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I'm surprised people here are still paying attention to him. :?

That's dangerous thinking there, buddy.

With Jack's very public actions, he's the perfect example of an over-zealous twit. By having him out there in the spotlight, he makes every other anti-video game effort look stupid by association. Remember when that church group denied they were working with Thompson? He said in one of his annoying emails that he was working with them a part of a study or something. They immediately sent out a press release that he was not part of any study at all, and they would appreciate it if he would never use their name again.

That's his true usefulness. Let him stand out on the corner, ranting and screaming all he wants. No one would dare stand along with him, because he simply devalues the entire effort made by others like him.

Besides, do you really want someone to replace him? Someone that actually has tact and can act like a normal person? Think about how much damage someone with a pretty face and coherent arguments could do.

Leave the idiot in his place. Let him make a fool of himself and his agenda. It's in our best interests for now.

So we can finally, officially, and happily stop talking about Jack Thompson ever again?


QFFE. You can guess what the second F is for.

Jack Thompson has hurt the video game industry as much as Dan Quayle hurt the TV industry in the early 90s. Get over it.


Who cares about him anymore? This is how he get his attention in the first place- People reading about his upcomings and downfalls. Yes, this is another victory for us gamers, but still. Thompson loves any form of media coverage.

I know it been said a million times, but we need to just ignore him.


Eat it! (Eat it!)

Eat it! (Eat it!)

Take this dead horse and beat it!

Weee all know Jack is

preeeetty out there.

Weeee've heard all this so

much we don't care.

So eat it.

But in all seriousness, this guy's pretty much a dead issue. He's shot himself in the foot so many times, that no one will ever take him seriously on this. His act has more or less gotten to the same level as Howard Stern... same shit, different day. It's gone stale, and the punchline has faded through overuse. His job is basically dead, his cause is mostly in tatters, and he's simply lost that bull's eye that made him an easy target to make fun of.

Thanks for the laughs Jack. GGNM.

I'm surprised people here are still paying attention to him. :?

And why shouldn't we? He was one of the major enemies of the gaming industry as was the tons of misguided allegations that got nowhere. This legal notice puts a firm foot down against slanderous litigations against the liberty of game developers to make the games they want.

Objectively, it's big news. I don't really buy the argument that the best way to deal with adversity is to ignore it, or that Thompson wasn't a threat. Because there are millions of misguided people who actually bought into it. Thankfully, the vast millions more are smart to see it as frivolous as was the court. This is something to be thankful for.

And why shouldn't we? He was one of the major enemies of the gaming industry as was the tons of misguided allegations that got nowhere. This legal notice puts a firm foot down against slanderous litigations against the liberty of game developers to make the games they want.

Objectively, it's big news. I don't really buy the argument that the best way to deal with adversity is to ignore it, or that Thompson wasn't a threat. Because there are millions of misguided people who actually bought into it. Thankfully, the vast millions more are smart to see it as frivolous as was the court. This is something to be thankful for.

Where are these millions of misguided people who bought it? I have not seen one ever mentioned by the media, which you would expect if so many did buy it, or ever seen one in person.

The point was that Jack Thompson's influence over politicians was long lost as more and more saw him as almost universally disliked, so why give attention to such a non-issue? Furthermore, he was disbarred a while ago, which was an end onto itself.

Where are these millions of misguided people who bought it? I have not seen one ever mentioned by the media, which you would expect if so many did buy it, or ever seen one in person.

The media paid every attention to Jack Thompson for the 6+ years since the Columbine incident (elaborating a bit further, web information says he was at it since 1997..)and he had an insane amount of coverage. How many times I wandered onto CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC or any other newsmagazine covering Thompson and his support for videogame censorship, it is simply innumerable. I do not buy your idea that he did not have media exposure. Because that is factually false. Like I said, the millions of actual gamers who know about their games know he is an idiot. But what about all the idiotic non-gamers who are easily swayed by the idea that games in general are harmful? Thompson was just another fuel to the fire. It wasn't successful, but he did nag on the gaming issue for almost a decade. That is NOT insignificant.

The point was that Jack Thompson's influence over politicians was long lost as more and more saw him as almost universally disliked, so why give attention to such a non-issue? Furthermore, he was disbarred a while ago, which was an end onto itself.

Yes, he has since lost his significance. But this was the final nail in the coffin not only for Thompson but slanderous and exploitive litigations as well. You saying it is a non issue doesn't automatically make it one for me. You aren't really selling me on that. The only way I can see it making any sense is if you're spinning it in some layman-speak.

Where are these millions of misguided people who bought it? I have not seen one ever mentioned by the media, which you would expect if so many did buy it, or ever seen one in person.

The point was that Jack Thompson's influence over politicians was long lost as more and more saw him as almost universally disliked, so why give attention to such a non-issue? Furthermore, he was disbarred a while ago, which was an end onto itself.

He hasn't been disbarred yet. The ruling from that case is still pending.

He hasn't been disbarred yet. The ruling from that case is still pending.

It's only a matter of time. GamePolitics' special features these last few days make it painfully obvious that JT did nothing but shoot himself in the foot repeatedly during the entire run of his disbarment trial. There's always the possibility that the judge is actually an idiot and will let him keep his license, but I doubt it, as she witnessed firsthand the unprofessionalism and and misconduct which resulted in those Bar complaints being filed against JT in the first place.

It's only a matter of time. GamePolitics' special features these last few days make it painfully obvious that JT did nothing but shoot himself in the foot repeatedly during the entire run of his disbarment trial. There's always the possibility that the judge is actually an idiot and will let him keep his license, but I doubt it, as she witnessed firsthand the unprofessionalism and and misconduct which resulted in those Bar complaints being filed against JT in the first place.

That's why I said "yet."

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