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I'm torn about this. The arrangement is good. The rhythm is very catchy. But the lyrics... I wish he had gotten some help with them. I just can't take it seriously. I'll be cringing at every listen. "Got my fairy in a jar, keepin' death afar" is not good. Also, the lyrics had nothing to do with the story of the game, but after a while I just figured he knew that and didn't care.

So it's a really good listen if you don't really listen to the words.

EDIT: I should mention that the female vocalist is very good. I'd like to hear more from her. The male lead has a good voice as well.

But the lyrics... I wish he had gotten some help with them. I just can't take it seriously. I'll be cringing at every listen. "Got my fairy in a jar, keepin' death afar" is not good.

*shakes head* The lyrics are pure awesome man, what are you on about? ^w^ They're fun and LINK in with the game. (SEE WHUT I DID THAR?!)

Love this song, so so good. ^w^


This song has some production issues (I'd like to see the rapping brought a little more forward for example), but as djp said, this is nice. Love the whole idea put forth here. I only wish it was longer or that there's a part 2 or more, as this seems to set things up for a whole epic.


This is sick! It sounds like an underground industrial/rap child of new-school John Reuben-ish beats and something "SongsToWearPantsTo" would rap on. It's not a normal rap sound which may turn off some people who are hard-core into the genre. I like it though. We need something different rather than wannabes going "yo-yo" and "ugh-ugh!" The narration and the sound effects around 2 minutes (the bit where Kid Link screams) don't seem to match well with the transition to another song, but it gets better with the verse that comes up. The lyrics aren't cheesy to me and have some nice wordplay and flow, but need to dominate a little more on a production level. The last verse and the end were kind of ...well...shaky for lack of a better term. Not a bad mix for what it was. This is the kind of feel Terminator and Big T from VGMix 2 should have gone for with their raps. If they did it successfully, this track is what it would sound like (ZEEEELLLLDDDDAAAAAA RRREEEEEEMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!)

You get 9/10 (1 bonus point for not cussing which is hard to do in rap). Move over Crazy Crackaz! This is the best thing to hit since Jose redid SA2 Knuckles' Theme!

"Got my fairy in a jar, keepin' death afar" is not good.

Are you kidding that was one of the best lines. IMO. :tomatoface:

I loved the cheesy lyrics, and like said before 'Zelda' has a great voice. But I feel like Link's lines weren't delivered the best that they could be. And maybe it's my crappy headphones, but some of the instrumental parts of the song just seemed very... empty? Maybe that's normal in da big ol rapp scene, but it didn't float my boat.

Oh and like the above poster said, 'props' for not swearing or going 'yo yo ughhhhhhh dawg yeah'


Sweet to see this finally posted my thoughts haven't changed about this. While I thought the lyrics were cheesy they were well thought out, I like the Del feel which I've said before lol. Overall, this song is sweet as hell and your womans vocals are nice, I would like to hear from the both of ya with not so cheesy lyrics next time lol. Good stuff and congrats to gettin this posted because it's well deserved in my opinion.


I would've liked to hear more lyrics from Dazey, particularly in that EXHAUSTINGLY ANTICLIMACTIC ENDING ARGGGH!!! ...I envision a more epic ending with her singing something ...victorious while you rap about slaying something. Or maybe you could have just repeated your last stanza.

But otherwise, I really like this.


I normally don't listen to rap and I don't care for hip hop altogether but I liked the creativity in this song, albeit with some issues here and there. The big one, for me, is that the lyrics weren't delivered in a way that would get me pumped up and just didn't impress. The instrumental part of the song seemed really bland. I know in rap songs the vocals definitely outshine the instruments but there wasn't even a powerful bassline here. On the other hand the whole idea of this song is great. I wonder how it would have turned out if it was produced with a metal style in mind.

The big one, for me, is that the lyrics weren't delivered in a way that would get me pumped up and just didn't impress.

It doesn't take a hip-hop listener to realize that not all rap songs have a party-centred theme to it. In fact, alot of raps are created to make the listener reflect on the lyrics rather than get a drive to dance or do something different with their lives. The purpose of a radio drama is to paint a picture rather than move the crowd. Think of it as an audio version of what happens when the TV show Smallville collides with The Hero of Time on-line movie (only with cheese and quality).


This captures the "off"-vibe of Majora's Mask. The beginning is dark and frail. I think we love the samples of Link's long-fall-scream, and the Skull Kid's giggle. Lyrics slightly weak as halc said, but the chills down my spine at the excellently-captured "spirit" of the game itself more than compensate for that.

I listened to this twice when I first download it. Meaning: the taste of this remix did not take long to acquire.

djpretzel is right: Majora's Mask needs more love. (Wish I had the knowledge and resources to remix :-P).

Lastly: I like the rhyme about the fairy in a bottle keeping death at away.


A Rap I can listen to! - 4/5

- - -

Obviously, if you simply can't abide rap and/or singing in your mixes, this probably won't be your cup of tea...

That quote by djpretzel pretty much sums up how I feel about this genre. However, my typical mantra is that I enjoy any music done well, and I must say, this is certainly executed well. The intro was great and there lots of pieces that I felt really shine. Great job!


My vote on this track didn't really cover my thoughts well on the track as a whole, for which I apologize. :/

Overall this is an awesome track and well-executed concept. Production can only get better from here on out, but having the spark of inspiration that can bring a sweet track like this to life is rare.

Absolutely love this one. Thank you for creating it. :-)


Thank you for everyones awesome comments. It was a lot of fun making this track. I definitely recognize the production issues, especially the fact that the 2nd half isn't quite as good as the first. I will be the first to say I probably wrapped the project up too quick without really putting as much focus into the second half as much as I did the first.

Also - Yeah, I know it's cheesy, I mean come on people....it's a rap about video games....there's no way to make that "cool" or "hardcore" in anyway lol. I also realize that my rap isn't a perfect depiction of what happens in the game, but the whole point of this stuff is to have fun and bring a fantasy to life.

I have let my girlfriend know that there are a lot of people asking to hear her vocals again so naturally she's bugging me to start a new project, but we'll see what happens =P

Again, thanks to everyone who's helped me to get this song submitted. I'm definitely looking forward to my next project....whenever that may be. :D


This is probably one of the most original remixes I have ever come across on ocr, and seeing as we so close to 2000 remixes at this point, thats as higher praise I can give you guys.

At first I wasn't sure about this, and this could have been a mix that failed miserably due to an ambitious arrangement but this works, and works VERY well.

I can certainly hear the monstrous turtles! influence, it has that dreamy almost nightmarish quality to it that makes that remix so good.

For sure the production isn't perfect, but its pretty good and seriously, when you have an arrangement this good it really doesn't bother me.

Highly recommended - one of the most interesting pieces of music on the site and I look forward to hearing more you guys.


All right, im no fan of rap, but this was awesomely cheesy and its undoubted that Majora's Mask needs more respect from remixers. My personal Favorite zelda game, and definitely something i will remember.


Undoubtably cheesy...and thank you very much for doing so. I especially loved Link's falling sound halfway through, that was unexpected and awesome. I'll continue listening to this :)

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