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YAY, this finally gets posted! :D :D :D :D

Last night at the listening party, people kept saying the voice sounded like Chun Li and I couldn't help it.. I laughed so much. lol I never thought of it before, but it really does. hehe Overall great mix, my favorite track he's done for the project. Go bLiNd! Keep going!


this track is mad hot man i like how bLiNd is able to like add so many elements from electro to make a fantastic ass remix you keep evolving man and the side chaining is amazing as hell i must say that the intro scared the shit outta me and its a good feeling because he captured the mood right and its very hard to do that with music at times. keep at it man i cant wait to hear whats in store in the future :-P


I feel like I'm repeating myself a little by saying that this is totally awesome, but that's simply because it is. All of the soundtrack is amazing, and everything bLiNd does just gets everyone off their seat and dancing.

Even I had to take a break from typing when I put the song on... DANCE TIME, PEOPLE!

Keep up the great work, man!


If the track wasn't attributed to bLiNd, I never would have guessed that it was him - it is so far from his normal style it's crazy. It's a great thing when a remixer can break away from their comfort zone and do something new (especially when your comfort zone is so amazing, like in bLiNd's case).

By the way, I love this track - especially the title :<.


bLiNd is awesome in that he can make a song in a genre I have 0 interest in but I end up loving it anyways. I just wanna dance to this every time I hear it. It'd be like.. the best Stepmania song ever. XD

But yeah, spectacular job. Srsly.


Was throwing darts at... with my brother, and noticed I had the 0:45-0:52 part looping in my head. :D

As I said on irc before, I'm most impressed by the various modulation effects used here, but it's pretty much your typical blind mix in the sense that it's pretty much made of awesome. It's got an amazing groove, great sounds. My only issue would be with the voice clips, not who they sound like but that they're there at all. Just a personal preference tho, on the whole the track is amazing.


I can't say that I've ever heard a bad bLiNd track before...and yes, this tradition still stands. This track continues to show bLiNd's digital mastery with another catchy dancing tune that you'll be lucky to get out of your skull with a pick-axe. Keep up the good work, your stuff only gets better and better!

Sidenote: I had no idea that the video existed of that portion of your DJ set. I've been wanting to see some videos of it, but guess I missed them mentioned somewhere else. I danced my ass off at that thing, and both loved-hated seeing myself doing it again. Was truly a highlight of last year's MAG for me.


Holy crappola! Another blind masterpiece.

Very fun and energetic with the usual professional production values I've come to expect. The bass groovage reminds me of some of Andy Moors massively hip works.

Love it. :-P


Jord's come a long way since he submitted his first remix of Zelda 2 Temple. This one had some really original synth textures that I dig. Very housy and a great take on an extremely haunting theme. 10/10

Also, check out Bridge to Eternity, his other remix to Within the Giant. I had that one on repeat for at least an hour.

Jord's come a long way since he submitted his first remix of Zelda 2 Temple. This one had some really original synth textures that I dig. Very housy and a great take on an extremely haunting theme. 10/10

Also, check out Bridge to Eternity, his other remix to Within the Giant. I had that one on repeat for at least an hour.

He actually also has another mix on the album, the one titled Path to Deception, remix of The Land of the Summons.

The one thing I love with this track is that bLiNd took a track that wasn't terribly interesting in the original soundtrack and turned it into a kicking track that you just want to zone out & dance to.


bLiNd's work always lifts my day up when i listen to it...

but i was hoping for that dark and evil golbez arrangement.....

maybe it's because this is the first game i remember playing (at the age of two), or the fact that Golbez is my personal favorite Villain thats not a villain.

But once again, bLiNd, great Job!

Now if only you did a Battle on the Bridge Remix......

THAT would be epic stuff.


Ok pardon me while I repeat everyone else and say this track is THE SHIT!

You have everything in here to make a great dance tune. Energy is key. You can STUNT to this thing.

I can't say how extremely pleased and impressed I am with this song. bLiNd, I am in love with you.


I shant lie. When I first heard this song, I definitely appreciated how great it sounded. ...but I didn't really listen to it again.

When I restarted FFIV, heard Golbez's theme a few times, and had this song stuck in my head (of all songs on the album) while sitting in a restaurant eating steak... then I realized how awesome this remix is.

Definitely one of the best works on the album, and way better than A1 steak sauce.

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