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Posted (edited)

The Robot Museum is an idea I've had up my sleeve for a while now. Ever since playing Mega Man 7 years back and reaching the mid-game robot museum stage, I thought the concept of a robot museum was a great one. It wasn't until I played Mega Man & Bass that the thought of an arrangement album in the style of a robot museum had occured to me.

The following is the idea that has come into fruition. I've arranged a robot master's theme from the original Mega Man all the way through Mega Man 8 with the addition of a bonus track from Mega Man & Bass.

Thanks for checking out the project and I really hope you enjoy it!

~ Joshua Morse


Edited by Liontamer

Sweet! I recognized the Journey song from the first Mega Man but unfortunately haven't played any of the other games, so this is a fresh experience for me all around. :-) I love Josh's ability to use programmed instruments like bass and lead guitar but make them sound convincing. He gets a very distinct and interesting sound with them, people trying to sequence with fake instruments should take notice! This is how it's done. Awesome website too, nice animations and cleanliness to it. Great second solo album on OCR, hope to see more in the future!


Looking through this site last night and saw this in the announcements. At first I thought it was the MMX album (seeing that it was the only MM album announced) but upon closer inspection found it was something completely new and got really excited. Unfortunately I was too early and could only see that advertisement - there was nothing yet to listen to until after I went to sleep. Great way to torture me, guys :-x.

Alright, downloading now. It's Megaman, it'll be worth the wait,


Been listening to this all day while I've been working. Overall I really like it. Every song sounds really polished and well executed. You can definitely tell it's a Joshua Morse album, his signature style and sound is throughout.

I particularly like Spark Man's theme (we need some more Spark man remixes in general), and I like Yamato Man a lot too, mainly because it deviates from the sound of the rest of the album and really stands out. It seems like Joshua took some liberties on this song and branched out from his "typical" sound.

Great job!

Posted (edited)

From the first 5 tracks, I can't decide between Spark Shock, Dust Crusher, and Power Stone. This album is definitely better than Sonata of the Damned.

Four questions to Morse:

*Anything to say to ScrewAttack for naming Stone Man their 10th worst Robot Master in the winter of 2010?

*It's only a matter of time before Smash 4 is announced. Do you think Simon Belmont and Mega Man are going to be the next guest characters?

*How many of these solo albums do you plan on?

*Is your next one in the works?

Edited by GTAHater836

The signature tracks of this album are Air Shooter and Data Base Accessed, the former of which is such a refreshing interpretation of Air Man. With that being said, I'm kind of disappointed by the whole product to be honest. Something about the rest of the remixes rub me off the wrong way, most notably is that there's just so many sounds, samples and styles jumbled in...it's a bit too hectic for my tastes. At times I have difficulty recognizing the source material...and even when I do I feel that there's just so much filler material between the sources used I can't really associate the remixes with the original tracks anymore. The Air Man and Data Base tracks avoided these pitfalls which is why I dig them. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Castlevania, I found that the last remix album is so much better than your take on Mega Man.


track 1: Caribbean feel. Very smooth. Great opener, esp at as late at night as I'm listening to it.

track 2: I'm catching a breeze of Morse's Morse Code here, but with a happier, night time metro feel.

track 3: You certainly picked the right name for this one. It's like dancing, zapping power cables, but then things go smooth for periods of time.

track 4: Sound of mystery and intrigue, but maintaining the theme sound of the first four mixes.

track 5: A very different sound to digital from an orchestra that isn't quite digital but is all-the-way.

track 6: A never thought before about digi going asian. I won't forget this.

track 7: Dun da dun dun dun, cha cha! Back to the Caribbean.

track 8: Same beat, new lead. Makes for a continuation while remaining unique.

track 9: This one really surprised me. Very soothing.


Excellent job dude.

For future upbeat songs, try out a new drum pattern for uniqueness.


Megaman music is a long standing love of mine.

It's funny....this isn't a style of music that I listen to very often, but I can't deny the excellence of the arrangements! I put this album on my mp3 player right away. It's gotten me through quite a few rough hours of homework. I can't stop listening to this!! Esp. love Air shooter, Power stone, and Slash claw.

It was bugging me for a bit as to why some of Slash claw sounded so familiar to me for different reasons....and then I discovered that the beginning is taken from Quick Man's level! Ah, recycled megaman music....I guess the long-suffering composers couldn't be expected to come up with something new for every level!


Great stuff, but my favorite is Power Stone. I put it on loop and I never get tired of it.

Question: Do you plan on doing a Robot Museum 2? Because there are a lot of songs that haven't been remixed, especially from Mega Man 4 and on. I know the chances of you doing another Mega Man collection is slim, but I just had to ask.


Listening to the album now.. wow very different from what I expected.

Knowing Josh's diverse style, but this definitely takes any MegaMan fan on a magical trip.

What I even enjoy more about this album, is that it retains a unique sound format, almost like a game on its own.

I feel like I should be playing Megaman right now. Oops wait, @ college.


I was thinking perhaps an album could be consisted of music from the Wily Castles. There's quite a few Wily stages that's never been remixed, besides the all too much remixed one in MM2, and that would be a interesting change of pace. Or heck, maybe the less known music from the gameboy games, there _are_ some good ones from those. = ] (honestly i wish the one with all the planet bosses would be remade somehow, that one was really good!)

...Command Mission is still there too ya know, guys.. >.>

  • 2 weeks later...

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