RimFrost the Tourianist Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 Great flipoff space weirdness from Shnabubula Quote
Dr. Wily Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 I just couldn't really get into this.. it is interesting experimentally but I can see what Malcos meant by his comments in the judges thread. Reminds me of a bad dream.. it's bad because I really love the original theme too and it just doesn't do it justice. Anachronism on the other hand I really enjoyed but can't say the same for this. Quote
A-RoN Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 Hunter's Chance...I remember that track and I see the resemblance now. Thanks, Blak Omen. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted November 28, 2004 Posted November 28, 2004 I don't know the piece but Shabablubahabwhateveryournameis... Nice, freaking mint. It's a very very technical piece, instantly a favourite of mine, gorgeous, catchy, and fun. I look forward to memorizing it as I did other thick IDM greats like Aphex Twin's 54 Cymru Beats or Squarepusher's Boneville Occident. 10/10, possibley my all-time favourite though I need to hear it a lot more. Quote
Crono3of3time Posted December 8, 2004 Posted December 8, 2004 I loved how the music started to play with the ears at about 5/6th of the way in... meh, it sounds so complicated, yet relaxing too... Quote
Chronodin Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 I discovered this remix a bit late, but wow. I haven't heard anything like this before, and I'm EXTREMELY impressed. I absolutely love the rhythms and syncopations, and the way the rhythm of the melody is delayed, twisted around and just generally messed with. This is one of my favorite video game tunes, too, so that could be part of it! What's also very interested is that I hear a lot of video game remixes where I'm wanting to hear the main tune and never quite get it and I feel unsatisfied. This remix, as odd as it is, doesn't do that. Between all the textures, the fluctuations, the fading in and out of sounds and the special effects and the modern rhythms, the melody is still there! I still feel satisfied after hearing this. Definitely one of my favorite mixes. Bravo! Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 I look forward to memorizing it as I did other thick IDM greats like Aphex Twin's 54 Cymru Beats or Squarepusher's Boneville Occident. Still memorizing it. What a gem. I want to choreograph something to it. Quote
Lord_Syruss_Khalai Posted March 24, 2005 Posted March 24, 2005 ...Mother of God... It's like...a smooth tasty milkshake...full of hidden razor blades and needles. In a good way. It's so differant...and cool. I love how it's just familiar, and yet it's sharpness challanges your senses...or...your ears...hopefully oyu know what I mean. This is a great tune, yet very unique, and very much not for everyone. If you love the avent-garde, probably strongly love in this case, it's a great song, otherwise it may just come out as electronica puree. I loved it, after the first time...even I had to aquire the taste. But it's so delicious. Hard-core 9/10 ~Lord Syruss Khalai Quote
Harmony Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 Man I swear the time signatures in this song are instruments unto themselves. I'm in awe of the skill with which they were stiched together. To pull off a piece like this requires a great deal of foresight, creativty and heaps of control over your musical visions for the final product. This one has earned it's spot as one of my favorite remixes out there. Amazing work Samuel. Quote
Bummer Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 I can really agree that this one is greatly remixed, but if I think it´s great, I think I need some time for this one. Different remixes ARE great, but this one didn´t quite got somewhere I think. Nice groovy beats and synths, some hi-hats, it´s good, but I´ll need some time. Quote
SakakiAzu Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Its beat is pretty good, sounds like it's just... everywhere. 8.5/10 Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 Shnabubula's music owns me. Everytime I hear a Shna tune my head just rattles around on my neck uncontrollably. If only I could bear his children... er, nevermind. Song's kickin', by the way. Quote
Keiseth Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Little known fact; Shnabubula's music is outlawed in three countries as an excessively addictive substance. Okay, not quite, but the latter half stands. One can't help but praise a remix that takes something like Hunter's Chance and makes it so... so... funky? I don't have a word readied for this, so I'll just say "The sound of awesome colliding." Quote
LongeBane Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 This was certainly interesting. Liked it too. Though, I could totally imagine 2:49 be the start of a new dynamic with a very fast beat and transition into climax. That would've been nicer I think. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted July 24, 2006 Posted July 24, 2006 wow, i just read the judges decision thread for this one--how can this not be instantly accepted? I think this is one of shnabubula's best works, and one of the best works on the site. I feel like Shnabubula's compositions teeter on the line between genius and insanity I guess then again, it really took me a few good listens in the car to realize how incredible this is... but seriously this is ridiculous Quote
spineshark Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 well, it was nearly rejected on the basis of sound quality. it's true, the samples are really crummy, and the arrangement would work with better ones. but it wouldn't be as charming. on a purely logical basis, this song reminds me more than any of his other remixes of his original work (because it originally was, apparently) so i'd think i'd like it the most (i love his non-remix stuff more than any of his remixes)...but i got sorta bored of it. Quote
watkinzez Posted September 30, 2006 Posted September 30, 2006 While I never commented, I've loved this song ever since I downloaded it on release, left it in a folder, burnt it to CD with my latest songs, and found it through study listening. What's this? This is awesome. I think it's safe to say that Sam is my favourite remixer, and this piece is up there as his very best. Several listenings are in order, but once the song is engrained in your mind, putting Hunter's Community Chest on is bliss. Quote
anosou Posted April 22, 2007 Posted April 22, 2007 Probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so glad someone understands the progressive avant-gard style of music! I don't know the piece but Shabablubahabwhateveryournameis... Nice, freaking mint.It's a very very technical piece, instantly a favourite of mine, gorgeous, catchy, and fun. I look forward to memorizing it as I did other thick IDM greats like Aphex Twin's 54 Cymru Beats or Squarepusher's Boneville Occident. 10/10, possibley my all-time favourite though I need to hear it a lot more. And yeah. Word. Quote
Geneson Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 I remember first hearing this and thinking it was something I could appreciate musically, but not something I would be listening to years later. Well, I'm still bumping it to this day, and I practically rock out to all the crazy rhythms and tempo changes. This piece practically changed my whole perspective on music, and that is no hyperbole my friend. Quote
GameboyKnight Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 I could swear the first few seconds were very boring and then it became a strange mess. I was about to turn it off, but then my mother called me to feed the dogs. So, while feeding the dogs, I listened to this conundrum, that actually made me come back and start it again. The feel is so abstract you can't really see where it's going. The Hunter's Chance melody rings in every now and then, adding in some familiarity, then everything is back into chaos. It's an organized chaos, but I was surprised in this one really. I think my favorite part has to be the key change it gives it a synth-jazz-funk feel and this lasts for quite a while until it delves back into another key change into the melody. Like natto, this song really does have an acquired taste, but it is phenomenal, nonetheless. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 It's taken me a lot of time to appreciate this on (including hearing the original in-game), and it's still not my favourites. I think the sound quality issue discussed extensively in the judging thread really brings this down for me. Well, I'll keep listening, perhaps it will start to shine for me too. --Eino Quote
ella guro Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 BEST BEGINNING OF A MIX EVER. The beginning is maybe one of the most genius things I've ever heard in a piece of music. I'm being completely serious. Ok, you may say "what the hell are you talking about?" But bear with me for a second. I just wanna talk about the guts it takes to do what Mr. Ascher-Weiss has done in the first 20 seconds or so in this mix. You're trying to figure out how to do a cool an intro to a song, to really get people eased into what's coming up. Usually if you have lo-fi samples you try to conceal their ugliness as much as possible with reverb or other fx and having more stuff going on in the arrangement to hide some of the ugliness. There are certain standards of sound quality on OCR, and you know that people can be really ouchy about that. And at the very least you usually want to establish some kind of stable rhythmic backing so that it at least sounds like you have some skill and know what you're doing. This mix says a big "fuck you" to both of those and does the exact opposite. It isolates the two worst quality samples right at the beginning and makes them really rhythmically complex and unstable. And it's genius. It's genius because it's the best possible attention-grabbing thing that you could do, and it's also something that you would think no one in their right mind would ever do. I mean, why would you ever intentionally try to make stuff sound bad? But Sam does it here, and it works so well because he's patient. He knows what's coming and you don't, and he knows that you don't know so he exploits that as much as possible. It's tension and release, like what Vigilante said. He wants to draw people in before they get any kind of payoff. All this tension and release makes you feel like you've really gone somewhere and experienced something real and true. It may not have been the easiest experience to undertake, but you feel like you've really gone through something, and it makes you uneasy. But, as you realize later, it's a very moving sort of uneasiness. I talked to Sam about this mix recently and he told me the intro was kind of accidental. He said there was something really complicated going on in the beginning that he got so frustrated with, so he decided to take out everything except the drums and the bass. Happy accidents can be lead to genius ideas, and the beginning of this mix is a prime example. Also there is no way this would sound better with better samples. There's so much filtering and stuff going on, I don't even know what it would sound like. A lot different, that's for sure, and probably less good. Anyway...after a ton of listens this is undoubtedly one of my favorite mixes on the site. Not everyone's gonna like it, but for weird people like me, I need to hear stuff like this. It's like heroin, if heroin made me a better person after doing it. Forget about Sam's talent for a second, I wish people would take some more risks and push themselves as far as Sam has here. Cause that's what being an artist is about. Damn, that's what being a human is all about. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 30, 2010 Posted April 30, 2010 I won't call it genius, but it's interesting to listen to for sure, and though the energy level is pretty static, mostly due to the encoding and samples, it never gets old. No one makes mixes like Sam. <3 Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 For the longest time I thought the intentionally muddy sound quality stood in the way of a great arrangement. It's still a bit like digging through the mud for goodies, but the warbly soundscape does give the track a peculiar feel of its own. This track forces you to listen to it closely. It sounds broken and muffled.. and weirdly old and nostalgic. I get a mental image of adventuring through partially undersea ruins. While being viewed from the side, in eight bits. --Eino Quote
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