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I wanted to say it in the project thread before it got locked, but if Sonic CD goes ahead, you'd have me to thank for by starting that conversation. :lol:

Anyway, I'm glad to see the album is unleashed; time to download and witness the finished product. :D


Woo! First one in!

I'm not sure there's much to say that can convey my feelings, so I'll just quote Frank West:


With this, my Sonic Remix Album collection is complete! Thank you to everyone who worked on this!


Superb work! Every track is extremely high quality and I can tell there was a focus on detail throughout the album.

I have to agree with halc's review on the SOS website... DrumUltimA & Harmony's track is quite possibly one of the best remixes ever.

Awesome job all around!


Just listening to the SOS album right now. And loving every track!

Given the dedication, the SOS team put towards this album.

I wonder if Sega may offer some special inclusion of these cover bgms in Sonic 20! =D


This is the album i've been waiting for since last summer... I'm 3 tracks in right now and what was a pretty crap day is suddenly feeling not so bad after all. I'm really looking forward to the rest :)


Had this album for a long time, and I have to say that this is probably the most consistantly good album in terms of mood, style and enjoyability that ocr has ever produced. Congrats should to halc for making such a solid and engaging listening experience, and of course to all the mixers for the awesome music :D


Amazing stuff!

Subsonic Sparkle has an excellent groove! I'm really feeling it.

I really enjoyed Spring Junkie as well. Nice work halc.

Joshua Morse impresses as always with a nice smooth remix, Fifty Rings to Ride.

For some reason, Under Construction sounds like it could be one of Rouge's levels in Sonic Adventure 2. Anyone else getting that vibe? Its a good thing, I really like it.

Caos has some excellent strings paired with a smooth chill beat. Really liking that. Also that piano solo that uses all the melodies from the game pretty much, that's just awesome.

I'm a sucker for smooth jazzy grooves, but all the tracks are amazing of course. Kudos to all who helped make this awesome album.

Had this album for a long time, and I have to say that this is probably the most consistantly good album in terms of mood, style and enjoyability that ocr has ever produced. Congrats should to halc for making such a solid and engaging listening experience, and of course to all the mixers for the awesome music :D

What he said. I've also listened to this thing about 7 times by now but it never gets old. :-P


Argh it was released when i was at work >.<

Just finished the album on the first listen,



Do you guys realise i love you?


But seriously this album kicks so much ass that we've run out of ass's to kick.

Personal highlights are Bubble junkie and under construction imo

these two tracks are amazing well done DrumUltimA, Harmony and benjamin briggs.

Not to say that the rest are bad.

No far from it, but those two tracks are the kinda style i enjoy it was refreshing to hear them.

When i heard part of "sound of speed"(green hill not the album...well kinda) in the trailer i fell in love with it

Each track shows dedication and hard work and for that as a listener i thank you guys for it.

So yeah gonna put this album on repeat for all eternity

And also rexy if that album ever happens thanks for the idea :3


I was a little sceptical when I heard of the Sonic Remix. But despite that, I am very pleased of this arrangement. I think I will put this on through my cars speakers whenever I'm on the highway! :)

Anyways, I know this is a little off-topic, what is the next Remix? Can someone re-direct me to the write post?


Congratulations halc et all for an amazing album, I have been waiting quite some time for this and it has not disappointed!

My highlights:

Shifiting Islands - I'm not usually a fan of the Marble Zone music, but this track has turned it into something awesome

Subsonic Sparkle - Like halc, I am also a fan of GaMeBoX's work on Project Chaos and I enjoy his style very much

Hogtied - I just love the way this mix also briefly visits the Robotnik theme from the Master System/GG version! (As well as the scrap brain theme from that edition - "That Freezing Feeling" from Project Chaos also makes use of it)

Clockwork Criminal - Scrap Brain is one of my favourite tunes from the game, and I'm glad this track has done it justice


Listening to the last track...

This was pretty amazing. Definitely one of my favorites, it's up there with chaos and threshold and lifestream and all those guys. I kind of wish Spring Junkie wasn't so liberal, but it's a good standalone track.

Though tracks like Shifting Islands, Bubble Junkie and the last track (Not to mention all the special stage tracks) were beyond awesome. Shifting Islands was probably my favorite, mostly because the synth just reminds me so much of G.E.R.U.D.O. which is prolly my favorite mix on the website.

All in all, this > Hedgehog Heaven :ooo


Ok, so I actually sat down and had time to go through and listen to the entire album, and I have a question.

Why did we need at least 4 different songs that all featured the Special Zone music? After the first track that featured the theme, I encountered at least 3 others that all opened up the same way - with the same theme, only a different style of music. By the 4th time I heard it, I had to actually speed through half of it because I was sick of hearing that same song remixed for the 4th time on the same album. I just want to know why it was needed.

That was my biggest gripe. Although it annoys me that some people made it very hard to pick out the original source music in some of the songs, I understand that's just how their style is. But having an album with 13 tracks that has the same theme in 4 of them seems excessive.

Other than that, I really liked 'The Sound of Speed', "Clockwork Criminal" and "Final Progression". They really made the album for me. Sorry if I sound like I'm being to critical about everything else.

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