen to MkVaff's work.  The intricate percussion is also fun to listen to - Thank you!

Edited by Xaleph

Very classic McVaffe, an evolution of his Vortex theme (#496). Love the processing in this, very faithful to the feel that I'm getting from the very limited view of the game I have. Spacey and epic B section that recapitulates with that sweet lead. The groove in this is phenomenal.

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