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OCR01293 - Donkey Kong Country "Clouded Mind and Ringing Ears"


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This is an interesting mix... reminds me of a mine... or a forest... or a mine in the middle of a forest. Abandoned, mostly. Maybe on another planet. Or Half-Life (the first one, single-player), walking around the more factory-like areas.

It's not very intense or in-your-face, just sort of ambient and mellow and BGM-like, which is why it draws up images so well.

I like it, for its different-ness. It's pretty cool.

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Well, here it is. The one song from KiC that didn't make me want to stab things. I wish more remixers would let the composer's original material shine through rather than obscure it by perpetuating their own particular pet genre, ie. TRANCE. But that's just my opinion. Thankyou, Aetherius, for restoring my hope in OCR for at least another year. Awesome, awesome stuff.

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Well, here it is. The one song from KiC that didn't make me want to stab things.

Hey, if you didn't burn out on us, you could've made that two songs from KiC that didn't want to make you stab things.

With that said, this is a rather interesting mix, and certainly not something you'd expect to hear, considering that the source material is from a DKC game. It takes a while to get moving, but when it does (around 1:06), it sounds good. Sometimes the buzzing and effects can be a little unsettling, but other than that, we have a mix that's fairly well done and wouldn't sound out of place in an actual game.

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Hey this is not expected of a DKC Mix. I totally agree with Dave; it also reminds me of CotMM's music.

I particularly loved when the beats decides to come in. These strings are expressing very interesting ideas; it sounds like a sad thing. I somehow enjoyed this stage and its music during my childhood. And this mix is no exception.

I will play this track eventually when it comes to mind. Awesome.

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TEH LINKK/E IS BROUKAN!!!111!!! GNO NOES!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1

Sorry, I'm not very good at leet-ish. OCR seems a bit buggy at the moment, and as such I can't download the song. However, since I have the KiC release, it's reviewing time!

This song does an excellent job of seperating more "in your face" tracks on the album, but I can also listen to this by itself and it still does an admirable job. It would have been a challenge to arrange the rather empty original, so good job Atherius/DJ Starchild/Starky!

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I wasn't very happy with this one. There was a melodic hook in the original track that wasn't in there (for those of you who don't know the original version it's a bell like instrument that plays 16 times right before the strings fade in). The repetition of the beat and the cling-clang thing was getting on my nerves after 2 minutes of it going straight. Other than that, the sound effects were excellent, and the strings really fit the whole Kong experience. It needs touch-ups but what's good is really good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. I just need to ask. There's a sound right near the end (within the last 30 seconds) that sounds exactly like a printer. Is it one, or is it just a coincidence?

But yeah. Generally, I'm a pretty big fan, for all that I don't usually like ambient music much. It's nothing insanely special, but it's definitely pretty and non-annoying to listen to.

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in response to koelsch.

same to you, my experimental jazz loving enema.


this song isnt bad, its just different, i don't think it would have been posted though if it weren't on the kong in concert album

the ambience is great

its a good song to just have playing while you're doing other stuff

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  • 5 months later...

given that I made the remix in the space of about 3 and a half hours (the half comes from remastering, and at least one of those hours was spent surfing for porn)

I can't defend the ReMix status so much, however, It's not my fault that it got posted, so, if you don't like it <insert judge hate here.>

yet, I feel it's a shame that my remixes suck, and my originals suck less, and I'll forever be known better for shitty remixes, than cool originals. Stupid SgtRama.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those strings in the beginning makes this sound like movie material. As many others already has stated, this mix does not have a melody, but sometimes it don not have to. All these beats and that echoing minebell made it onto my playlist, as I said in the beginning (one line up), this sounds like a touching scenario when the heroes/badguys/squirrels observes the situation and it doesn´t look good, or when Indiana Jones must release the children working in...THE MINES.

So, this is good material. Relaxing, background, I don´t care, Aetherius did a great job advancing it to the next level, and we all should thank him.

Thank you, dude.

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