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OCR01426 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Clash at the Mountains"

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Is that the sound of the revival of an awesome tune?! Hell ya!! Zircon does it again, this time with range of a synth symphony and killer beats. Those beatdrops and guitar just hit it again and again!

I love the transition pass of the melody at 2:09, passing between the guitar and that neo-flute. Awesome work,


This piece is very well done.

The build-up in the beginning transitions smoothly into the main theme on the guitar.

The, uh, alien voice sound (happens at 1:01 as well as other places, I don't know the technical name, sorry) when the guitar cuts out is very interesting and is pretty catchy.

My only complaint with this piece is that it is too short -- it cuts out much too quickly, and if you had wanted, you could have easily taken it to some tall heights.

Very nice work!


This is shit hot. Nice transition at 1:24, it sounds familiar, but I can't exactly place my finger on it. The arrangement doesn't particularly take my breath away, but it does a great upbeat sound which suits Tal Tal Mountain very well. It could have been expanded a bit more in my opinion, but hey, who am I? Recommended.


Awesome how zircon makes things work seamlessly one into another. The orchestral elements are bolt fit in the electronica background. There isn't one point in the song where I can "hear" a transition; yeah it's that flowing. The synth in the intro reminds me of Screamer 2, which is a good thing. This ReMix has the evil and dramatic element of orchestral electronica and teh grewve that makes it a winner IMHO.

Thanks and congratulations.

Only gripe is the guitar; could've been cooler with a real one :wink:


This one goes on the shelf right next to "Fragments of Gold" by Beej. In fact, they sound like brothers. And that's a very, very good thing.

Seems like the last week here at OCRemix has seen many holes filled.


I love this remix because it's very creative throughout yet faithful to the original tune (which I admit I really like). I can definitely see myself driving fast at night with the city skyline in view with these beats pulsing in my car stereo. 8)

I can tell a lot of detail was put into this mix and I'm continually impressed with what zircon produces. I must say, it's quality stuff like this that keeps me coming back for more! I agree with the others who say it feels a little short, but that's definitely forgiveable.


Thanks for all the feedback guys!! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

In regards to the length.. well, here's how I look at it. I'd rather produce a track that is on the short side and people say "Hey, that was nice, I'll listen to it again" then produce a long track where they say "Well.. the first few minutes were nice, but it's getting kind of boring now, SKIP". ;)


OH MY GOD!!! THIS ROCKS!!! I couldn't ask for a better version! Very well done piece. Good form. I agree with the lot of the bunch its too short. But damn good. Sorta reminds me of AmIEviL remixes: bad ass but short. good job Zircon.


I think the length was just right. It kept things entertaining without rehashing the theme constantly. The ending of the song was pretty well done, but I think I would have liked a little more length to that portion: it cuts off a bit too fast for my liking.

My favorite portion of the song was the first half: it had a great beat, good synth sounds, and was very catchy. The second half slowed down a bit, and while it too was good, I still think the first half was far better.

Overall, I liked this remix!



This mix is very close to the original. But if it ain't broke why fix it right?

The source material is one of my favourites from when I was younger. the GameBoy Pocket was my first video game system and it was the one bundled with LoZ:LA. I would just sit at Tal Tal Heights just to listen to it, despite the tinnyness ;)

This mix does the material great justice, and as a fan of Link's Awakening I give this mix a double A+

The length is a little on the short side, but it makes a pretty good loop, so I can listen to it repeatedly

Good job zircon!

Now hurry up with that CT sewer ReMix

Edit: the length has really grown on me. It feels perfect now IMHO. :)


mmm. hmm.. what can i say. im not familiar with the origional. I never did beat zelda...

Anyway i liked the synths im just not a fan of the electro-guitar if overused, which i felt it was. perhaps introduce a couple other elements as leads at some point. The rythms were great. almost danceable.

..back to work for me. yay


Holy shit, there is just so much awesome packed into this 3-minute capsule. The kickass synth guitar, the rhythm, the electronic beats, the bridge, and especially the key change at 1:47 -- everything just blows me away. You've churned out quite a few gems in the past, zircon, but this is clearly the 6000-carat blue diamond. Major props. Wow.


Zircon delivers his stuff in high-class as usual. Tal mountain range is one of the nicer Zelda tunes i can think of a remix to be made from anyway.

The synth samples are somewhat similar in style to those used in some of the F-Zero GX race tracks, which i really liked. As others mentioned ,it's a pity about the far too abrupt ending. But generally the song goes around in repeat all the time so perhaps won't matter much.

Good job, zircon !

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