djpretzel Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
duskvstweak Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 I'm just glad to see Kirby 64! I was probably too old to admit to loving this game, but it was so much freaking fun. And the soundtrack was great! I agree with the artist, this boss was insane compared to the rest of the game. I love how this remix exemplifies the hectic nature of that fight, while keeping that strange sound the Kirby soundtrack had. Very cool, very spastic, very "Boss". Thanks for the remix! Quote
Dunther Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Sorry to say that, but I didn't really like either the source or the remix. I think that your music isn't just my genre... Anyway it's great to see something from Kirby 64, I hope there will be more in future Quote
HitoriJaNai Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Finally, something from Kirby64!!! And from PrototypeRaptor, too! You did this really well! The source was completely recognizable, and it gave me memories of having to fight Miracle Matter over and over (and doing a horrible job too). This is one of those songs that hits you in the face... and then repeats it. Thumbs up, man. Keep it up! Quote
LuigiFan Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 This was such a great game, and such a difficult boss fight compared to the rest! You really nailed it, dude - I love the overall feel this mix has. Definitely hardcore awesome and evil. Keep it up! (I especially love the last bit!) Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Aw man, I remember hearing this on the WIP forum. This might be my all time favorite electronica remix. Powerful, in-your-face percussion, awesome synth leads, and total loudness, this is truly a virtuosic piece. Excellent work. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 SWEET! I completely forgot about this source tune... I couldn't remember it when I heard the name, so I actually went back to listen to the source before I downloaded this mix. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 I don't think I can get much more descriptive than on the actual judging of this, but I gotta say this mix is completely badass. Phenomenal work, dude. Quote
Dave Harris Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 very happy to see a Kirby 64 mix, and what more it's of a boss theme! if there's one thing Jun Ishikawa excels at, it's writing stupid-awesome intense battle music. so, kudos for picking a great OST. i must confess I'm not a big fan of this remix, unfortunately - it's not bad at all, just perhaps too repetitive or otherwise plain for my likes. one thing i think this suffers from is, rather than being an obvious remix, it instead has more of a vague similarity to the source tune and could easily pass as an original (had i not been told, i wouldn't have guessed it was a Miracle Matter remix) though I think this is largely out of your control with this source tune, there's not a lot of melodic content to work with, I think most of what is recognisable about the original track comes from the sounds. perhaps i'd have enjoyed it more if it incorporated some of the standard boss battle music as well, since the two tunes are alike and would fit well together in an arrangement. bah, critical ol' me. i do however dig the drum programming starting around the 2:30 mark! Quote
Tables Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Oh my god. I've always wanted a remix EXACTLY like this ever since I heard that people do remixes of video game tracks AND HERE IT IS I just wanna jizz my pants right now this is sooooo cash. I love it, it's everything I could have ever hoped for. Intense, fast, and friggin Kirby 64. I always loved Miracle Matter's theme, repetitive as it was, and this more then does it justice. PrototypeRaptor, you have made a young boys dream come true today. Quote
Desert Guru Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Very good remix. Incredible stuff right here, Quote
BlackPanther Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Oh man I love this style of dnb and good to see some Kirby 64 love. Production was good, sounded really professional I thought; drums were bangin, the synth work was cool, all around good song good shit sir. Quote
MasterJace Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Haha, I remember plucking this off the WiP forums sometime in January wondering if it was ever gonna make it. Extraordinary. Quote
Emunator Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Melt-your-face-off awesomeness! Seriously, you did such an awesome job turning the source into something epic and expanding on the original feel... It feels a bit repetitive but on the whole you did a fantastic job! Here's to more from Kirby 64 in the future - you've set the bar high! Quote
Lord Exor Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 I knew this would pass with flying colors. Excellent job Prototype! Quote
Rexy Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Lol, Miracle Matter - while one of the toughest bosses in the game - wasn't as hard as apparently made out in the description. That said, it's great to see Kirby 64 get some love out here - not only was one of the best games in the series IMO finally covered, but also one of my fave tracks from it, so I really gotta hand it to Prototype for getting the job done. Yeah, I do admit that the genre selection is pretty obvious as someone else stated, but I still personally can't imagine this taken in any other direction, so I say this is nailed straight on the head here. That's just made the instant jump to my MP3 player Quote
MstrSwrd Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 This is one of the two songs I have been waiting for someone to remix forever. And it was awesomely done... like if the entire battle was the same, but if Kirby had the Powers of the Flash for it instead. Now someone has to do O2 (real final battle), and we're set. Quote
BomberKid Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 I haven't logged on here in ages, but I am now just to say Thank You for the ReMix! I've been waiting for Kirby & the Crystal Shards mixes and this was certainly one I wanted to hear. This piece take the short, original source and runs with it - never could have imagined this going on for more than 4 minutes! Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Now this is a breath of fresh air. Well done. Quote
DjjD Posted October 19, 2009 Posted October 19, 2009 Is that Vincent Price I hear at 4:13 and on? Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted October 19, 2009 Posted October 19, 2009 Dude. I cannot believe how solidly this connects. My personal test for determine remix-y greatness is to play the game in question with the music. This passes that test fifty ways to Tuesday. This is non-stop action - a pulse-pounding, no-holds-barred ReMix worthy of this (second-to) final boss. Everything fits - the strings, the synth solo...I imagine poor little Kirby comin' in, expecting a DeDeDe-esque fight...and, oh, dookie. It's freakin' Miracle Matter! I have to agree with some of my fellow posters - this is a particularly music-heavy game, and I've always wondered why this game gets lost in the shuffle. Hopefully here, Prototype has opened the door for other ReMixers - a 02 ReMix with half the epicness of this would kerb-stomp. Quote
PrototypeRaptor Posted October 19, 2009 Posted October 19, 2009 Is that Vincent Price I hear at 4:13 and on? Haha, yes, I was wondering if someone would pick that up - it most certainly is the one and only Mr. Price on the evil laugh. Thanks everyone for all your comments and encouragements; for you kirby 64 fans keep an eye out - I've been working on one of the more requested tunes here for a while. It should be done next week or so... until then, peace Quote
Project R2K Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 Oh yes, PrototypeRaptor! Please give us more Kirby 64 remix goodness! I love the game and am so glad to see a remix of it finally on the site. You said it wonderfully in the submission email, Miracle Matter was the toughest part of the whole game. And he wasn't even the final boss! Every time I absorbed the correct power, he'd turn into something else. Grrr! He's actually more like Sybil than Dr. Lecter. I love this. The original theme was already enough to get my adrenaline racing, but you've taken it to 11. And I recognized the Vincent Price laughter at the end as well. So yes, if you've got more Kirby 64 in the works, then I can't wait to hear them. I've actually got a few ideas myself. I'd love to remix the Shiver Star levels 2 and 4 and Neo Star level 4. Also, love the Kirby "game over" sample at the very VERY end. Cheers! Quote
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