djpretzel Posted January 27, 2002 Posted January 27, 2002 1. Please mention the game whose soundtrack you are requesting a ReMix from in your topic title - if applicable, please include the specific track name.2. Please post a link to listen to the song(s) being requested.3. If you are making multiple requests in the same post, please mention the first game title in your topic title, and indicate that additional games are mentioned by adding "...more".4. Please don't post requests for a specific ReMixer only - email them directly or if they are registered on these boards, send them a private message.5. Other things you might include in your request: genre (i.e. 'techno', 'jazz', 'hip-hop', etc.), link to original track (in case the ReMixer can't find it), and a simple 'thank you'.6. Remember: there are no guarantees that requests will be answered in a given time frame, or ever. No matter how much a given track or game needs or deserves coverage, it may not happen.7. Always remember to take a quick look around and make sure no one requested the same game or track three posts below yours.Thanks,- djpretzel--Addendum:8. Don't post requests for music directly from the games themselves or professionally released arrangements (i.e. The Black Mages). This forum is for making requests to the remixers for a song you would like to see remixed.9. If you're a remixer, don't create a thread asking people to give you ideas for a remix. That's what this entire forum is for. If you need ideas, just look at what people have already posted.10. The ReMix Request forum is for game music remix requests only. If you're looking for someone to write original music for you, or to remix your original music, you should post in the Recruit and Collaborate forum.- ocr moderation team
Black Darius Posted July 25, 2002 Posted July 25, 2002 I do very much agree with you, Dj Pretzel but, what if you do not know the specific name for the track you want remixed? Are you able to provide a substitute name for it? Or must it be the exact name? The names for the tracks have been changed so often, nobody even knows if the original is the right name! Anyways, I see it your way, it is better to be a little more specific. ~Black Darius
Abadoss Posted August 16, 2002 Posted August 16, 2002 what if you do not know the specific name for the track you want remixed? You probably may want to look at what DJ Pretzel said... if applicable, please include the specific track name. Uh... he said "if applicable". Meaning, if you can't find the track name, or if it doesn't have one, then it's not applicable... Instead, I would probably just try to explain from which part of the games it's from.
DM Lee Posted September 10, 2002 Posted September 10, 2002 I think a moderator needs to seriously go through all the topics that dont state a game name they want remixed and change the topic title. This really bugs me that the simplest rule is not followed. I hate reading $H!+ like this "my list of requests" or "remix this" or "remix these" or "heres some good ones" stuff like that. It makes a remixer read expecting to get some good ideas of what to mix, but then its games they dont like and they could have avoided the topic easily if the name of the topic said the name of at least one game they want mixed with the "plus more..." extention. its so easy and a lot of people dont do it. Maybe if it gets worse, and i hope it never comes to this, but when you click the request link it takes you right to here and at the end of the first post in this topic will have a link to the actual request forum, rules here would really be best followed for the sake of the remixes, seriously.
TimberWolf Posted September 11, 2002 Posted September 11, 2002 UBB (not to be confused with the BBC), I think you're taking this way too seriously, lol. This isn't a form-driven forum, it's simply a jovial (?) place where prople can talk about what they'd like to hear. If the thread titles aren't descriptive enough, just peek inside. the first post should tell you if you want to read on. If not, just hit the back button and remember that one didn't have what you wanted. No reason to spazz, those aren't "rules", they're "guidelines".
DM Lee Posted September 13, 2002 Posted September 13, 2002 its easy for yo to say though, but i was looking through basically all the pages in the requests forum and if it didnt have a proper title i'd have to go in and read half of the post to find out what it was. this took a lot of time which would have been way less if proper names were used. Hell, appoint me moderator for a day in the forum i will gladly adjust the titles which need it most... no not every wrong title, just the ones that really need the title changed and made easier. there is topics where you half to read a paragraph twice as long as mine is before you find out you dont want to remix that song. when the name could have told you ahead of time. (sorry if i seem rude, i just want to help out the people who want their requests fulfilled. the easier to find a request you want to remix, the faster it gets done for the requesting posters.)
skulkrusha Posted September 13, 2002 Posted September 13, 2002 Yeah, good idea... I find it confusing going into some board that says "ALL YOUR REMIX ARE BELONG TO US" (only example I can think of) and it having nothing to do with Zerowing. All I think that is really needed is something like "Remix Game - Song name", and as long as the WIP forum put "WIP" at the title of all their boards, there shouldn't be any real problems.
endblink Posted October 12, 2002 Posted October 12, 2002 Because it's soooooo incredibly difficult and time consumming to hit the 'Back' button.
Kaleb.G Posted December 13, 2002 Posted December 13, 2002 I'm sorry, but I have to agree that topics should be named sensibly. I know that I have made a topic once before with an ambiguous name, but it had a list of over 30 random songs. If it's just one or two songs (or games), there's no reason not to put it in the title. I would appreciate it highly if somebody would rename them. I'd do it myself if I were a mod, since I do this a lot at these forums that I moderate anyway (see below).
Jason Covenant Posted January 19, 2003 Posted January 19, 2003 Dj Pretzel made a very simple and clear request. I can't believe people are having troule with it.
Strider Kyoden Posted January 31, 2003 Posted January 31, 2003 The intelligence level of most people astounds me, just by glancing at the format of this forum and pretz's announcement. Well, There isn't much hope for many people. Hell how hard is it to go. *Insert Game name* - *INsert Title of Song* for your title of the thread? Not very hard what-so-ever. But enough of that, People will learn hopefully.
Dj Shade Posted February 5, 2003 Posted February 5, 2003 Hey, I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say this. Do you think there could be a rule stating that you cannot request that a song NOT be remixed. I've just been seeing a lot of people posting threads and stuff like "There's too many [insert game name]-[insert song] remixes", or " I don't like [insert game name], so could you please stop remixing the songs?" I think that it would be greatly appreciated if a rule such as this came into place, as the posts end up with flame wars, with the original poster being exiled for several months [so-to-speak], and there is really no valid reason for someone not to make a remix of a game song, much less be told not to make a remix. Just a though...
CapnHulk Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 So do requests HAVE to be video game related? Or do we post non-related VG requests in the WIP:Other forum?
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Why don't you make it a 'requirement'/guideline that people search and/or elsewhere for midi's to link to... I mean if you don't know the game's system or the song then it's impossible to judge whether you agree or not. You're still liable to get n00b after n00b who won't read any notice you post, but I, for one, am tired of seeing linkless posts that I might agree with.
Tex Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 I don´t know the name of all musics. Therefore is important to record the original musics, who have the unknown name.
DarkeSword Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 I've made an addendum to the rules. 7. Do not post requests for music directly from the games themselves or professionally released arrangements (i.e. The Black Mages). This forum is for making requests to the remixers for a song you would like to see remixed.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted February 18, 2006 Posted February 18, 2006 I've made an addendum to the rules.7. Do not post requests for music directly from the games themselves or professionally released arrangements (i.e. The Black Mages). This forum is for making requests to the remixers for a song you would like to see remixed. So... I'm guessing all of that kind of stuff should be pm'ed then? Because information like that is all too useful in actually getting people to know what you're talking about sometimes.
prophetik music Posted February 20, 2006 Posted February 20, 2006 I've made an addendum to the rules.7. Do not post requests for music directly from the games themselves or professionally released arrangements (i.e. The Black Mages). This forum is for making requests to the remixers for a song you would like to see remixed. So... I'm guessing all of that kind of stuff should be pm'ed then? Because information like that is all too useful in actually getting people to know what you're talking about sometimes. he's saying that you shouldn't trade liscenced music through the forums, dumbass. this isn't a place to get free copyrighted music, it's a place for free stuff to be transfered around. if you think a liscenced song fits what you want as a request, that's nice. it's STILL illegal to just give a file to someone who hasn't bought it.
KingRB Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 *puts up his hand* ok new guy, question from said new guy. if people keep on thinking you mean the wrong song (e.g. everyone was wanting the sinstral battle theme for Lufia two but we got the final boss music) can we add a link to, say, a MIDI file of the music in question?
Liontamer Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 *puts up his hand* ok new guy, question from said new guy.if people keep on thinking you mean the wrong song (e.g. everyone was wanting the sinstral battle theme for Lufia two but we got the final boss music) can we add a link to, say, a MIDI file of the music in question? Yep, we encourage linking to game music format versions (NSF/SPC/PSF/MIDI/etc) of source tunes.
MilitaryPyroMutt Posted August 30, 2007 Posted August 30, 2007 Okay, absolute clueless newbie with one quick question, here. Are we allowed to make requests for specific songs that have already been composed/edited/remixed and uploaded on here by the composers on this site? Or is it just to make requests for entirely new submissions?
jlonsdale Posted September 12, 2007 Posted September 12, 2007 There was a song on here that I liked: Gothic Neclord Remix from Suikoden II. I cannot find it in the remixes anymore and didn't know who did the remix, could I ask for it to be re-posted for download?
DarkeSword Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 Added another rule to this forum. Addendum II:8. If you're a remixer, don't create a thread asking people to give you ideas for a remix. That's what this entire forum is for. If you need ideas, just look at what people have already posted.
CobaltDelta Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Perhaps we could also add an announcement that hotlinking to VGMusic's .mid files results in a 403 error, because they really DON'T want people externally linking to their files...? Just a thought, as I've seen it happen more than once.
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