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Up until now, my life has been more-or-less equally devoted to two things: music and coaching gymnastics. I was fortunate enough to have time for both.

This past weekend, however, I got a promotion; I am now head coach at my gym. This is my dream job; however, it leaves me very little time to devote to music, and when you get down to it, music is a mere hobby for me, while coaching is the career I've wanted since I was in elementary school.

So I'm pretty much backing out of the OCR community. I may still pop in from time to time to say hi or to perhaps to take a few potshots at relyance or gario on PP&R, and I'm hoping I'll still be able to make it to MAGfest, but I believe my days of extensive involvement with this community are over for the forseeable future.

It's been a pleasure this community has introduced me to many very close friends, and I've had some truly amazing experiences. Rather than simply pulling a gray lightning and vanishing entirely, I thought I owed it to you all to say how much this community has meant to me and how much I love it here.


Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Go on, get out of here! Can't you see we don't want you here!


I'm not crying! It's just raining on my face!

I've just been cutting onions, making a lasagna... for one.

Best of luck, Taucer. You'll be missed around here, stop in from time to time!


Man, gario, I am definitely going to miss debating with you. That's been a real blast. As I said, I hope to still pop in from time to time to take a few potshots at you and relyance ;)

By the way, one thing I should mention: I'd prefer if nobody congratulated me for this on facebook -- without going into detail, I got this position as a result of a friend getting fired, and I don't want to rub his face in it or anything like that.


Why do you have to leave today? Why? I'm supposed to be happy today.

Well, good, because I am beyond ecstatic that you shot for the stars and got there, landing your dream job (despite any negative circumstances of your pals, sorry :( ). You've done quite a lot here and contributed in so many ways that you definitely are leaving an active legacy even if you're just dropping out "for the foreseeable future".

You'll be back some day and you know it. And everyone here will be waiting. At least, I know I will be. We still have a collab to finish up! See? I wasn't lying when I said it would be finished in 2017!

Can we still party in your house/tub?

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Go on, get out of here! Can't you see we don't want you here!


I'm not crying! It's just raining on my face!

Tsundere Darkesword made me ;_;

Taucer: I will always respect you for your work on Lover Reef and, most importantly, Scar Sealing Girl. A major kudos to you, good sir, and a tearful farewell.

This past weekend, however, I got a promotion; I am now head coach at my gym. This is my dream job; however, it leaves me very little time to devote to music, and when you get down to it, music is a mere hobby for me, while coaching is the career I've wanted since I was in elementary school.

hot SHIT, jeremy, i didn't know that your promotion was THAT big. congrats, my man, i'll miss bantering with you at cons.

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