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That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that.

Hmm, can you report it to Microsoft? I don't know if they'll take any action but maybe they can help the police find it if, for example, the thieves plug it into a network and it logs into XBox Live.

i don't think it works that way :( i wish though.

the police are supposedly handling it but i'm not too confident

the thieves stole the wierdest shit, they sacked two of our rooms and took 3 laptops, my xbox and accessories, cash (obviously) and two blackberries. and some chewy bars

and left behind 5 other laptops, an iphone, ipod, wallets and other very valuable stuff that was in plain sight

so this game is officially ruined for me

my hotel room was broken into this morning (i'm on a week long training trip) and my xbox was stolen

barring the police actually finding it i'm not going to be playing it anytime soon and i'd have to start over even if i went and bought it again


That really stinks dude. If you still have one of the controllers, Turn it on and walk around, see if it logs into any nearby xbox's. It would be really creepy if it did, the thieves might be closer than you think.

so this game is officially ruined for me

my hotel room was broken into this morning (i'm on a week long training trip) and my xbox was stolen

barring the police actually finding it i'm not going to be playing it anytime soon and i'd have to start over even if i went and bought it again


microsoft tracks all 360s your account logs in on by a unique MAC address. contact MS, and they'll be able to check where the system logs on next - even if it's not on your account. if nothing else, it'll help the police get a trail to roll with.

it works, i've had a friend recover his system (saves and all) because the thief wanted to use my buddy's XBL account and not pay for that either.

so this game is officially ruined for me

my hotel room was broken into this morning (i'm on a week long training trip) and my xbox was stolen

barring the police actually finding it i'm not going to be playing it anytime soon and i'd have to start over even if i went and bought it again


Fuck, dude. I am sorry to hear that :(

Hopefully the police catch the douchebags with what prophet said.

So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

Welcome to fanboys. Don't worry. Give it another 2 weeks and it'll be back on the hate train.


I've been watching a friend play for the last 2 hours. Looks very pretty. Definitely a different Final Fantasy than I am used to Gameplay/Customization-wise, at least from what I have seen. I played a few battles and I think the game could keep me visually interested enough to keep from getting too bored. If only you could hit R2 (or RT) in time with attacks too boost them, Gunblade style, I think I could play forever. maybe.

Anyway, I really hopped on to comment here about one thing only.

Some of the battle music... I TOTALLY feel like I am listening to the Baten Kaitos OST. I even checked out to see if it was the same guy composing, and its not. I think the part that really sticks out is the quick little "victory" theme that plays after ordinary battles.

Anybody else agree with me?

So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

There are four kinds of people out there when it comes to entertainment: Critics, fanboys, trolls, and the general populace.

Critics don't like anything that isn't the flavor of the week.

Fanboys don't like anything that isn't in line with their exact perception of what something should be(which to me is beyond daft when talking about the Final Fantasy series, being that it thrives on being a different experience each time).

Trolls are haters who subsist off raging over things you like. and in the immortal words of R. Kelly as portrayed by Dave Chappelle, "Haters wanna hate."

The general populace is made up of people who look at something, take it for what it is, give it a shot, and then determine whether or not they think it's excellent or crap.

so this game is officially ruined for me

my hotel room was broken into this morning (i'm on a week long training trip) and my xbox was stolen

barring the police actually finding it i'm not going to be playing it anytime soon and i'd have to start over even if i went and bought it again



really sorry to hear that

So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

i know this isnt what you were referring to but for the first 4 hours of this game i absolutely despised it but now im really enjoying it


Personally I find that this games fresh new gameplay ideas is making it awesome for a lot of people. I have a few friends who despise the story/characters/etc but they still love the game because of the game play. I think JRPG's (FF mostly) have been getting somewhat stale and repetitive in gameplay, and this game really freshens it up.

So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

From what I remember reading, most of the hate was in the Japanese reception of the game.

Well, Square-Enix has been working on digging deeper into the North American market...

So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

You haven't been listening to me enough!

I think JRPG's (FF mostly) have been getting somewhat stale and repetitive in gameplay, and this game really freshens it up.

FF mostly?

good grief dude, was the last FF you played VII or something?

microsoft tracks all 360s your account logs in on by a unique MAC address. contact MS, and they'll be able to check where the system logs on next - even if it's not on your account. if nothing else, it'll help the police get a trail to roll with.

it works, i've had a friend recover his system (saves and all) because the thief wanted to use my buddy's XBL account and not pay for that either.

this is incredibly useful to know. thank you so much

where do i find this mac address? or whatever pin number/code/whatever that would be used to track it

From what I remember reading, most of the hate was in the Japanese reception of the game.

Well, Square-Enix has been working on digging deeper into the North American market...

The Japanese game market, isn't what it used to be... I can see why they changed the overall feel of the game...

this is incredibly useful to know. thank you so much

where do i find this mac address? or whatever pin number/code/whatever that would be used to track it

The MAC address is unfortunately on the back of the console and in the dashboard under system settings... You should just be able to call up MS and give them your live handle/account info though.

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