Metsubo Posted February 3, 2004 Posted February 3, 2004 This is one of the few songs that actually makes me a little sad that it's over. I heard the hung note that was spoken of, but it doesn't change the song overall in any way. The overall feel of this is good. This would be an awesome background music for the game instead. I could listen to this over and over again. It's a very good remix. The clarinet(I think)adds a good sound that keeps the happy upbeat remix a little down to earth. Quote
Shoeless joe Posted February 3, 2004 Posted February 3, 2004 The song was alright by itself. I thought it was a cool idea posting it soon after "One Girl in all the World" since the two contrast one another in terms of style, yet seemed to mesh well when heard back to back. Mad props to The Wingless for yet another masterpiece! Quote
Straziante Posted February 3, 2004 Posted February 3, 2004 Even though this song is meant to compliment "One Girl in All the World", I don't think that makes it necessary to compare them to each other in a sense of which one is better. Both are fantastic - each just puts its own spin on things. They have different focuses - while "One Girl in All the World" seems to focus on the feeling of one girl isolated in a vaste unknown place, giving a lonely undertone, "All the World in One Girl" is more introspective. It shows an underlying, simple happiness and beauty. It's cheerful, but not obnoxiously so. The piano is light and intricate, flowing beautifully throughout the piece, and the organ is a lovely, lively addition that suits the song well. There seems to be quite a variety of instruments that are perfectly blended together. The drums don't do much, but they're subtle and carry the piece without "intruding", so I haven't a problem with them.I initially heard this one right after listening to "One Girl in All the World" and at first didn't like it as much. But after a few listens, it felt to me that "One Girl in All the World" was meant to carry a feeling of exploration, power and loneliness, and "All the World in One Girl" was of a more inward, thoughtful, comforting and simply happy focus. They're two different looks at one thing, which is what remixing in general focuses on - a different take on something. The feel of one might appeal to some more than others, but both pieces are excellent in their own right and each compliments the other perfectly. Now that's what I call a damn good review. Quote
Slugbreath Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 This remix is so good. It is one of my favourite ocremixes and I've listened to it a lot. Thank you The Wingless. Quote
cheese-cube Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 Wow. Just wow. This song just blew my mind at its intracity. All those little touches: the lone strings, the organ. They all make this remix unforgettable. It's so peaceful. Thankyou for this brilliant remix. Quote
Phrostbyte Posted November 19, 2004 Posted November 19, 2004 I think I am forced to comment on this. This song IS one of the reasons I started downloading from OCReMix...I think that every new remixer should have to listen to this to get the idea of what some of the best here at OCR have to offer...I can't believe I've gone this long without praising this mix...excellent work, Mr.The Wingless, sir! Quote
jordex Posted November 19, 2004 Posted November 19, 2004 Very nice It's calm Soothing The Wingless is quite an artist This is beautiful The drums fit in well too The piano is very creative and enjoyable Quote
greenyoshieggz Posted January 3, 2005 Posted January 3, 2005 "...and those eyes, whoa... they look like lapis lazulies sparkling so bright... they make the morning radiant and right" excellent song! I image the girl of my dreams when i hear it. 10/10 awesome Quote
AboveTheDust Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 I'm amazed there aren't more comments/reviews of this song. I'll throw my two in... I don't want to offend anyone, but Mr. Burnett (The Wingless) is my favorite remixer on this site. But then again, I'm a complete piano whore when it comes to musical instruments I enjoy hearing done to a drumbeat. This song is no exception to my tastes. Throwing out at the beginning with a theme, to the backdrop of Brinstar. I can't say much about the song other than it flows very well, and is generally enjoyable to listen to. Light and bubbly is right. Not dance music, but not quite easy-listening. Maybe piano pop? Something along those lines. Anyway, this gets my highest-rated stamp of approval. I'm lovin' it. -Dust Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 I am just blown away by the interpretation(s) of this song. I always hated the Maridia theme when I played Super Metroid because it was so slow, repetitve, and boring. Wingless has made two arrangements of the theme, both of which are surprisingly great to listen to, and they have remained favorites of mine since they were first posted. In fact, I had my first kiss with my girlfriend to this song, and we promptly started making out. Actually, this may become "our song" later in our relationship. Thanks Wingless for giving me the opportunity to express my feelings with your beautiful, emotional song. I love how much movement is going on throughout this song, and I especially love the subtle reoccurring themes from the original melody changing from instrument to instrument. An absolutely amazing song, and I look forward to more remixes in the future. Quote
Mikemn Posted April 30, 2005 Posted April 30, 2005 Not only is this the best video game remix I've ever heard (and I've been frequenting OCRemix and VGMix for years), but this song touched me more than any other piece of music that I've heard throughout my life. I've managed to get over my depression by listening to this song on a daily basis for the last year. I love the upbeat melody and piano work in the background of this song. The only other song on the site which comes close to this masterpiece is its counterpart - 'One Girl in All the World' - which happens to be my second favorite song on the site. My favorite parts of 'All the World in One Girl' are the parts that start at 0:45, 1:12, 1:47, and 3:14. The ending is beautiful, too. 100/100 - Best song on OCRemix! Best remix ever! Better than 'One Girl in All the World'! Is there any chance of seeing 'All the Girl in One World' or 'One World in All the Girl' in the future? Quote
The wingless Posted April 30, 2005 Posted April 30, 2005 Is there any chance of seeing 'All the Girl in One World' or 'One World in All the Girl' in the future? The answer is, of course, yes Quote
Spram2 Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 I dont see what's wrong with :44 or the other time DJP mentioned, this is the best of 2003. You moron, this is the best of ocRemix, period! It's people like you that, oh, hi me! The Wingless: PLEASE MAKE MORE! I LOVE YOU! MORE! NOW! Quote
Ventrex Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 There are a lot of mixes I love. OCR is a treasure trove of beautiful music. Yet... This song makes me happy. Despite finding many beautiful songs when I discovered OCR, not many mixes have done that. In fact, this may be the sole exception. The melody is simple, bubbly, light, airy, and very, very beautiful. I never initially enjoy a Wingless mix. That's his beauty, I think. When I hear a Wingless song for the first time, I'm not in the right state of consciousness to receive it. I hear it, but I don't hear it. But, at some point in time, maybe even weeks, months later, I do finally hear it, and can see the often simple beauty that had eluded me for so long before. Eutopia Pegasi, and the counterpart to this very song, are perfect (ly beautiful) examples. Each Wingless mix comes at the time when it is needed. And this mix is something I will always need. In times of darkness or depression, this mix can remind me of the beauty of the world (in one girl). Because each time I listen to this song, I smile, and because of that, I feel that, in many ways, this song is the best I have found on OCR to date. Smiles don't always come easily, and to find a piece of art that always makes one smile, no matter if smiles come easy or hard at that time, is to find a piece of happiness. Usually by this point in my commentary, I tell the mixer in question, "Good job," and congratulate him/her on finely crafting a wonderful piece of work. But in this comment I feel I have to say something radically different, to Wingless: Thank you, for the smiles. (And good job, of course. ) Quote
Heyjohnny Posted July 19, 2005 Posted July 19, 2005 Great stuff wingless, I am always amazed at your work, and I like the happy/ calming feeling that this one brings. I like your twin song scheme too, I think that this song would be best if I were playing a game of solitaire or something. Or if this were the song that played while i was put on hold, it would fit perfectly and make me feel much better. Don't ask me why I put these songs in their "best scenario from my point of view" But who know, maybe there's someone out there just searching for the right time and place to listen to a certain remix......Ya, I feel stupid now. I'm done Quote
SirRus Posted July 19, 2005 Posted July 19, 2005 wow i just looked through this thread and realized i have yet to show some love for one of my favorite ocr mixes. i have heard this song so many times (also learned the piano part just cause im so obsessed with it and love to play along zomg!) i love you wingy! make more music plz Quote
MisterBiggler Posted February 13, 2006 Posted February 13, 2006 I thought I had commented on this before, but I guess not. This song is fantastic. It's hard for me to fully describe why I like it so much, but I really love this song; I loved the piano work throughout the piece, and the way it ends is goregous. Superb job. Quote
musenji Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Now that's what I call a damn good review. You beat me to it! Drat! I was going to say that the following section (for reference, taken from Kureejii Lea's review on page 1) put into words exactly what I thought: "'All the World in One Girl' is more introspective. It shows an underlying, simple happiness and beauty. It's cheerful, but not obnoxiously so. The piano is light and intricate, flowing beautifully throughout the piece, and the organ is a lovely, lively addition that suits the song well. There seems to be quite a variety of instruments that are perfectly blended together. The drums don't do much, but they're subtle and carry the piece without 'intruding', so I haven't a problem with them." I'd add too the bit about not recognizing the Brinstar theme until I made a conscious effort to hear it--except for the part at 2:04. I heard that right away, and it has always been my favorite part. It's like angel food cake on piano. I love this piece and am very grateful for its existence. Edit: By the by, this art piece compliments the music beautifully--even though it's titled for the counterpart. Be sure to enlarge to picture. Quote
ijoju Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 I've listened to this so much I started humming the tune when I heard thunder today. Quote
HoboKa Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 The song has long since burnt out in me, but man I used to listen to it every day for like half a year. Good job Remixers like u inspire me to want to make my own music, but I don't have the means nor the know-hows at the moment, but I'm gonna try damnit!! Quote
Resu Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Is there any chance of seeing 'All the Girl in One World' or 'One World in All the Girl' in the future? The answer is, of course, yes I can see it before me! A humorous track with phat beatz and digitized voices that nobody with an internet connection will be able to avoid. "Now playing: The Wingless - Super Metroid All Your World Are Belong To Girl OC ReMix" ...or not. Good job on this track though, it is really amazing to hear something with this positive emotion and so much going on all the time considering the source! There really are no limits to what you can do (except the submission rules then, huhu). Quote
Wingit Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 The memory of this song is what got me to this site. Upon discovering it and listening to it, I had to register and say how much I love it! I remember listening to it a lot many years ago, but then it got lost when I got a new computer, but it has been found. It is one of THE greatest songs I have EVER heard, thus I have to thank you for making it. Quote
42 Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 Compared to "One Girl in All the World", this is more playful and less atmospheric, and as a companion piece it works nicely. Smooth, sentimental, and very nice. This is a great mix, but without it's compliment, it doesn't just feel complete, so check 'em both out. Quote
jintoreedwine Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 I see this mix has been around for a while, but I just discovered it a month ago when I decided I would listen to all the OCRemixes that I had downloaded but never got a chance to hear. Since that time it has been on all my playlists. You do a great job of achieving a nice light and relaxed feel throughout the entire piece. That to me is its greatest selling point. I absolutely love mixes like this especially since there seem to be only a small number of them. Great job! Quote
yosefu Posted April 18, 2009 Posted April 18, 2009 God this song is just so beautiful and the thunder gives it nice atmosphere. great job Quote
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