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Dude, you're YOUNGER than me? :o I was 20 in like September! This means I'm technically better than you.

Sorry man. It's Proto Saves Christmas now, you're not mature enough to run such a project.

Now that I've developed a little more wisdom during the overnight transition between 19 and 20, I realize you're right. The four months you've spent ahead of me better qualify you for a leadership role, and I'm sorry I haven't handed the project over to you sooner. That was very childish.

I hope you can forgive me :cry:


I'm 21, so therefore I have even more right to be in a leadership position than you, Proto, and I'm changing it back to Lime of the Season. And now I'm relinquishing control back to Ben as a birthday present.

Happy birthday, my victory theme makin' man!

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