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i beat great greed for GAMEBOY. i hastily bought it as a teen, thinking it was sortof like ultima( which i played on the apple 2 as a young boy) and naturally couldnt return it,so i beat it. its classic, but christ ill never play it again, its rather hard if you ask me, and horribly monotonous. i liked the ending though.


I'm playing Dark Souls right now. Just rang the second bell and I'm trying to beat ceaseless discharge. I like a challenge in my games but not like this. And on top of that, I absolutely hate gloom and doom games like Diablo. Once I beat this game, I'm never going back to it. Heck, I'll ship it off to the first person that asks for it once I'm done. (ps3)

Oh these are fun!

Since I'm the type that obsesses over getting the platinum trophy in every PS3 game I play, I have a LOT of these moments. Here is one.

Catherine: Babel Mode level 4. NEVER AGAIN!

How many platinums do you have? I'm currently at 12. I can easily get the InFAMOUS 2 trophy for my 13th. All I need to do is go through it on easy while being evil.


Ooh, here's another fun one: beating Zelda 2 (via the GBA port). I probably will wind up trying this again, because I'm a masochist, but there were whole stretches of that game that were just brutal. At least the Temple theme is god-tier.


^ good to know it's never again.

I spent a good portion of my night fishing for a Dragonite in Pokémon Black (1% chance appearance rate outside Dragonspiral Tower if you fish in those randomly-appearing rippling puddles). After what seemed like over 300 encounters (at the very least), I managed to finally land one and nab it in a regular Poké Ball.

From now on I'm going to avoid fishing in rippling water like the plague. :P


In the original Disgaea, you could only get the best weapon in the game (Yoshitsuna, if I recall) by going into a difficult dungeon and delving to the bottom (100 levels of dungeon). Then, you had to steal the sword from an enemy. The steal chance is 1%. I literally tried 99 times and on my 100th try I got it.

On a side note, I was playing at the time with a friend of mine who was into mathematics, statistics, etc. I was joking that because I had tried 99 times, it would obviously work on the 100th time. He said something like, "No, probability doesn't work that way!" And then of course I got it on #100 and he was literally gaping. Haha.


Heh, I think that's where my little brother kind of gave up on the game, because he'd put it down for a while and flat-out couldn't find his way back to the boss he was trying to beat. :D


Attempting to 100% the Pin List in The World Ends With You comes to mind. I remember sitting down with two DSes, one in some random game's wireless contact mode, just to farm Mingle PP for pin evolution. I did end up eventually getting the Darklit Planets Set after finding the godforsaken pink frog noise, but now that I think about it, I don't think I ever quite finished the entire list. Still, this isn't something I'll be doing again.

It's looking like SS-ing all the stages in Dustforce is going to be the next one of these for me. Night Temple was the first of many several-hour attempts at perfection (not even going for a high score), and I do NOT look forward to doing this on any of the gold-key Laboratory levels.


I've got a few of these.

Metal Gear Solid 2 on European Extreme, jesus christ the boss battles are stressful.

Getting the Tournesol on FFXII, oh my god I hate low percentage loot.

Played Heavy Rain for the first time in one sitting, I was physically and emotionally broken by that.

The optional dragon bosses in FF12. There's nothing more dull as fighting the same boss for two hours straight while babysitting a bunch of AI.

You mean Yaizmat? I can't believe I beat him twice. I only did it the second time because I accidentally deleted my 100% uber-game save.


When I was 12 I got a golden Legend of Zelda cartridge for NES. With the memory battery being broken, I tried beating it one sitting. I think I got to the 7th dungeon but never finished it.

The accomplishments I did complete were finding all 50 golden scarabs and building the paddle sword to it's final level in Ninja Gaiden Black.

so naturally, When I found my games saves had been corrupted, I never desired to play the game again. and I haven't played any of the subsequent sequels for that matter too (perhaps at my loss).


I got the God of War Saga and have been enjoying the hell out of it. I've played through the first two games (never before finished God of War II)...

and if I ever play them again, I will absolutely dread the bladed columns in Hades (game one) and the bladed columns in the Phoenix's nest (game two).

So far I've only gotten to Hades in game three - are there any bladed columns in this or the Origins pair that I should fear/despise with every fibre of my being?

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