LuckyXIII Posted May 25, 2008 Posted May 25, 2008 CHECK IN At the end of this week - weighing in at 195! A six lb. loss since I started two weeks ago, and only this past week was the first one to really have a routine. I'm doing 500+ calories burnt a day on DDR MAXX2. I stayed with the same weight for the weight training I'm doing, but after feeling really good with it today, I think I will bump the max up five or ten pounds. Overall, my energy level is going up, I just need to guard my rest. This club was a great idea! Quote
Random Hajile Posted May 25, 2008 Posted May 25, 2008 Weekly Check In: I was a little lax this week, I missed two days of running, but It was because I was in negotiations for my new car and I was too excited to think about stuff. But I'm losing weight and becoming a lot more toned. I'm starting to get very excited! Time to kick it up a notch! Quote
The Derrit Posted May 25, 2008 Posted May 25, 2008 Weekly checkin: I had practice all this week as i had, and between yesterday and today, my novice crew and i raced our way to a 2nd place finish in the ACRA national championship. Should've won but that's neither here nor there. This coming week is the beginning of my scheduled training so i'll be letting you guys know all about that in more detail then. Quote
Steben Posted May 26, 2008 Author Posted May 26, 2008 Ha! I ran for 30 minutes straight today, so I made my goal. Now I gotta decide if I want to work towards running longer, or running faster. Quote
Blake Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 Three days I've gone with about a 500 calorie deficit. I feel awesome, on the way to shedding my freshman fifteen (slowly but surely). I went to a movie last night, really sad that I couldn't have popcorn. But afterward I was really thankful that I didn't have a 1650 calorie bucket of grease and salt, stomach wise, energy wise, and mentally. I have this horrible obsession with movie popcorn, but I guess my abstaining from popcorn is a testament to my commitment to getting rid of the flab. Oh and I love five dollar foot longs. Quote
The Dennis Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! Nah, actually I've been here since the last thread, I just don't come to these forums often at all. So, I was at 258 when we started, and I'm at 255 now. Not the biggest weight loss ever, but I had a full-time job on my feet and severe sleeping problems that kept me from doing much more than watching my diet. Let's just say I've cut the excess stress out of my life recently, and will be happily joining you all this summer!! My -goal-? Let's go for 230 or less, and a 7:00 mile or less. This is NOTHING for most of you, but it's all about personal achievement, yes? This is the part where I wanna go all 'Bob had bitch tits' and make this feel like a support group. I'm glad I'm here, though. Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 Yea, the only person we are trying to beat here is ourselves. Quote
Vivi22 Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 Weekend update a day late: This past week sucked for exercise. Diet stayed about the same except for Saturday. Didn't get any exercise in Monday and Tuesday though. Wednesday I did a workout at the playground. It consisted of chinups to failure, one armed rows (using a bar that's about 2.5 feet off the ground give or take), followed by 5 dips on parallel bars then walking to the other side on my hands and doing 5 more. In between each set I would jog half way down the soccer field that's there and then sprint back for the next set. After all of those sets I did a set of 5 sprints up a small hill. Did that all twice with a small rest in between then finished off with some sets of chinups rows and dips without the sprinting. Thursday I went climbing again. Friday I biked downtown to pick up my comic books, then to my fiances and then back. Spent about two hours on the bike through all that. I even got caught in a bit of a downpour on the way home. Pretty sure everyone driving past me thought I was insane, but I love biking in the rain. No exercise Saturday since I was too busy all day. I also let the diet slide since it was my sister's birthday. Cheated big time with some pizza, cake, and irish car bombs but was back on the diet track yesterday (though I didn't work out on Sunday either). Quote
Global-Trance Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 Today I woke up with a somewhat irritated throat and just plain all around gross feeling. I'm taking this as a sign to rest for an extra day. Probably will do push-ups and sit-ups and other basic stuff later on though. Quote
Steben Posted May 27, 2008 Author Posted May 27, 2008 Okay, we're missing DragonAvenger and Lord.Roderick.i from this past weekend... you guys should let us know you're still alive and participating asap. Three days I've gone with about a 500 calorie deficit. I feel awesome, on the way to shedding my freshman fifteen (slowly but surely). I went to a movie last night, really sad that I couldn't have popcorn. But afterward I was really thankful that I didn't have a 1650 calorie bucket of grease and salt, stomach wise, energy wise, and mentally. I have this horrible obsession with movie popcorn, but I guess my abstaining from popcorn is a testament to my commitment to getting rid of the flab. Oh and I love five dollar foot longs. Five Dollar Foot Longs are a gift from God. Two meals pretty much, for $2.50 each. Do you want to join the game, Blake? I don't think you've posted here before. -- Anyway, I wanted to try and see if I could repeat my performance from yesterday, running 30 minutes straight. However, we ended up visiting family for Memorial Day, and I spent the afternoon swimming and playing with my younger cousins, and now it's raining outside, so I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow. Swimming today reminded me how much I like it, though... I should start going to the pool at my school when I get back into town. Quote
The Xyco Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 Hey, I promise I am still alive and into this. Sorry for not updating for the past couple of weeks. Just got moved into Washington a couple of days ago. I've pretty much figured out that it'll exceptionally easy not to pack on any weight this summer, especially when I don't have a car and my daily commute will involve walking at least 2-3 miles up and down the national mall. Add to that, my living quarters come with a downstairs exercise bike and bench equipment. It's shanty at best, but it's convenient. Still in search of a gym to join here. Anyone know any good health clubs/ gyms to join in the Capitol Hill district? Let me know. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 Bah, I never post on time. Week was alright, though I wasn't very motivated. I managed to walk the days I planned, but cold weather prevented biking. This week's looking better. Bought a $5 pedometer. Not sure how effective it really is, but I plan to use it to see about how much I'm walking a day. I also managed to pull out DDR today, and man do I suck. Like B-C on easy. No footly coordination whatsoever. Quote
Steben Posted May 27, 2008 Author Posted May 27, 2008 Hey, I promise I am still alive and into this. Sorry for not updating for the past couple of weeks. Hey, good to hear from you. I moved you back to the active participants, but you should let us know how you've been sticking with your plan over the past couple weeks when you get a chance. You aren't disqualified if you haven't done anything, but you should let us know. In general, guys, if you're gonna be out of touch for a while, give me a heads up and I won't move you from the active to inactive list if you don't post within a week. Sending me a message via PM ensures that I will see it. Also, thanks for checking in DragonAvenger. Quote
Katsurugi Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 The worst of all of my summer plans is now over. I am relieved to say that I can now begin to go to the gym and exercise on a more regular basis (hopefully 4 times a week). This weekend was a mixed bag involving activity and diet. I went to my cousin's wedding in Chicago. I did eat a lot of Subway and walked around Millenium Park a lot. But at night, I also seemed to eat more junk food and snacked more often than I normally do. Either which way, I didn't get to fit in my normal exercise routine. I weighed myself the other week. It came out to be 136 lbs with my shoes on. I'll take them off when I do it again today. I think that I am more comfortable pushing an extra 5 lbs. than I'm used to. Slowly but surely, yes, I am making some progress. Running, 2 miles approximately 15 minutes. Bench Press, 15 reps (x1) @ 50 lbs. Bench Press, 12 reps (x3) @ 55 lbs. Sit ups, 40 reps (x4) Inclined bench press, 12 reps (x4) @ 55 lbs. Bicep curls, 12 reps (x4) @ 20 lbs. Attempt handstands until I give up There is this machine at the gym that isolates the biceps. It isn't a free weight sort of deal. But I really wonder why my biceps are so freakin' weak! Maybe it's because the weights are positioned higher than I'm used to, but only being able to push to 20 lbs is kind of depressing. I'd like to think that I can do at least 30... As for handstands, last time I was at the gym, I maintained balance for a good half a second... which just might be me slowly losing balance. But it's better than just planting my feet on the wall. I will have to remember fingertips for the next time. Quote
LuckyXIII Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 I also managed to pull out DDR today, and man do I suck. Like B-C on easy. No footly coordination whatsoever. Take heart! For it takes practice and a little time to rebuild stamina and skill. Took me about a week to get back in the groove. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 Take heart! For it takes practice and a little time to rebuild stamina and skill. Took me about a week to get back in the groove. Yea I hadn't played regularly for almost 2 years and it took me a couple weeks to get back into the groove of doing heavy songs, though I still can't do them great . Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Finally got a bit of work done today. I was still a bit limited by my wrist, but I managed to get in 10 muscle-ups, 15 bulgarian dips, 15 pull-ups, and 2 sets of 15 seconds in a stretch-band assisted cross before my wrist started hurting too much to keep going. Then I did some hanging toe-touches (10, with #5 and #10 held for 5 seconds), some arch lifts (same deal as the toe-touches), 60 calf raises, and 30 lunge jumps. Spent about 45 minutes working flexibility. Splits and shoulder stretches, mainly. Quote
Blake Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Okay, we're missing DragonAvenger and Lord.Roderick.i from this past weekend... you guys should let us know you're still alive and participating asap.Five Dollar Foot Longs are a gift from God. Two meals pretty much, for $2.50 each. Do you want to join the game, Blake? I don't think you've posted here before. -- Anyway, I wanted to try and see if I could repeat my performance from yesterday, running 30 minutes straight. However, we ended up visiting family for Memorial Day, and I spent the afternoon swimming and playing with my younger cousins, and now it's raining outside, so I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow. Swimming today reminded me how much I like it, though... I should start going to the pool at my school when I get back into town. I suppose I'll join the game. Goal: My goal right now is to get my BMI down to below 20%, but I plan on adding some pounds of muscle along the way. I'm at about 27%. Plan: I've been eating less more often, but have also been consuming less food than in college (and less junk food than in college too). I'm going to continue strength training every other day and throw in cardio as often as possible. I've been doing it on both non-lifting and lifting days. Quote
Steben Posted May 28, 2008 Author Posted May 28, 2008 Woo, 'ran another 30 minutes today! I wonder how far I went in that time... I'll have to go over the path I ran in my car later today, and use the odometer to find out... probably less than three miles, but still, it's an improvement over the past, I'm sure. I think later this summer I'll work on getting my single-mile time down. I think I'm running the first mile at around 9 minutes, but that's as a part of the longer runs I've been doing. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Start working out in about an hour or so for the first time this summer session. Would have started yesterday if the fucking car didn't die and make us not get home until after the campus gym was closed. Will probably start slow. Quote
MechaFone Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Well, I was really worried about myself this summer. But it seems work will see me through! Today was the first full day at work I've had this week since the summer schedule started. I painted all day, and to my satisfaction, it kept me moving all day as well. My team and I completed five different rooms in eight hours, from top to bottom (excluding baseboards.) Today, I felt better than I have in MONTHS. Moving all day and working all day made me very, very happy. It was strenuous, sweaty work, -and- I had nothing but water to drink all day. Hell, if I can keep this up and sweat off some pounds this summer, I'll consider myself well on my way to completing my goal. Quote
Steben Posted May 29, 2008 Author Posted May 29, 2008 Start working out in about an hour or so for the first time this summer session. Would have started yesterday if the fucking car didn't die and make us not get home until after the campus gym was closed. Will probably start slow. Do you want to join the game? Post your fitness goal and plan, and you're in! Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 29, 2008 Posted May 29, 2008 Do you want to join the game? Post your fitness goal and plan, and you're in! No specific plan, just hit the campus gym every workday and then we'll see about weekends. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 30, 2008 Posted May 30, 2008 Did a bit of flexibility today, but no strength aside from one press handstand on rings -- which hurt my wrist too much to do anything more. Quote
noTuX Posted May 30, 2008 Posted May 30, 2008 Sorry for not posting an update in a while. Been kinda busy. I'm glad to say that my leg strength is improving a bit and I'm gaining more stamina by doing alot of Stair Master exercises. As for my abs....they still suck. I just cant seem to motivate myself enough to dedicate more time to them. And I still don't have a concrete workout schedule set yet. I just kinda do what I feel like doing. Does anyone have any recommendations for a athletically built person looking to improve overall stamina, abs, and leg strength? Quote
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