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I feel like we've done this thread so many times now. I guess everyone loves to talk about themselves :P

I found OCR through John Romero's website back in 2002 (and I joined then around june under a different account than this one). At the time I was annoyed about there being another game midi site, but then I came here and when I saw what this site actually is about I was like "OMG".


I already posted this before but I'll do it again since it's appropriate for this thread.


I believe it was late 2001 when I was introduced. My step brother to my right (blue muscle tee) knew that I liked video game soundtracks and somehow found this website and showed it to me. I didn't join till later on but I visited regularly for the music because I was blown away.

My brothers don't really visit but they do often ask me, "Has OCR come out with any good remixes lately?" They all listen to them. They think Cryptic Marble by Distant J deserves its own national holiday.


I found OCR looking for video game music or some kind of music in a google search. and it led me here obviously.

OCR has been my humble abode on the interwebs since 2008


The Sonic The Hedgehog Area 51 forums, approximately back in 2002. Those forums are long dead, but someone there linked to some of Jivemaster Sonic remixes and I was hooked. I didn't initially get involved in the community, but Timberwolf started a little competition known as IMC in 2003, so I decided to join in on the fun. The rest, as they say, is history.

It was truth; that was a cool story. I wouldn't be that mean.

You do know, that meme is used for nothing but sarcasm? I'd kinda steer away from using that if you're being serious. :tomatoface:


I came to this site from THE COMIC. I was reading it regularly, and when djp eventually linked his new remix site on its front page, I just crossed over.

The ridiculous part is that it wasn't until 2007 that I actually started hanging out with everybody via the forums/chat/cons. I'd just been listening to tracks and essentially lurking for 8 years straight.


I used to browse vgmusic back in the day, and I saw a news post about OCR back around 2001. I followed the link here, scrolled down to P and cursed when there wasn't a Pokémon mix. I listened to a Sonic mix instead (having to wait 5 minutes before I could listen to it because of my dial-up connection). Been a fan of this site ever since.


First my older brother gave me a copy of a song 5 years ago, I didn't understand what OCRemix was due to my lack of internet at home however (The song was Metal Gear May Cry). Then was re-introduced by a buddy from school (Crossroads and Lunatic Moon).

Someone told me about it in the AOL Games Nintendo chat back in December of 1688, and I downloaded music on dial-up for a few months before joining the forums. They were my first experience with forums actually.

Your real name wouldn't be Marty McFly, would it?


like 8 or 9 years ago. was looking for game music and found vgmusic.com then consequently this site. i was here BEFORE there were too many chrono trigger, dkc and ff6 remixes. =-)


It was almost 8 years ago so my memory of this place has been fuzzy back then, but I'm almost positive it was in a 2002 issue of EGM where OC Remix was mentioned in a small sidebar. I went to check it out of curiosity and here I am.

Still, someone with the production quality of Sixto was almost a pipe dream back when I started frequenting this place. :-P

No kidding. Ailsean's earliest mixes were the standout cream of the crop when I encountered OCR. Final Ecstasy was the first song to make me appreciate the sound of a wailing electric guitar!

Wish I could remember exactly how or when I first came here. Must've been either 2000 or 2001. Either I found OCR via Project Majestic Mix, or Project Majestic Mix via OCR. Heh, I still have several copies of PMM: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu sitting around.

Now PMM is dead, OneUp Studios was spawned, and OCR draws hundreds-strong panels at all sorts of nerd cons. Change!

OCR draws hundreds-strong panels at all sorts of nerd cons. Change!

Yeah, for real! I wasn't expecting the PAX panel to be so huge, especially when there are very few posters on the forums from the Seattle area. Looking out on that crowd [and then pictochatting with them] was one of the best feelings ever. I love being in front of huge crowds :D

too bad my eyes were all fucked up from allergies, so I look like I have some kind of tic in the video :o

I wish I could remember what my first remix from here was... probably something of sixto's though.

My first two remixes from the site itself was Vampire Hunter Dan's "Locke's Theme for Brass Quintet," and his "My Home, My Friends." Both of which are still among my top favorite remixes of all time, btw.

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