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Previous FF6 Kickstarter *cancelled* BUT new one in the works!!

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Update (2012-09-25): We're BACK! (New Announcement!)

Update (2012-08-20): We worked extensively with Square Enix and were able to reach a fair & reasonable agreement, but after doing so we were informed by Kickstarter that they are technically unable to restore our project.

  1. The previous kickstarter is now effectively dead.
  2. Kickstarter staff have informed us that there is no need to cancel pledges, as credit cards will NEVER be charged, but feel free to do so anyways if you prefer! We did ask if they could just auto-cancel/delete all pledges, but apparently (as with restoring our project) they are technically unable to do that.
  3. Obviously, this is disappointing; we apologize for any inconvenience & frustration it may have caused you, and we are thankful for all the amazing support you've given us.
  4. Now that we’ve got everything sorted out, we're going to TRY AGAIN!! Stay tuned for info on a new announcement, and thanks (again) for your patience and support!



Yes! Thank you in advance to everyone that checks this out and donates. I think my feelings are pretty clear in the video but this game and its music are very special to me. Having heard, well, everything on the project so far, I can guarantee you will LOVE the final result.


Soooo bummed not to be able to take part in this project with songs. I really hope this goes well, both regarding the donations and the music. FFVI is my all time favorite game, particularly because of the music. Best soundtrack of ever hands down.


I am truly thrilled that this project is happening and that the funding will be there to professionally master and reproduce some hard copies!

FF6 has always been one of the soundtracks that served as impetus for me to learn about music, to go and see the philharmonic on occasion, and hell, even just to play games with decent soundtracks.

So exciting. :-D:-D:-D

I know, I know - I'm going on a different tangent here

Sure is...

Anyway, I thought that for a $10,000 contribution I'd get more than dinner with DJP. ;)

Will you continue to offer sales even if people don't buy through the Kickstarter? I am guessing that depends on availability and demand (since Kickstarter is pretty much a preorder page) but I'm curious. Thanks,

Sure is...

Anyway, I thought that for a $10,000 contribution I'd get more than dinner with DJP. ;)

Will you continue to offer sales even if people don't buy through the Kickstarter? I am guessing that depends on availability and demand (since Kickstarter is pretty much a preorder page) but I'm curious. Thanks,

There are no plans to do so; this is a one-off fundraiser to support the album & the site, not a foray into operating as any sort of store/marketplace/etc. I don't know exactly what the future has in store but I can say with total confidence that this will be your single best chance of obtaining a physical copy of this album. I know for some that might be a bit of a bummer, and I apologize if the timing or circumstances aren't right, but the music itself will be free in perpetuity, so hopefully that's some consolation.


Hang on. Is this for an official O-Clocked album, as in the OCRA catalog? Because I remember a year or two ago when a Final Fantasy VI album went into production under the Workshop/Recruitment subforum, then shortly later it went private. I'm not sure if it's the same one, but if it was, it went really fast!

Hang on. Is this for an official O-Clocked album, as in the OCRA catalog? Because I remember a year or two ago when a Final Fantasy VI album went into production under the Workshop/Recruitment subforum, then shortly later it went private. I'm not sure if it's the same one, but if it was, it went really fast!

No, this is a different project that began as a private endeavor. Prophecy's public FF6 project moved over to the KNGI forums, but it seems to have stalled out as of a few months ago and there hasn't been any activity.

I don't know who's pictured in the video's thumbnail, but they look like they're about to go into a Sammy Davis Jr. impersonation.

That's zircon.


I've felt guilty about visiting this site, downloading so much music, and not contributing a penny for a while. The news that you're giving FFVI (probably my fave VG of all time) the "Voices of the Lifestream" treatment is more than enough to persuade me to part me with $50.

I hope you collect 10x your target. You guys do an awesome thing for bugger all cash and you deserve the investment.

I only wish I could afford the song request... The J-Bomb theme from BlastCorps is crying out for the fully orchestral treatment...


I only wish I could afford the song request... The J-Bomb theme from BlastCorps is crying out for the fully orchestral treatment...

I wish I could afford an album request. I'd ask for Baten Kaitos and its sequel as they're a bunch of underrated gems (coughshamelessplugcough).

Nice to see some huge support going on. Would be interesting to see upcoming plans/bonuses as the kickstarter continues to hit passed its goal.

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