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I've beat FF13 and I'm working on the hunting missions now, 50 hours in. I can honestly say I haven't had this much fun in a FF game since 9, and no game has been this challenging since my first run through 8. (Damn you, third disc!!!) The paradigm system rules, imo. The thing I dislike is the return of the sphere grid via Crystarium. Considering the veritable horde of level up systems square has under their hood, I always felt the sphere grid was half baked at best. They must have known this, though, or they wouldn't have included gear levelling, too.

Makes me thirsty for a racing RPG featuring standard transmission a la paradigm. You know what I mean.

Oh yeah, and EXCELLENT soundtrack.

Some of you brats need to realize without FATHER SQUARESOFT you wouldn't even have a leg to stand on comparing W/JRPGs. No respect for the elders. sheesh. THATS my two cents.

find me a jrpg that isn't all about the battle system (which despite fans will tell you is always always bland and tedious) and I will eat my hat

Hard Mode: No Persona

Xenosaga. Not about the battle system at all; rather, the game was all about kicking back and enjoying 45-minute long cutscenes. I guess there were some parts in-between the cutscenes where you like, wandered and stuff, and sometimes fought some monsters. But thankfully those didn't last long and you could get back to watching the cutscenes. lol

re: FF13, I agree that if you like the battle system you can get through the game, and if you don't then it's a huge waste of time and/or money. I absolutely HATED Lightning and Hope's story, Snow's was just okay, Fang didn't really HAVE story ... but I was absolutely riveted by Sazh and Vanille's story arc. And then, around what ... chapter 11 (I think?) most things get resolved and you become the traditional RPG Party, and after that what is there to complain about? I mean, as long as you don't mind the whole homogenized party thing. Also, I happened to like the soundtrack. Very well integrated into the game, appropriate to each scene, at least I thought.

I just wish there was more than one place it was worth it to grind xp in besides the Valley of the Turtles (200k+ cp per run through). Any suggestions of places you guys have found to grind? (for reference, I have Growth Egg, all chars lvl 5 in 4 classes and 2-3 in a 5th, only Fang at lvl 3 weapon (but I have 2 Trapezos in the wings waiting for when I have enough $ to split them again ... then buy a million ultracompacts), still can't figure out how to take down an Adamantortoise without spamming Death, ugh)

"Hey guys, I want them to make Final Fantasy VII over and over again."

"Hey guys, I thought this was shit, so obviously it MUST be shit!"

That's what that comic says.

To put it in less words, fucking fanboys.

marry me malaki


find me a jrpg that isn't all about the battle system (which despite fans will tell you is always always bland and tedious) and I will eat my hat

Hard Mode: No Persona


find me a jrpg that isn't all about the battle system (which despite fans will tell you is always always bland and tedious) and I will eat my hat

Hard Mode: No Persona

Does the Tales series count? Also, Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts, even though they are, like, not being made any more...

.... :(


hey guys. GUYS. HEY LISTEN

i just reordered this game and i'm excited to start it over again after my whole theft shenanigans

stop trying to ruin it for me i liked the first 8 hours and everyone was all into it while i was playing it


Okay, JRPGs have really always been about two things:

1) Story (and characters)

2) Battle system

It's not like Final Fantasy XIII is light on storyline or something. It's definitely not traditional JRPG fare, despite what everyone wants to think.

It's funny. People complained to hell about how Final Fantasy is filled with too many girly boys and stupid plots about angsty heroes with swords that save the world and get the girl (who is invariably a white mage of some kind) and then when Final Fantasy XIII comes out and actually changes a few of the conventions, the same group is all eyeroll about how bad it is and how it's not as memorable as ___.

In many ways, Final Fantasy XIII was an experiment to see if a Japanese development team could take the "J" out of JRPG.


My biggest gripe with XIII is not the battle system. Neither is it the story. It's HOW the story is presented. You know something is wrong when you have to READ about what happened in that cutscene you just SAW in the codex/journal. :banghead:

My biggest gripe with XIII is not the battle system. Neither is it the story. It's HOW the story is presented. You know something is wrong when you have to READ about what happened in that cutscene you just SAW in the codex/journal. :banghead:

More people seem to be complaining about this. I don't really get it, I didn't have much of a problem following the story at all.

My biggest gripe was that it took too long to get going, and (as others have said) the ending was a bit of a disappointing deus ex machina. Overall I enjoyed it.

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