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Woah. Definitely a good take on the Ocean Palace theme. I get this song stuck in my head alot playing through my mp3's (from other remixes), however, this version definitely grooves. Listening with my headphones at work, I can hear no major flaws.

Nicely done, Audix.

*instant download for the Incubus inspired title :)*

8O Spot on.

This mix was killer from the first WIP about a year ago. Gregg really has an awesome style that provides a lot of energy and emotion for his mixes. The low piano hits in the intro really set the mood for the song. Loved the leads throughout, they cut through the soundscape without being too overbearing. AWESOME STUFF!


Absolutely phenomenal, Audix. Listening to this one alongside your other two, this one beats out "Days' End", and gives some damnably ferocious competition to the excellent "Devastation's Doorway". Music like this makes me hope some of the composers occasionally look for fan remixes of their work, because I suspect Mitsuda himself would be exceedingly impressed; I would think drastic, unorthodox reworkings of the source material would be well within his tastes, judging by his work on Brink of Time and Creid.

As to the merits of the actual song itself... First off, I honestly have to wonder how long it took you to select a tempo; I just tossed the track into Audacity and played with the speed a bit, and it seems to me that any faster or any slower, the track loses a fair amount of impact. In other words, you seem to have found the ideal tempo for this song, the rate that keeps the action moving without going so quickly that the listener misses some of the subtler details.

I particularly enjoyed the way you emphasized the Magus section of the "Ocean Palace" theme; emphatic, but tasteful. Also, the section from 2:38 to 3:00 is just bloody overwhelming, and in a good way - the soundscape is about as saturated as you could get it without losing the overall picture. Uncertain whether or not I could realistically call it the "highlight" of the song; as with your other two remixes, this one is immersive (even habit-forming *laughs*) throughout, without one particular section standing out as the best moment of the song.

Excellent, excellent stuff, Audix; I am granting this one a prominent position in several dozen of my top playlists as we speak. Just bloody remarkable.


I love the sound of this piece. Can't get over how awesome it sounds. The only quip I don't like is the break with the static-esque interference toward the end. It was grating and largely unnecessary. Basically, it was the only obvious blemish to an otherwise outstanding work.

It remains faithful to the original while keeping its own path. Good work hitting on the line. A recommended download, for sure.


nice nice nice nice nice!!! I've always liked this track from the game too. You worked really well with the latter parts of the source (which were the parts I didn't like, the chromatic stuff). That bass line is kicking some major ass as well. I thought what you did with the opening melody was really interesting, on my first listen through I didn't even realize that was what the guitar was playing. This is going on my playlist for sure, I will be working out to this mix :D

Great work!!!


I have been waiting for this for sooo long, I have been listing to the WIP for like a year now, its still in my playlist and on my MP3.

finally its here, now let me enjoy it


I thought Matt Newman had a lock for best Ocean Palace cover ever. You just won. This is great stuff. I come back after a month without downloading any mixes, and the whole front page is plastered with epic shit. Just awesome.


I have been waiting for this to be posted on OCremix since I heard it on VGmix, hands down one of the best Chrono Trigger remixes I have ever heard. Unfortunately a downloadable version was not available on VGmix. So happy right now.


Thanks guys! It's great to see people appreciate tracks that I've put a lot of time into and just "get" what I was trying to convey. I think I speak for all remixers when I say that well written reviews with specific examples of parts they enjoyed (like Apollyon's) are especially rewarding to read. Now to the next project... :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pretty tired of Chrono Trigger remixes, but this one was a positive surprise. Nice energy throughout; I especially liked the parts from 1:26 and 3:00 on. Everything from 3:15 on is made of win anyway, thanks to the synths.

The guitars sound very nice, too. Actually, I'm impressed by how well everything in this mix sounds.

Nice work.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I enjoy this mix, but I feel like there's something missing in it somehow. It feels at points that it's missing the melody that, while not really supposed to be there anyways, feels like it's lacking. 1:55~2:15 is an example of this. It's supposed to be a lead back into the melody, but it just feels like it's part of the song without the melody put into it yet.

Also, I'm not crazy about the lead instrument choice at around 3:20.

The bass is awesome, and I like the use of strings, they really create a nice tension in the piece.

Not my favorite Ocean Palace mix, but enjoyable and worth listening to more than once.

  • 1 month later...

I'm totally glad that I wasn't the only one to think the definition of this had something to do with illegal urination. -___-

Regardless, this track is completely bangin'. Excellent expansion via piano, and the soundscape is great. I'm loving that lead sound, and the drums are super strong. Excellent interpretation; those horns are great.

pft, nothing bad to say about this one; maybe a bit too much reverb, but i'd be stretching there. Amazingly creative and highly recommended.

  • 5 weeks later...

Beautiful mix!

I love the "flavor" of guitar used in this piece. The piano also added a lot of emotional flow to contrast the upbeat slammin' side of the track - I love tracks that can go to two extremes of a sound spectrum without assassinating the song in the process.

Well done.

My only complaint would have to be the static fuzz transition at 3:44 to 3:47. It gave me shivers up my spine a little the first time I heard it, and it still rings as a little brittle to my ears. Could just be me, and it's only a small 3 seconds of the entire track anyways, nothin' big.


This is one of my favorite ReMixes, while staying true to the source, you managed to give it such a fresh and energetic sound.

Undersea Palace is one of my favorites from the game, and this epic ReMix more than makes it justice!

While I listen to this, I can't help but imagine a battle at the Undersea Palace in Chrono Resurrection, if the project hadn't been forced to stop by Square-Enix. :cry:

  • 3 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01726 - Chrono Trigger "Aqueous Transgression"
  • 5 years later...

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