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Dead Island and L4D2 are on sale right now can anyone tell me if they are still played online at all? I had the left 4 dead series on Xbox then traded them in when everyone would quit within 10 minutes of a game.

Just saw this, but there's a group of OCR-related peeps that play L4D2 pretty regularly, and you'd be more than welcome to jump in with us for a round or two at some point. It's definitely the sort of game that's way more fun if you're fooling around with friends; Versus mode is pretty much too broken to be played as srs bzns.

Just fyi, the Wiki article you quoted says that Securom has been removed from most of those games it lists as examples (or at least the limited activations). Other sites mention that the core Borderlands game and the 2 newest DLC don't use Securom, and it's quite possible that the GOTY edition doesn't have Securom whatsoever. I've played through Borderlands multiple times and haven't run into any issues, so as far as I'm concerned it's certainly preferable to always online-style DRM like Ubisoft or Blizzard like to use.

If you wanna be completely safe, though, just buy the game by itself and make sure not to get the Mad Moxxi's Underdome or Ned's Zombie Island DLC.

When Google searching, it would appear that it was not removed from the GOTY edition from what I found and is latent in the original actually, but does not activate/install/whatever until the DLC that requires it is installed or the player reaches the areas from the DLC in question - I didn't search in depth though, so I'm not sure when it actually kicks in, but it would seem that its activation is related to the DLC that uses it.

On a tangent, I dislike both DRM types. Steam itself has negatives as well, but for me personally, I do like that they allow you to install games on whatever machine you like to play them with unlimited downloads, which is what sold me since they provide a new benefit.


Man, promised myself that I wasn't going to buy anything since I just impulse bought Komplete 8 Ultimate on sale, but just had to buy the Monkey Island SE bundle for $3.74. It's been probably 17 or 18 years since I've played Monkey Island 2.


I've never heard of this game - http://store.steampowered.com/app/108500/

but I snagged it anyway, b/c it looks interesting and more importantly it's got a soundtrack by Jon Hopkins. If you don't know who that is, he did the awesome music for the movie Monsters.

It's on the flash sale for the next hour or two for $3.74 and based on the wikipedia article about the music integration, I'd say that's enough to convince me. (Plus it's got an 81 metascore, which is decent)

The music, composed by Jon Hopkins, builds as you progress towards solving a specific puzzle. Upon first starting a puzzle, the music is smooth and put towards the background. As the player begins to figure out the puzzle, the music gets increasingly more complex, adding in drums and bass. By the time the puzzle is complete, the full music track is playing.[3]

The sound of Vessel was the topic of a talk at the 2012 Game Developers Conference. Leonard J. Paul, the game's audio director, discussed its sound design and implementation. Using FMOD, Lua, and C++, the game uses techniques such as granular synthesis, subtractive synthesis, layered sequencing, spectral layering, LFO modulation, and asymmetric loops.[9]


Now I know why people complain about steam sales...

$9.99 Alan Wake Franchise

$24.99 Batman Franchise

$14.98 Left 4 Dead Bundle, Borderlands GOTY

$14.98 Fallout 3 Game of the Year, Fallout New Vegas Ultimate

I'm broke now.


Going to give Legend of Grimrock a try. It looks like the old ballbusting dungeon crawlers like Wizardry or Bard's Tale. Picked up Knights of the Old Republic and Witcher as well, since I'm a terrible person who hasn't played them yet.

I wasn't going to buy anything, I wasn't going to even open Steam to look...but dammit, I had to. It's so hard to resist when they run these sales.

Now I know why people complain about steam sales...

$9.99 Alan Wake Franchise

$24.99 Batman Franchise

$14.98 Left 4 Dead Bundle, Borderlands GOTY

$14.98 Fallout 3 Game of the Year, Fallout New Vegas Ultimate

I'm broke now.

I'd like to see this thread become "how did you justify your steam binge?"

I told myself i wouldn't buy anything until the witcher games came on sale. both of them, at the same time.

Sure enough it happened and it still took me a few hours to get them

"20 bucks for two games... lets see, I guess I don't really need those buns for my hotdogs. Cut back on using my lamps at night and only move when a car is driving by with it's headlights on. My roommate is sick so chances are he'll slip in the shower and I can use his bloated carcass to feed my cat for a month or two."

And I was in business.

no really i got them because of the stellar soundtrack. :)

I'd like to see this thread become "how did you justify your steam binge?"

I give myself 100 dollars, which actually helps me from buying the 30 dollar games, also owning most of the indie bundle games from Humble Indie Bundles has helped me as well. Yet with Ys, witcher 2, and legend of grimrock, and some DLC I still have gone through 50 bucks and there's more than half of the steam sale left. =/


I've been wanting Ys: Oath in Felghana but I've been waiting... And now it's in the current Indie Bundle. The games there don't look bad but also don't interest me that much, except maybe Audiosurf. Still it's a good deal. But I have other games and.. nngh. I'm in the process of mulling it over and seeing if I can justify it. XD

Duke Nukems 1 and 2 were, nay, are better games

Agreed. I wish steam would work with Apogee and bring the classics, like the aforementioned DN 1&2, Crystal Caves, Monster Bash, Bio Menace to steam. The list of great Apogee games goes on and on. . .

Steamaholics Anonymous.

My name is DJLionheart and I have not purchased anything from steam in. . . err . . . about 20 minutes. . . Shoot! Make that 0 minutes:

Dear Esther, KotOR, Trine Franchise, Mirror's Edge

Crimany, will it ever end!?

yessss a fellow Apogee fan *fistbump*

Apogee nerds of the world unite!

Well, since this strays from the main topic of Steam's sinfully tantalizing Summer Sale, I started a separate thread to reminisce about the good old Apogee days while we wait for Steam to make those games available.

I don't see it happening right away, but they've already delved into the world of retro gaming, by releasing the Sega Genesis Classics Pack among other games from yesteryear.

Nah. There are 12 steps in that sort of thing, and we all know we'll never see step 3.

Well, there are twelve days for this sale, so...

Anyway, took a chance on the flash sale, and surprise surprise... F.3.A.R. not only runs, it can be run on Medium settings. Go figure.

If any of you don't have Beat Hazard Ultra, the whole thing is less than four bucks. GET IT NOW.
If you've never heard of this game, it's important to state that music (including OCR songs) can be made into stages.

The nice thing about this sale is that my computer sort of sucks, so I can get the cheap $2.50 games but things like L.A. Noire won't work, so I don't totally cave to pressure.

How "lucky" for me.

Final hour of Mirror's Edge sale. I'd be on that had I not already owned it.

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