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Have any of you ever played a game of this genre? I just recently got into it since purchasing the PS3 of my dreams. There are several Tower Defense style games in the Playstation Store but the one I ended up purchasing the full version of was Pixel Junk Monsters and I just can't seem to get enough of it. I ordered my first two PS3 games on Amazon and I've still got some time to wait before they arrive all the way over here in Japan, but I don't think I'm gonna be bored in the meantime. If I start getting good at this game, I'll see if I can challenge the high scores. If you see the name Zoltan on the PixelJunk Monsters scoreboard, that's me. ^_^

I didn't really have a specific goal in making this thread. It just seems like a curious little genre and wanted to know what people have to say about it.

Recommendations? Stories? Comments?


There have been many TD games spawned from Starcraft and Warcraft3 custom maps. I played many times many back in the day. There are also many flash variants on such.

My favorite would have to be Elemental Tower defense (WC3 custom map)


For a while there was one known as Desktop tower defense, it was pretty good, with regular updates. But then some lame company got a hold of it and it now sucks.

The recent final fantasy one is pretty cool too, although I only have played the demo.

also they are all the same game with different visuals


There have been a flood of tower defense games recently, and I honestly don't know how it started. Not sure but it seems to me ever since WC3:FZ's TDs were made, they've been making their way everywhere.

I enjoy them to an extent, but only if they manage to be different somehow. While most of the time it seems its really just "build in right spot at right time, upgrade", there are a couple out there that stand out to me. One of them is actually a flash game, Gemcraft, that can be found on Kongregate/Newgrounds. Was sorta a breath of fresh air to the TDs I was playing, but yeah, they get old real fast for me >_<.

a website i frequent: http://www.towerdefence.net/

there are good ones and not so good ones there.

though one of particular interest: http://www.towerdefence.net/games-231-Gemcraft_Chapter_Zero.php

a flash game that even allows you to save progress, and is the first in a series of games.

That Gemcraft is actually the second in the series, a prequel to the first one. Both of which are stinkin addictive. I went all the way through and 100% completed it. The newer one I finally couldn't handle anymore because it just has so much content, and after beating a single level in 6 different ways, and having over 70 levels to do that with, I got burnt out. But I agree, they are both very entertaining. :)


Hehe, I remember Wintermaul... and then Summermaul, Fallmaul, Family Guy Maul, etc. etc. And then there was Wintermaul Wars.

The worst tower defence games are the confusing StarCraft ones with no instructions where the host insults everyone in the "noobs welcome" game because nobody else knows how to play.

True story.


+1 for the guys who recommended ETD. It's brilliant.

After playing Tower Defences over many years on Warcraft III, I feel that any commercial (or otherwise) attempt at Tower Defences are a rip-off and a slap in the face.


I have Pixel junk monsters, savage moon, and FF Crystal defenders. I would say Pixel junk monsters was the most fun of the three, but I had a buddy to play co-op with makes games a lot more fun. Savage moon I haven't played much but it had a nice twist smarter enemies and they can move anywhere on the map so you have to create gauntlets to funnel them threw.

Savage moon I haven't played much but it had a nice twist smarter enemies and they can move anywhere on the map so you have to create gauntlets to funnel them threw.

And then they overwhelm your gauntlet ala Zerg rush and start trampling your defenses like they were nothing more than rice paper doors being held up by balsa wood. >:L


I've played them so much on WC3 that the console rehashes don't do anything for me.

But the best is Element TD, as aforementioned, and also Sprout TD is pretty fun.


I too enjoyed Plants Vs. Zombies, even though it was on the easy side and I never had my brains eaten except on Survival Endless. I remember playing a few of the Tower Defense things in Warcraft 3, but I wasn't too deep into it like a lot of people were. Still, it's a neat genre and I wouldn't mind playing more in it.

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