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Well like I said, don't forget about the BACK of the card. Barcode can go on the back.

Anyway I want to remind people that since these cards are going to be in meatspace as opposed to on the webs, we should try to stay away from too many embossed/shadow effects. That stuff looks great on a screen, but doesn't always look so great printed out.


This thread is awesome...I'm going to attack my scanners until they work, try to post something this week.

Maybe it's not OCRemix status that should affect color/design, maybe each "level" (for lack of an immediately better word) should have different icons/colors/patterns/layouts available? Possibly I worded that wrong, but just putting it out there...


I like all the designs, yes even yours Skrypnyk, but who is gonna choose which one wins? Is it gonna be a poll or something?

I think I would be satisfied with:

*Forum name

*Real name

*Join date

*Special markings (i.e. remixer, judge, project coordinator, etc.)

*Real picture

*and the Barcode (just for fun)

Plus achievements!!!1

Well, not quite, but it would be an interesting endeavor to give a point value to some qualities (like no. of remixes done, projects participated etc.) I was thinking of rep points that can be traded between members, but that would probably just cause friction in the community.

Plus achievements!!!1

Well, not quite, but it would be an interesting endeavor to give a point value to some qualities (like no. of remixes done, projects participated etc.) I was thinking of rep points that can be traded between members, but that would probably just cause friction in the community.

The only way I could see achievements working is if there were boxes on the back for us to fill in our remix numbers or something, kinda like my blood donation card has space on the back to put when I've donated. Otherwise I'd want a new one each time I did something new.

I like all the designs, yes even yours Skrypnyk, but who is gonna choose which one wins? Is it gonna be a poll or something?

I still think people should be able to pick, via some system or other...


What I currently have:


Card Back:




These could be easily modified as well, as I still have the .psd files of them. This was just an experiment on them. Might tweak them more later if we're really gonna make this an "official" thing. Just picture them laminated.


The black is just so you can see the rounded edges. I decided to go with the black scan line like credit cards have but I could change it around to have a barcode instead. I personally like it with the black scan line. I also made two different front faces for the card. Couldn't decide which I like better.



I'll admit, I didn't care much for the idea until I saw José's stuff. As much as I appreciate other ideas, José's base looks the coolest. The font for the names could be cooler, but otherwise, clearly the most polished and creative idea.

I wouldn't put forum avatars on anything; copyright violation.

Great! Yet another card to add to my long list of videogame related cards in my wallet.

But seriously I am totally down with idea. Heck I'd even pay for one to support my favorite way to waste time at work.

What he said

Offtopic, but I do recall q-pa doing a video game music set at MAGFest.
*cough cough*

I didn't want to get involved, but yeah...

That's true, and it was good, but he only actually scratched for a second at the end.

I would've done more, but I had technical difficulties to attend to and only 10 minutes anyway. I'm a much better mixer than scratcher.

I already have an OCR tag of sorts: my dog-tag I got from that guy at MAGFest 5 last year.


I was going to get a Koopa on the back or something this year, but the guy wasn't there.

Cool ideas, all. Certainly would help with introductions at meetups. ;-)

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