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OCR00349 - Super Mario Bros. 3 "Swingin' Porno Mix"


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Super Mario Bros. 3 'Swingin' Porno Mix'

Regardless that this short little mix is supposed to be completely humourous, it still disturbs me. Not exactly the best musical contribution made to OverClocked, it's a funny little mix besides. I don't notice anything overly interesting about the music itself, but maybe it's because I can't drown the moaning out enough to hear it. That's right, you heard me. Moaning. Listen to it a few times, laugh at it, then put it away 'til your friends come over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm...Mario and porno. Right? Well anyways, I'm not sure the piano was the right instrument to use. When was the last time you watched porno and heard piano? The muted trumpet was pretty sweet, and the moaning cracked me up. Worth a download for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do and don't like it. I'll start with why I don't like it.

Mario's a classic KIDS game that ALL KIDS KNOW ABOUT. Any kid that's sheltered from sex before they're ten shouldn't download it. They'll ask why people are moaning and kissing in the background and what the joke is if their friends are laughing.

I like it though because the arrangement's creative but not really suited for a porno movie.

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1: It's a nice change from all those other Mario Remixes, ( let's Face it, Mario has been done so many times, it's getting old. )

2: Actually, I consider this Great make out music for Gamer Lovers. It's something they can both relate to. and it's nice and loud so they can't get caught.

3: Nice catchy tune.

4: I just love that "yeeeooooo" sound..


1: Too Short! I mean, c'mon, it's barely past a minute! That's hardly enough time to get my groove on.

Edit: And as for Mario Being a short fat man.. I'll just say for a "short fat" man, he sure is agile. and you know what they say.. The more Agile you are, the more faster you score. at least the people around here say that..

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A short traxx but not bad. It's a funny idea, and the tune and piano really do capture the right mood of the song. Although the music itself takes a bit to long to develope in my oppinion (should have lasted long to a climax ^^) it's a okay one. Funny at first, listen to it a few times, then only to your friends since the resal joke is off soon.

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  • 8 months later...

*blinks* I'm not sure what to say... Although I will say this... It's.. Odd..... Frighteningly like old porno, actually, but way to short. I guess Mario doesn't take long....

Sickness aside, it is pretty funny and I love the zip noise in the beginning. That sets the entire thing off. hehe... I really don't know what else to say beyond that...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, what in the flaming depths of HELL was that? Dale North, I'm usually a fan of yours, but this time, I'm going to have to dissent.

I can't deny the musical quality of the piece. Even though basic music theory (as well as all tenents of decency) went out the window, the instrument sampling was incredible. That, if left alone, would have earned this piece a sparkling review.

However: It is impossible to overlook that infernal moaning that is so damned prevalent in the background. Granted, I should have expected something like this from the title. Truth told, I tried to make myself believe that Dale North, whose material I usually deeply respect, was better than that.

Dale, if you're reading this, I have no doubt that making this piece was... fun. But I beg you, leave this kind of thing to Shael Riley. I consider this a blatant misuse of your otherwise amazing talents.

And just a side-note: Those moans didn't even sound authentic.

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  • 1 month later...
Mario is a short fat man who I can't see being filmed or even recorded in a sex scene of any movie.

Hasn't hurt Ron Jeremy's career any...

And the two really do somewhat resemble each other. Think about it......well, actually, it's probably best if you don't.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

this is too funny not to listen to! :lol: I love the music in Mario games and all the different interpretations and variations people have come up with, I look forward to hearing more! BTW, I'm new posting here but have been reading/listening awhile. I hope to eventually submit something in the future. :wink:


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... well... uhh... This is definately an interesting remix... Wait. Can I even call this a REMIX? Nah, didn't think so. But anyway, this song is a very quick download so it wouldn't hurt to listen to it once. After the first listen through, you will most likely be done with it. That's how I was, at least because honestly, I didn't like this remix-song-thing. None of it feels real. The moaning in the background sounds incredibly fake and I didn't like the tune playing. So... all in all, I hated this song. Sorry. :puppyeyes:

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