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I really like this track. The vocals work rather well, other than the really high note, that was the only part they kind of... yeah. I mean autotuning to enhance, rather than to be gimmickey is good. Autotuning for the sake of using autotune is just silly. Good track!


Remember this way back from the WIP forums as well. It attracted me then and it still attracts me now. Very, very weird tune though. Never expected a MM2 Wily mix to sound this different. The beat is some sort of trip-hop/trance/downbeat mishmash...can't exactly pinpoint a genre for it. Surprisingly, it somehow meshes with the vocals rather well.

...which brings me to the main attraction. Vocals aren't bad despite the nitpicks and imperfections. Autotune adds more weirdness to the overall vibe. I am impressed with two factors though. First of all, the freestyle, storytelling lyrics are spread over the song very well. For lyrics that don't rhyme much and don't follow a specific length for each verse, it still managed to complement the beat rather well. Melodies and harmonies never overstay their welcome. Secondly, good job in performing the chorus differently in each take. Don't see that much in OCR vocal songs.

I have a feeling that this will be one of OCR's most polarizing remixes...really reminds me of Max Payne's "Tragedy of a Bullet" from years back.


I was just looking at this song in the to be posted section last night and wondered "When will this get posted?" I closed the page in total hopelessness.

But I am pleasantly surprised to see it on the front page so soon! I've been listening to a copy since the WIP days. I love how the lyrics keeps me guessing at a true meaning, but they're a little open-ended or fragmented - when I read the explanation in the writeup, it made sense.

The choice to simplify part of the rhythm for the verses really made this flow and feel natural...worked well.

Personally I liked the modulation at the end. To me it reflects the narrator's encouraging optimism in the face of separation and that indeed the split was peaceable.

Five star(man)s.


Thank you, AkumajoBelmont, this is one of my absolute favorite Wily remixes.

I was excited to see that this mix was finally finished and submitted: after having three WIPs in my iTunes library, it's nice to have a fully realized version! The lyrical component is a very unique and welcome addition, in particular the harmonies in the vocal break mid-song were fantastic and are a joy to listen to. Won't be letting go of this one in the foreseeable future, thank you again!


Seriously one of the best Remixes on here! Totally Awesome!

I think the Chorus really captures the feeling of Community somehow, making it an extra suitable song for the sight! Should make on some 'OCR Community Music Video' using this :D

Brilliant Work! I Salute You!!


i did not like it. the singing was where i dropped off.

that aside, great sound work! it was crisp and clean and the arrangements weren't that bad.

i am reminded of a gay man in the 80's pouring his heart out.


This is definitely my favorite vocal track on the site, and maybe my favorite Wily track too.

When I read the description I thought, "Autotune? Lazy! Overused! Should be eliminated!" But then I listened and realized just how many vocal tracks (including many on OCR) are almost unlistenable, with the vocalist singing consistently flat. So I've switched sides: for this kind of setting, if you need it, use it!


Saw this on the wip boards forever ago. Glad to finally see it posted!

The vibrato on the vocals (which sounds added in rather than part of the original performance) is a little excessive at times, but the performance itself is alright.

i am reminded of a gay man in the 80's pouring his heart out.

Best. Review. Ever.


I believe I have heard this track before, but I forget when I listened to it.

That said, I like the whole atmosphere that surrounds this take on Dr. Wily 1, it is unique as far as it goes considering most people go the rock/metal angle with it. The vocals are well done here, and helps carry the song forward along with a solid backing.

The only thing I wish were changed I think would be having some of the backing brought a tad forward - at times some of the instruments are quite faint when compared to the vocals, and I think some atmosphere would be enhanced in a few areas with it.

Great job on the song!


Wow. I've been waiting for this one for almost two years, now (you started this one waaaay back in January 2009). Hell, I even remember this one being called the mix of '09, a while back.

I don't care what other people say, I think the singing is perfect, for what it is. A little rough, yeah, but the style is perfect. The lyrics are surprisingly touching, when you listen to them (even in the context of a Dr. Wily song), and the peaks & valleys are set up perfectly.

The soundscape was always a strong point in this one. From the start I could tell this was going to be something worth waiting for.

Alright, enough gushing praise. It's a good track, people. Listen to it.



Oh my god

Everyones favorite WIP, finally here... congrats! You really managed to take an awesome but admittedly overremixed theme and bring it to a new level of awesomeness and originality. And it's so dang professional and cheesy too, enough where I could see it on the radio and people would love it and buy your CD and be inspired to tell a man or woman that they love them.


And here, I thought the Power of the Meat was going to be the guaranteed best vocal I've heard from OCR, but you gave them a very strong run for their money.

I don't really hear what the issue with his voice is. In my opinion, it sounds perfect, and the "wobbling" or whatever gives it an 80's rock sound to it. There's nothing wrong with that, people who want perfect pitch on vocals need to chill out. It makes the song feel that much more personal and "sentimental", which is weird to say about a song that is a video game remix.


I confess at first I was having that "oh noes, this song again" attitude, but this ended up being very different from what I expected. I really liked the direction you took with this.

And I totally approve the tools and effects used, as the vocals wouldn't sound as strong and fitting without them. You do seem to have an enjoyable timbre regardless, and they just helped making that aspect stand out.


Ah finally, this is definitely one that myself (and clearly a lot of other people) remember the WIP of and have been waiting to see on the front page for a while now. So now that it's here, it has actually been a long time since I've listened to the WIP which I have kept, and I don't totally remember what has changed, but I am definitely digging the completed version!

At the time of the first WIP posting, I particularly remember thinking, man, another MM2 Wily Stage 1? These concerns were promptly put to rest by how unique this song is, and the vocals certainly add to it in a positive way. I really like how while everyone including the artist seems to agree that while the vocals aren't "technically perfect," they are perhaps, perfect for this arrangement in which the style in which it is sung just seems to flow perfectly with the rest of the elements in the arrangement. The subject matter is an interesting one, once again I was glad to see a general acknowledgment of how vague they are, but there's nothing wrong with leaving it up to interpretation, and I can live with that being the meaning in the end.

The change to a more uplifting sound towards the end, particularly the last 30 seconds or so is a nice contrast from the rest of the song, and also leads to a "true" ending for the song which I don't believe was present in the WIP, well done in any case. This doesn't feel new obviously, for the good chunk of us who were familiar with the WIP, but it's still nice to see it officially completed and up on the front page where it belongs!


This is a very interesting and fun piece to listen to.

I like the idea of taking a very catchy and upbeat tune and turn it into something slower and more gentle, but still maintaining the greatness of the tune itself.

Well done, thanks for sharing this.


I'm often averse to listening to remixes with vocals in them, but every once in a while a vocal mix comes along that I enjoy listening to.

This mix is one of them. Nice work!


I've listened to music from this site for YEARS now, but I just now finally made an account to leave comments with. Like so many others said, I usually don't go for the vocal tracks much, but you NAILED this song... excellent! It one of my new favorite ones... personally- the vocals and vocalized-styling I thought fit very well with the overall sound of the arrangement. Good job.


Been lurking around since 2001, finally got around to getting registered. Really enjoyed this mix. And don't worry about that high note ;-). Style and soundscape worked out well.

Also, nice job with the key change, straight-forward yet delightful.

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