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OCR01435 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Falling Back"

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Probably my favourite work from Darangen. Lyrics are pretty cool there. This is an awesome re-interpretation of the original too. I especially like that transition at 2:45. It was catchy.

I just didn't liked the weird end at all. Sounds a little awful. But this is indeed a good job.


It was indeed a good job, the 2:48 part its really catchy! But you could've put more efforts on it, when I listened to it I though that it was missing something, something that could really grab the attention to what's been playied, oh yes, the end sucks :P

Well anyways it was a fine job, way to go..


it's definitely a good mix, although it feels a bit wierd hearing the Gerudo Valley theme with lyrics.

I mostly agree with what's be said...especially with the ending. Yeah...not so great there.


This is a mix I would totally be rocking out on...but your vocals just suck. I don't want to say that because it's mean but I can't think of a nice way to put it. Whichever judge said your voice was beginnerish was right and it shows too much. Maybe next time you can do something to mask that with some effects or something. ANYTHING. I want to enjoy this mix but I can't because of your exposed voice that shouldn't be exposed.

This is a mix I would totally be rocking out on...but your vocals just suck. I don't want to say that because it's mean but I can't think of a nice way to put it. Whichever judge said your voice was beginnerish was right and it shows too much. Maybe next time you can do something to mask that with some effects or something. ANYTHING. I want to enjoy this mix but I can't because of your exposed voice that shouldn't be exposed.

^ This is right. I am sorry to say that your vocals need ALOT of work.

But the mix itself is great. Consider getting another vocalist to sing it for you; for the sake of pushing your work to its very limits.


I think too much criticism is being levied toward the vocals. I don't like being indirectly cited with the implication that the whole track is a bust on account of the vocals, which I feel is far from the truth. Still, people are gonna have their opinions, which is ultimately fine by me.

The main reason I'm responding is to debunk the whole "get someone else to sing it". I think Mike did a fine job on his own track, and like I said, the main objective is to improve, which he's done in spades. Like "Singing Pretzel", all lyricists have to start somewhere. Nice work, IMO.


Its a great song, and the vocals arent really that bad, but it loses some flow to me because if you have a rockin song, you just kind of expect a rockin voice.

The feel of the song changed for me completely when your voice came in which is kind of a new experience.

It kind of felt like someone singing the song in a kareoke bar.

Im not trying to say Dont Sing, because in your music you should have whatever you want. However, if you put more work into your voice you could have alot better of a turnout.

Good job on the song, I'd rate it as 8.5/10


Always a pleasure to find a new remix at the end of the day. The fact that it´s from Darangen only makes it better. Since your From Within was a very good song, I expected the same result or better for this one.

For the beginning, very nice guitarplay, had that very dark and brushy or whatever you call it sound. It was like listening to an old Bruce Springsteen. And although pretzel already had pointed out the sudden change, I couldn´t do more than jump up from my seat when it all turned.

If I compare with From Within, this has obviously some more sparkle to it, much action and not much calm guitarplay except for the beginning. Personally, i found it very good. There may be hundreds of aspects of how other formats or samples would make a significant change to it, but I couldn´t really do much to move my head along with the rhytm, this KICKS!

And there´s also the argues about your vocals. It might sound a little clear compared to the guitars, since they are dark, and your voice is more playing on the bright side. Karaoke effect: I might say that, but I don´t find much trouble with it, I like songs where you can hear the lyrics full and clear.

To an conclusion, it was great in my opinion. Seems my mp3-player has got an another smash hit, fresh from the oven. Nice work Darangen.


I agree with Liontamer. I think Wicked was a little harsh back there. Sure, vocals could use improvement, but I don't think they "suck". You've got a decent voice, you just need to develop it more. As any artist knows, especially of their own works, there's always room for improvement. And I don't mean that as an indirect insult. I'm just sayin' I understand. Being a fellow lyricist myself. You got good pipes man! Good foundation, now evolve it. And if everything I've just said means nothing, how about this? You sound a lot better than some of the popular label artists WHO GET PAID! ^_^

That asside, great mix! Great rock variation on Gerudo! Great lyrics too. A song of regret with the will to make everything alright again. I can relate. "Ardency." There's a word you don't hear often. But I can't quite understand the fourth line of the chorus. Is it "This heart that's true is over-due"? It'd be cool if you could put up your lyrics. Overall, reguardless of so-called "vocal shortcomings", awesome song! I'm gonna be singing this the rest of the week. Thank you for getting "Video Killed the Radio Star" out of my head!

....erm...don't ask.

Rock on, Darangen!


Really enjoyable :D

I wanted to comment on the vocals thing, after reading a snippet of this comments thread. I think they are way, WAY far away from sucking - they are "beginnerish", but not to an extent that really damages the mix. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, if the vocals are preventing you from enjoying the mix, that's your own problem. They're thoroughly adequate for a lead vocal, and actually pretty impressive overall. Of course, they sound a little too up close for my tastes - sounds like he's singing right up next to you while the band is playing somewhere up on a stage.

What makes me cringe (not literally), more than the vocals, is that synth patch and its usage :P it's cool, but the way it interlays with the lead guitar makes it sound really, really muddy, especially since tonally they're so similar (in fact, through the mud, it could actually BE a guitar! sorry if I got it wrong :(). The main section sounds like it's cut and paste right there after the intro - it has the jarring effect I'm sure was intended, but the transition ends up sounding very "unrealistic".

Anyway, glad I heard this :) makes me want to learn to sing :P


Well, as for the comments on my vocals:

I AM trying to get better. I'm taking voice lessons, I'm practicing a lot, and I feel this is the best I could do when I did it. You don't just magically jump from a beginner voice to a professional voice, it takes time, lots of it, and practice. If you don't like my voice, don't listen to the track, simple as that. I appreciate criticism, but harsh bashing isn't criticism.

And for the lyrics, they're on the song page, the line is actually "This heart's debut is overdue".

Thanks everyone for your comments.


The chorus is probably my least favorite part of the song. The vocals sound their weakest there.

That being said, I totally dug this remix. The rest of the parts of the song were sung awesome IMO, and the guitar kicked ass. I loved it. Today at work, in fact, I was thinking that I'd like to hear more songs use video game themes as their tunes.


Ya, there are a few ups and downs for this remix, but I say overall, this is a very good remix. The vocals do need a little work, but I don't think we can judge the entire remix on them. I'm with Liontamer on this one.


I could make the same comments as everyone on your voice, but instead I'm going to put some positive to it. I like you're voice, the timbre fits the song, in my opinion. Sometimes intonation is off, but that's all fine muscle control that comes with practice. Vocalists sing for years to get that control. I personally sing things over and over just to get it even close to being in tune.

Secondly, you're placement of the words in rhythm is good. The way you stretched some things really worked nicely, and I liked that a lot. You're also very clear, something that is hard for me personally, so kudos on that.

Guitar work is awesome. I can't say much else about that.

Overall, I like it.


It's ridiculous how picky you are all being.

Seriously, bash the vocals if you want, but I don't hear what you're bashing. This is a videogame arrangement site. This more than exceeds my expectations, and the spot-on guitar work just tops it off for me. I also loved the intro. Very old-school punk vibe you've got there.

Great work.



You're damn right I'm being picky. There's a lot of music out in the world and I can afford to be. I don't see the "harsh bashing" in my post that was mentioned, I said I loved the mix and it rocked my socks off but his vocals ruined it for me.

Darangen, no offense was meant to you. There's no doubt in my mind that you can grow as a singer and eventually make a mix with lyrics that will blow me away completely but this isn't the one.


I love the solo, very nicely done.

Nowadays it seems like evryone just tries to shove as many notes into a solo as possible, without letting them breathe. Lyrics, as far as I'm concerned kicked much ass.

I mean it, it's really awesome. I think you did a wonderful job with the source, good job writing the lyrics, as well as singing them.

Overall: 9/10


I must say, with all brutal honesty, that your singing is absolutely god awful. Your ear just isn't there, you're everywhere, and you're ending up painfully off pitch on almost every note. I simply could not bare to listen to it any further.

This is where I believe a firm bit of formal training would benefit you greatly. Learn to sing stepwise, chromatic, and intervalic passages without raising or dipping under the pitch. Practice out of a sight singing book, join a choir, something. You just need to have a better ear.


What!? A person published their musical work online? What!? Constructive criticism isn't allowed and I can only gush him with compliments despite what I actually think?


From the words of my magnificent music instructor during one of my lessons: "If you want compliments, go call your mom."


just to be contrary, I will claim the opposite of what Liontamer is saying. I think that folks in this community are far too lenient on vocals because of the "OMG VOCALS. OMG PROFESSIONALISM." factor, judges panel included. But that's just me, and I'm n00bfaceX. etc. etc.

anyways, I thought the intro was pretty neat, but I can certainly now hear that it is a bit sloppy on the performance side. That's more because Darangen did such an incredible job arranging this song into rock. When I first heard this via vgmix, I was flat out amazed that you pulled it off. The original is no Castlevania; it hardly screams for electric guitars. The only thing I didn't really get was the ending, and I was very suprised that the judges neglected to mention it. It has nothing to do with the rest of the arrangment or song as a whole, feeling both extraneous and superfluous (I'm assuming you haven't changed it since the vgmix version, on which I am basing my review :wink: ). A fade out would have made much more sense.

One of my larger issues though is the singing, but I wish to say it isn't predicated on the way your voice sounds. I thought the faster portions of the chorus simply needed more takes. Seriously dude, it sounded like you were slipping over words at certain points. I'm glad to hear that you're taking singing lessons, but this work could have certainly benefited from more chorus and doubling. That will probably be true for the arrangment no matter how good you get; it's just the nature of the song.

However, those are my sole criticisms and I would have said this in a review a while back on vgmix if their account activation wasn't so gayed up. With improved vocals and a real intro and ending, this song would be up there with Pillar of Salt. Seriously.

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