djpretzel Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Tex Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 Hey, I remember this stuff in the WIP forum. This is cool and in high quality. I love the instruments, the beats and the technique! The saxophone is beautiful! And this work is pure fun too. Pleasant resources. Yay, excellent work by chthonic. EDIT: This is your first great remix. This don´t finished! Quote
SpikeyGCPS2 Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 Wow, although I would have never thought that this theme would be done like this, it's a good thing someone did. This peice is put together very well. Lots of change going off the pace of the theme here and there, and before it starts to get old, moves on. This is something I could put on loop all by it's lonesome and it wouldn't get old. That vocal of someone going "Yeah!" that's in this mix a few times is a nice added affect even. When it goes slow with the sax playing near the end is a nice way to end this great mix. I hope to hear more from this one. Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 Whoa, the melody feels a lot more slowed down than it really is... Anyway, nice instrumental themes. A bit repetitive [but perhaps deliberately so]. Sequencing is what they call it, I think...? Quote
ella guro Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 I'm just going to paste my review of this from the WIP board because I'm a lazy bastard: Looks like this did make it on the site after all.I'd say the biggest thing this mix has going for it is that it takes sparse material and tries different things with it - with varying degrees of success. The scratch and vocal samples I find mildly irritating, and I don't know really why they're there in the first place. The sax solo is also completely out of the blue, and though it's sequenced interestingly, the fact that it's a sample and that it wasn't really in any sort of context makes it downright goofy. There are some interesting effects employed after that, which work pretty well, and a breakdown takes the mix back to the melody section. The major complaint I have here is that while this mix changes up enough to make itself presentable and listenable, there is not really anything exciting or new going on in the arrangement. This would have been a great section for a little bit of deviation from the theme, but instead the synth keeps repeating the same two lines and it starts to become tiresome. After listening to the ending (which was a neat idea sans the sax), I can tell that much effort went into making this presentable and enjoyable. While a lot of the effects aren't staggeringly original and some don't work incredibly well, there is an energy here that differentiates this from a standard mix of this type and puts it above the bar. So all in all there's room for improvement but this is not a bad effort by any means. Good work. Quote
Hy Bound Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 This is a great track. I really enjoy all of your creative sidestepping in the main melody. Im really looking forward many more remixes from you! That sax is especially great. very well done!!! Quote
BBB Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 nice. i was getting sick of listening to all the techno i have saved over and over again and i finally found a new one i really liked. it would've been even better if you worked in the metal mario theme as well, though. Quote
LiquidTrance Posted February 13, 2005 Posted February 13, 2005 very nice mix. it sounds trippy and relaxing. the yeah! sample is used incredibly well. great job Quote
Zipp Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 I don't like to pin myself down by choosing a "favorite" type of music. I'm a fan of anything good : wink: That said, this song crosses a number of borders between types, ranging from latin to synth to jazz. I can't say I love all the crossovers, but the piece overal does some really nice things. However, it doesn't help the remixer to just say, "wow, best thing ever." So if I had to ask for an improvement, I would say that the synth gets a little heavy, and detracts from the nice latin feel of the piece. Besides this, it is an excellent coverage of a difficult tune. Oh and kudos for putting the original at the begining. Thta brought tears of remembrance to my eyes. Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Oh and kudos for putting the original at the begining. Thta brought tears of remembrance to my eyes. Thta was what I was going for. Also, here's the song's VGMix page if anyone's interesting in reviewing or toplisting or clicking on the little exclamation point. -chth Quote
Czar Diego Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 This is the first time I've heard synthesized sax and didn't cringe. Definitely a keeper. Thank you. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 I also heard this first over in the WIP forums. I knew it was getting hosted the moment I head it. While I agree that it could get a little repetitive the enjoyability of the loop is high and I don't think this will ever disappoint a techno or mario fan. Good jorb. Quote
Yhoko Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Very nice remix, like the piano and sax and my favorite point is at 3:09 (maybe I just like that "pipe" sound too much ^^). The retro-melody comes also nice in time, that means party mood all over the mario world ^^! Quote
SosusOCR Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Well its about time we got another Super Mario 64 Mix and its a very very good one me thinks... I love the transy type feel to it and gives its a very different take to the other remixes Ive heard here. great Quote
jordex Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 W00t its here at last I just wanna get up and start dancing Quote
phantomINTELLECT Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 This is one of the better mixes I have heard on this website for a while. In fact, it's really damn good. Nice job man. Quote
A-RoN Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 Not bad. It's got quite a blend. This sounds more like house than dance just because of how the NES snare from the soundfont mixes in with the rest of the percussion. It's got that groovability while having that same repeating chord progression. Beats are good, the sax blew me away, and the piano adds a very nice touch. It honors the roots of the original Starman theme which is what I feel some of the newer OC Remixes don't do when they deviate from the original source and are just plastered with original uneeded solos, chords, and riffs. That is why this deserves appreciation. It's great to see a mix like this one return to OCR. Good job. Quote
KirbySage Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 Wow, that was an extremely good Remix. The NES blend really set a good attitude for the song. I extremely liked it when the guy yelled "YEAH!" just because it was pretty shaweet, and gave you the feeling of jamming. I would like to see more like this! Well, hear more like this. Quote
Zekian Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 Normally, I don't like people randomly shouting things or sound effects added in. Many times it seems kinda silly or just downright stupid. chthonic has managed to bypass this obstacle with FLYING COLORS in a way that is only matched in quality (at least from what I've heard) by the sound effect use in "McVaffeQuasi Ultimix" (Tetris). The integration of the NES theme is flawless, and the instruments used all sound great. It's particularly impressive that the NES theme and the instruments are playing side-by-side without conflicting with each other. One of the best Mario remixes on the site. Nice work all around. Quote
Carbon Dog Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 I really enjoy the amount of kick this song has. Quote
Annoxus Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 This is AMAZING. You've taken an overly repetitive Mario theme and breathed some new life into it. It's a good repetitive and FAR from boring, the instrumental work is beautiful, and the sound effects are bliss. This is the kinda quality all mixes should strive to achieve. Purely Awesome. Quote
BlackPhantom Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Booyah! Another excellent remix to OCR! Quite wonderful! Quote
DarkFrog Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 The style of this song reminds me quite a bit of Fragments of Gold by Beej. Although I can definitely see djp's point about this almost being something you'd expect from Disco Dan. I just simply love the song at 1:20, but I definitely need to take a music theory class so I can explain in words why. So, lacking that, I guess just about all I can say is: Good stuff! -Austin Spafford Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Very interresting. Synthesized jazz mixed with trippy techno, makes a fun little reminder of Mario flying above the clouds on time-limited wings. Yay ! chthonic shows us what shines bright, with something that is light-hearted and enjoyable to hear. Even if you're not a Mario fan. Excellent Quote
Mr Azar Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 This song has a good beat to it, very well composed and sounds as if it came off a retail CD. As soon as I started to play this, my friends got up and started to dance Quote
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