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Bad movies? How about falling down. Its about a guy who decides, after being stuck in a traffic jam, to go around town and start shooting people. That's the "storyline".

It wasn't just a traffic jam! It was all of like.. urban... and American society's unjustness towards the veterans! And he didn't shoot people exclusively: there was a baseball bat ("HOW MUCH"), a pocket knife, then there was that one bag of guns...

Horrible movies? I don't watch them :D Though Gone With the Wind was pretty dry for my tastes..

i can give that nazi scene props - but can you tell me you liked the ending of the spirit? there was nothing funny about it unless you think of it as being as lame as possible

but cloverfield had me going - even though i felt sick half-way through it :shock:

To be honest I can't really remember how it ended. Could you refresh my memory.

Oh and another I liked about it was the cast.

Particularly the female cast.

Mmmm. I enjoyed Seychelle Gabriel (Young Sand Saref) very much. For the very brief moment you saw her.


OC Remix: The Movie: The Synopsis

Tagline: In the world of video game music, the players have the power!

Plot: The year is 20X6. Atmuh, tired of the world for being so boring, starts a private army called the Atma Weapon. Soon his campaigns lead to the take over of the world. Our protagonist David Lloyd along with his team of Free Music Fighters (Code names: Zircon, The Wingless, Bahamut, and rookie-Cheerleader-for-the-team-in-training Brushfire2004) must stop the nefarious Atmuh from making everyones face the same (◕◡◕), and taxing all forms of music. But what is this? Betrayel in the form of greed for money for Zircon? Or are there other motives? The showdown comes to a head at the top of Mt. Showdown in uhh..... Nepal? Atmuh's plan to enslave all of humanity through a failsafe built into OCR forums. But before he can activate it DJP frees the mind of Earth and blows up Nepal with Napalm. Our last scene is Atmuh flying away in a rocket ship shaped like this: <(◕◡◕)=

How does our hero escape? He was rescued by, I dunno, Moe.

The End

A David Hubbard Joint

OC Remix: The Movie: The Synopsis

Tagline: In the world of video game music, the players have the power!

Plot: The year is 20X6. Atmuh, tired of the world for being so boring, starts a private army called the Atma Weapon. Soon his campaigns lead to the take over of the world. Our protagonist David Lloyd along with his team of Free Music Fighters (Code names: Zircon, The Wingless, Bahamut, and rookie-Cheerleader-for-the-team-in-training Brushfire2004) must stop the nefarious Atmuh from making everyones face the same (◕◡◕), and taxing all forms of music. But what is this? Betrayel in the form of greed for money for Zircon? Or are there other motives? The showdown comes to a head at the top of Mt. Showdown in uhh..... Nepal? Atmuh's plan to enslave all of humanity through a failsafe built into OCR forums. But before he can activate it DJP frees the mind of Earth and blows up Nepal with Napalm. Our last scene is Atmuh flying away in a rocket ship shaped like this: <(◕◡◕)=

How does our hero escape? He was rescued by, I dunno, Moe.

The End

A David Hubbard Joint

Horrible movie, stilted dialogue, but watch it for teh soundtrack, which is a remix project of the soundtracks to Superman, Batman, Star Wars and Terminator 2.

Horrible movie, stilted dialogue, but watch it for teh soundtrack, which is a remix project of the soundtracks to Superman, Batman, Star Wars and Terminator 2.

Ehh... I just bought the soundtrack.

Transmorphers looks promising. Might be on par with Alone in the Dark. I found this at a blockbuster sitting RIGHT next to Transformers. Almost identical font and everything.

Only movie I couldn't finish was Harvard Man.

:lol: tencharlulz


Bad thread title.

Rename it before it's locked.

I think "worst" lists count as favorites threads, right?

Anyway, I hated tropic thunder. Not that I think it's the worst movie I've ever seen, but it was pretty terrible.

Worst movie for me... probably Theodore Rex.


I can't even imagine what the thought process was that made this seem like a good idea.

Bad thread title.

Rename it before it's locked.

I think "worst" lists count as favorites threads, right?

Considering this thread has been here for over a day, I really don't think any rules are being broken O_o. Besides, lulz are being had :3

You know, I wanted to say this, but I know some of the mods are just gunning for people that even have a slight hint of mini-modding.

That's a bit much.

I'm not threateing the kid, I just remember similar threads being locked.

And if I am in the wrong, and it has taken more than a day for the mods to catch this thread: Shame.

Also: Jeepers Creepers was a terrible movie.

That movie made ZERO sense. All except the polar bear fight scene.

Luckily, my sister worked at the theater I saw it in. Free tickets ftw. :tomatoface:

It made perfect sense to me, but I know the book very well already, so that probably helped. That was a tough book to adapt, and I think the movie did close to the best job possible considering. There are a lot of characters and a lot of details in the book that there's just not time to explain and put in context in a movie that doesn't have a narrator like a book does. I still like the movie a lot since it's like a nice visual cliffs notes for the book. It's cast extremely well too.


I just saw The Spirit. It was pretty bad, but some parts, especially the beginning, were pretty amusing. I'd say it was a mediocre movie though, but it definitely wasn't a worst movie.

The worst movie I saw in recent memory was There Will be Blood. No need to explain, but I honestly don't understand what people got from this movie, or if they simply liked it because it seemed artsy. I don't think I've ever watched a movie so long with so little substance. Oh yeah, and the Miami Vice movie was pretty terrible as well. I actually walked out of the theater after giving it a chance, and I've never done that before. Seemed like the editor, if there was one, just left everything they shot in the film.

Of course those are only from recent memory. Luckily the worst of movies I've seen have likely been relegated to forgotten memories.

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