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ocarina of time with nothing changed


id change a ton of things

like id make the masks actually useful, and there'd be transformations, and the day/night cycles would do more than just change the way towns look, and i'd make the story focus on something like an impending apocalypse instead of the same old boring power hungry magic pig in robes

now THAT would be a zelda game worth playing


Sounds promising...

Personally I'd rather take out all the world exploration elements in favor of a sailing simulator. And remove a third of the dungeons.

And I bet both our ideas would do really well if we add an easily marketable throw away side character that no one could possibly like.

Yes, Zelda can only get better after Ocarina of Time.


Rayman Hoodlum Havocs with improved and intelligent dialogues. I loved the enemies, environments and canned powers, but the childish conversations and comments scattered all over the place really makes it hard to take the game seriously.

And then there's the usual about how it could have more enemies, more places, more powers, but I suppose they could save that for a sequel.

Fallout 3 with more voice actors, I get so sick of every ghoul sounding the same, every old man sounding the same etc...

Fallout 3 with better character models. The staring thing gets really creepy after a while.

Also more Three Dog.


Fallout 3 with co-op. Borderlands came close, but that was more of a OMG SHOOT EVERYTHING game. Fallout 3 had so many different, non-violent ways to solve things. Bethesda needs to crank down the graphics and make room for some multiplayer, for reals. Their games are so huge, they practically demand it.


id change a ton of things

like id make the masks actually useful, and there'd be transformations, and the day/night cycles would do more than just change the way towns look, and i'd make the story focus on something like an impending apocalypse instead of the same old boring power hungry magic pig in robes

now THAT would be a zelda game worth playing

oh hai majora's mask


i'd be a big fan of a game that took the excellent voice acting and spaceflight combat and the decent storyline of freelancer and combined it with the functioning, dynamic economy, huge amount of enemies and character models, and beautiful graphics of a game like eve.

of course, an offline version of eve would be fine by me, too. i loved that game, i just can't see myself paying for it.

star ocean 3 with actual plot leading up to level 255 and the attainment of deity-level spells/attacks. Actually giving more development to the whole "the main characters are genetically engineered deities" and the maturation of said powers would have made it quite possibly the awesomest game ever
I agree. but it already has deity-level attacks in chests in Sphere 211. At least if you play on normal mode. 4D mode is another story.
Also, Brutal Legend with less RTS-based and more action-based battles.
Same here. I enjoyed the regular action more than the stage battles.
While we're at it, X6 without the total suckage.
That game is brutal and awesome and you, my friend, are crazy.
Personally I'd rather take out all the world exploration elements in favor of a sailing simulator.
Zelda Wind Waker has the most awesome overworld and you too, my friend, are crazy.

Another game for the complete list:


Everything that could be done with that game engine was done in that game.


id change a ton of things

like id make the masks actually useful, and there'd be transformations, and the day/night cycles would do more than just change the way towns look, and i'd make the story focus on something like an impending apocalypse instead of the same old boring power hungry magic pig in robes

now THAT would be a zelda game worth playing

i see what you did there

mm is my favorite zelda

so good


Let's see, I just got done playing Wind Waker again recently, so I'm going to harsh on it.

-Sailing around looking for triforce out.

-Better samples (the choir is inexcusably horrible. Florestan -Choir soundfont sounds 1000x better and is FREE).

-Better music overall. There were some gems in there sure, but there was also a lot of really boring/awful garbage. Music/sound quality was definitely not on their priority list with this game.

-Being able to skip cutscenes and repetitive dialog/instructions would have been awesome. I got so sick of being told what a joy pendant or treasure chart or dungeon map was. And having to watch a cutscene only to discover that you pulled up a chest with 20 rupees in it was just offensively lame.

-Daytime should last longer. I swear night lasts longer than daytime.

-Why did I have to assign a sail key every time I wanted to sail? Shouldn't that just... be a standard thing? If I'm on the boat, chances are pretty high that I want to sail somewhere.

-I would have enjoyed more dungeons in place of long, drawn out sailing around on mostly nothing.

[/waits for all the WW fanboys to pop out and cast stones]

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the game, but man, those things are just bad programming, and I think people tend to be apologists just because it's *Zelda*/*Nintendo*/*Koji Kondo* etc. If anything, they should be held to a higher standard.


I guess that wasn't wholly in spirit of the original topic, so let me add on:

L4D with the spitter, and maybe the L4D2 weapons.


Vagrant Story.

One of the best stories and some of the best storytelling I've ever taken in from a game. Superb music. Great gameplay that improved upon that of Parasite Eve (1). An otherwise near-perfect game made tedious (or impossibly hard for the nonpersistent) by the lack of weapon hot-swapping, which is all the more unforgivable by the fact that L3 and R3 were unmapped. And it's not like the designers didn't know that the player would need to constantly swap weapons; they're the ones that varied the enemy type between, and even inside, rooms. So obvious a fault and little effort needed to prevent it... nice bungle, Square.

I still recommend VS to anyone who can go back and play a PS1 action-RPG and can stand some menu-based tedium. Even with its scar it's still a phenomenal game.


Made Safer Sephiroth harder and added more plot to disc 3

I think the perfect move for FF7 would have been to do the Star Ocean 2 move where, if you do certain side quests, the final boss becomes WAY stronger. It was so nuts. I think his name was Indalecio. In Star Ocean 2 EVERY spell caster had to stand still and chant to cast magic. Then you do the side quests and when you arrive at the final battle he's zinging all over the place and chanting at the same time. Your guys run all over trying to catch him, and as soon as you think you've gotten close enough to attack him, the action freezes and the spell animation plays, your guys get stunned by the damage and Indalecio is on the other side of the arena again. GOD that was epic!

So anyway, yeah. They should do that to Sephiroth.

Here's another one for Wind Waker:

Use the same world, but add more enemies, ships, and better treasure and allow upgrades on every aspect of your own ship. BOOM! Awesome ship simulation game. Because I really do think the Wind Waker world is a good one.

Mass Effect 2 + Oblivion style scale = goodbye outside.

You know, I never thought about it, but yeah, that would be pretty awesome. In fact a lot of these concepts people are bringing up are pretty good.

I've always wished for a mechsim similar to MechWarrior or Steel Battalion where you're piloting a mech(mecha) from a cockpit that had the customization of Armored Core. In fact, if you could customize what your cockpit looked like with different screens, cameras, HUDs, and all that jazz I'd be in robot heaven. I just want some more sims (first of all) and then some real customization.

You know, I never thought about it, but yeah, that would be pretty awesome. In fact a lot of these concepts people are bringing up are pretty good.

I've always wished for a mechsim similar to MechWarrior or Steel Battalion where you're piloting a mech(mecha) from a cockpit that had the customization of Armored Core. In fact, if you could customize what your cockpit looked like with different screens, cameras, HUDs, and all that jazz I'd be in robot heaven. I just want some more sims (first of all) and then some real customization.

I agree with everything you said. People's ideas are totally making this thread rock. And crazier customization = crazier good times.

off topic question:

Have you played any of the Armored Core games that are on PS3 (and I think XBOX also)? Because they tried to make it more accessable to new players this time around and I'm wondering if it's even still worth it for robot building maniacs like us?


Trust me, although 99% of you have played and beaten Sonic Adventure, it's really an awesome game, but does any Sonic game live up to its box cover? Forget the cover! Seriously, making a good game is like writing an epic novel or making excellent music; it's a true art.


Yes, this game. Although it was great in a few ways, it contained more anatomically impossible poses and badass smirking than substance. Inside of it was a bunch of broken promises, despite the game being 'really good'.

I mean, I already know that some of you will get nostalgic and talk about how Sonic Adventure just wasn't Sonic 1/2/3. Of course not! It was revolutionary in terms of fast-paced action in a 3D environment. However, in contrast, Sonic Adventure had issues:

  • Some of the courses were excellent and breathtaking. Others, not so.
  • Graphics were cool for its time but coulda been better.
  • Music was awesome, too bad the game's direction didn't take on the same awesomeness.
  • All of the cheesy dialogue, facial expressions, victory stunts and anatomically impossible wannabe awesome poses weren't fooling us. The game should get more and more interesting, not fun and not fun then sorta fun and then kinda fun and then booooring.
  • If someone doesn't fix that DAMNED CAMERA!
  • For God's sake...
    Who put THIS guy in here? A half-witted big cat named... Big? Is this a politically correct opportunity for obese and special groups to appear in video games? Chances are, they'll still be the object of humor and nuisance.

Look Sega, this is all it takes: interesting story with a basis and branches. Pleasant graphics (you guys finally started doing that). Decent, adventurous scheme of playable characters and some badass shit like 2P coop that doesn't suck donkey balls or have camera issues. New ideas with a witty, full-effort execution (UNLIKE Sonic Heroes). Badass action, which you have, but it dies sometimes. Then just, kick ass and shit, know'm'sayin?


I don't even think you need an interesting story for something like a Sonic game. Sonic 3 told a great story with minimal writing or cutscenes or ANYTHING really. And that story was as simple as "Robotnik is back taking Emeralds. Stop him."

Mega Man X4 with the voice actors from Command Mission.

It was an epic game, but X's voice... *uggh*


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