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OCR01976 - Unreal Tournament "Forgone Rejuvenation"


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Ah yes, good ol' Phrakture. If you people haven't heard of this guy, you've been missing out hardcore. In my opinion, this kid could very well be the BT of the next generation (the dude is like 15 years old or somethin!!!!). I've never heard the source so I'm just listening to this objectively; man, this track's got some tight breaks, great ambiance, great synth work, and a pristine production. It's like zircon meets Hybrid or somethin!

RGreat job man, and to the rest of you, make sure you look for more of his works on Youtube 'n Beatport...

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This ReMix of one of the premiere soundtracks of Unreal Tournament is worthy of far greater praise that i can even muster. The soft melody ring true to its original piece. The synth work is amazingly vibrant and really deep at the same time.

Within the first few seconds you don't think much has been altered and mixed around, but then as you go deeper and longer into the track, you can clearly tell that this is one of those mixes that will stand the test of time.

This mix resonates with me just as superbly as most of the work done for the "The Dark Side of Phobos" & "Delta-Q-Delta", both fantastic projects. I hope that this mix might start up an "Unreal Saga Remix Project", because it deserves to be a headliner on any billing.

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This is fantastic!!! I'm always looking for shit like this to add so my sleepy-time playlists... this will definitely sit well next to the other UT soundtracks and Alien Trilogy OST. Fantastic man, really, really loving this. Really takes me back to my Saturn days, funnily enough. Reminds me a lot of stuff like Scorcer and AMOK... though a little slower, which is by no means a bad thing. I'm in love with this... top work! :D

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Some very cool ideas and great textures, but I found that if i'm not in the mood for something expansive, and spread out over a long time, I lose interest fast.

Great production and a creative arrangement make this great for those times, but for me, it's not something I actively seek out.

I totally respect the skills, but am just into it that much. Sorry dude. :-(

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So glad a second Unreal Tournament mix up here. The game had such amazing music and it's great to see remixers taking that source and doing something even better with it. While this piece is quite close to the original, I'm glad it got accepted and posted. Definitely one of my new favorites on here.

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I've read the topic in "judges decisions", now I understand why it took so much to being accepted (or refused).

Anyway, I like the track, but I need to listen it more deeply, maybe next time I will charge my iPod:wink:.

It's great hear that he was 14 years old, who knows what remixes will come from him in the future:-P.

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This mix isn't for me personally, its a little too repetitive, but I have to say I admire the skills put into making this... production is fantastic, and it has lots of cool ideas to spice things up.

And the guy was 14 when he made this? You guys serious???? You don't want to know what level I was at with music making at that age.... :lol:

Give it a few years, who knows what he will be coming out with... someone to watch, thats for sure ;)

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Yup, I'm with Will. I think this style would have worked a lot better with a bit more melodic content. What impresses me, though, is the exquisite use of textures, layering, and expansion as the mix goes on.

Definitely more appropriate for the detail-oriented listener, but it's very well produced and I think everyone can appreciate that on some level :-)

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You are amazing!! Ive been waiting sooo long to hear a mix on this addictive track.

Keep up the good work I'll be looking forward to your future remixes ;)

Oh yes forgot to mention the part that your only 14 !!!8O I'm 20 and I can't even make one perfect remix V_V well may be in the future....

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Yup, I'm with Will. I think this style would have worked a lot better with a bit more melodic content. What impresses me, though, is the exquisite use of textures, layering, and expansion as the mix goes on.

Definitely more appropriate for the detail-oriented listener, but it's very well produced and I think everyone can appreciate that on some level :-)

One thing you guys have to bear in mind, is the source tune is not outstandingly melodic either. It's mostly a groove track. :)

But yeah, the textures and layering and just overall enhancement are what set this one above the bar for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, this song really is one that fits in the background while you're doing other stuff, which is reminiscent of the music in the UT games in general I seem to remember (feel free to correct me on this, I could be remembering wrong).

It does seem repetitive, but I seem to remember that the UT music was repetitive overall, and is meant to take a backseat to the action. This song accomplishes that IMO with looping of the melody, and more subtly the background instrumentation.

Pretty good job!

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This was always one of my favorite tracks in the game and I'm glad to see someone has tackled it here. Unfortunately, I too find the mix a little too repetitive. Perhaps my issue with it is that my favorite part of the original version was the awesome chord progression that appears at about 2:50 into the piece, while this remix focuses mostly on the intro riff instead. Still, not a bad job overall.

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The repetition in this mix really didn't bother me. I just kept grooving along, bobbing my head the whole time. Heh. The bass is awesome. I think that even though it doesn't change up much (the source doesn't either), it has a great flow to it.

I especially liked the change at 4:18. The song up until that point sounded really dark, but at the beginning of 4:18, it started to pick up and take on a different mood. I do think the very end was a little abrupt though. I didn't notice it first, but the song didn't fade out very well.

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There is a lot of great stuff here.

However, I find it very repetitive and I think about 2 or 3 minutes could be cut from this without killing the arrangement.

It's the same stuff with minor differences every few measures for the first three minutes. It's changed up for about a minute, and then it goes right back to what it was in the first three minutes, again, with some very MINOR differences. And then the drums are a little different, which helped make it not sound as repetitive.

Excellent production, but while the arrangement is interpretive, it feels dragged out. I'm not gonna call this "boring", but it certainly becomes uninteresting quickly as a song.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Great song. If I want some music playing in the background (while I'm doing something else), I just set this song on repeat and it's just perfect.

Oh and every time I listen to it, it seems like it would be a perfect fit for a "Metroid Prime" game. I don't know, it just feels similar to that type of music, which I like. So, maybe that's another reason I like this song.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember downloading this as soon as it was posted, given that I'm a huge fan of UT and even still play it now and again, if only to listen to the amazing soundtrack. I was a little disappointed that it didn't seem to grab my attention like most stuff posted, but then after giving it time, I found I was wanting to listen to it more and more, especially whilst driving or at work. As such, it's found its way into my iTunes "Top 25 Most Played" list, which surprised me, and prompted me to write this review!

It's certainly one of my favourite "background" songs, but there's also a surprising amount of depth to what at first seems to be a bit of a drawn-out effort. Not only that, but as is the sign of a great remix, it stays true to the character of the original source and I can imagine myself floating through space, shock rifle in hand, blowing the crap out of people on Facing Worlds. I like mixes that evoke strong memories of their respective games, and this definitely does that for me.

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I can't believe I haven't really sat down and listened to this song until just now. And the more I listen to it the more I realize there's a heck of a lot more happening here.

On the surface, it's light, airy electronica, BUT there's just a lot of odd work going on underneath everything. It's like looking through a frozen lake; sure there's the surface, but you can see all kinds of currents and eddies and fishes swimming underneath.

This track has a unique distinction as being able to be something I can put on repeat and listen to while studying or something like that or just sit down and devote my full attention to it and listen.

This is absolutely worth checking out.

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