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Honestly always felt that Earthbound (Mother), went its own way in bgm tracks.

It felt ambient, yet spooky. Yet the artist behind this tribute, did a nice cover, yet gave it their own spin.

If only 8-bit could sound like this now.

Ness fights on to save Earth!

*never will forget that crazy adventure..


It's a damn shame that Adhesive Boy's Earthbound project kicked the dust, as the soundtrack really had the potential to shine in a 'Relics of the Chozo' ambient style (not to say that Bound Together was crap). Nevertheless, here we have one of the fruits of that labour, with AB's own track in the judges panel at the moment. Binster obviously knows what he's doing, as the mix goes on adding more flavour and variation- the transition at the second minute is pretty strange, yet interesting. The second half manages to keep the classic Earthbound style, while changing it around sufficiently. Nice mix overall.


Binster is a remickzing bastard child of goodness. Every track is always awesome, no exception here, the man always knows what he's doing and whatever he wants to pull off he can with amazing production quality and makes it seem eazy(p ;))


Seems a bit too 'busy' and sometimes my speakers had a slight 'buzz'

But I like it overall.

The first part is just one great crescendo that heaps effect ovr effect onto the piece, until it all seems to just fall apart.

Then it starts to build again.

and build

at about 3:40 my eardrums seemed to explode, but I couldn't bring myself to turn it off, it just kept my attention too well.

The source seemed buried at times, almost lost completely at others, which isn't bad, as it shows some of the mixer's composition.

The vocal samples seem out of place at first, but once you start to recognize what they're saying, (if you can) it fits beautifully.

Overall: 9/10

Binster continues to show off a seemingly endless plethora of sonic variety in his work, and contributes yet another arrangement that smartly showcases this strength and pays an excellent homage to the source songs.

This pretty much sums it up. It is indeed a cool thing that Binster and all of us do around here; pay homage to source material... and it is really cool to hear something this complex and seamless pay homage to one of the best soundtracks of all time.

A great mix, an up-and-coming great artist, and potentially, it wouldn't suprise me, the author of one of my favourite songs.

Now let's hear you REALLY wow me Binster with a GREAT source piece.


I'm thinking of putting something in my sig that just says something to the effect of "if I bother posting in the review thread, it means i loved the track", and then just posting with a smiley face emoticon or something in all future threads.

Anyhow, the mix evoked a smile on my end.


Well, binster should know by now that I really like this track. A smartly designed piece of work that eclisped my own expectations.

Now when are you going to submit Home Sweet Home? :P


Cheers for the kind words, all.

EazyP, you make me blush :oops:

Less Ashamed, you got any particular source piece in mind? No promises, of course :)

irriadin, I'm going to have to look at Home sweet home again, I think. I overworked it, and it turned out a bit poo, so I'll give it a refit to bring it up to the standard befitting a track with a GaMeBoX guest appearance...



To tell you the truth I'm usually not a big fan of these really technoey songs.....but this is an exception. I love what you've done with the Earthbound songs, and even where it gets a little loud an obnoxious, you were only capturing the feel of Earthbound more. The end is pretty good, and I like all of the strange instruments you have playing in the background. The way you kept throwing in tiny clips of different Earthbound songs is great, and your ability to remix is insane. Rats off to Ya.



The first time I heard this, I was about to write it off within the first minute, luckily I was busy. I remember hearing the ending and thinking... Huh? Did I just like that? Was that the same song?

This reminds me of two other tracks I find similar in make-up:

Howard Drossins "lava reach" remix


BLiNd's Mario Paint 'BLindisDahBomB'

All three start, to be honest, fairly annoying, but end being exceptionally good. This is a yin/yang contrast to the dozens of remixes I find that have an awesome intro, and then sputter into banality.

This track, and the other two I mention, start terribly in my opinion, but then somehow turn into a great piece. ANd by the third or fourth listen, I think... just one more play...

..especially this one, which I just discovered after the 4th listen, does have voices for the schizophrenic at the end... :D


This is a great Earthbound remix! This is my favorite game to hear remixes from, and half of the many I'm heard have been excellent, and this is definitely up there. It's not as melody driven as I prefer in my music, personally, and that's why it didn't get a perfect score. But it is the bomb, and I've just burnt it to a cd to jam in the car and on my trip to Shreeveport today.

PS: Go Gamecocks, stomp Missouri!

EDIT: Huh... I just realized my subject for my review, "8.5/10," isn't anywhere on the dang post. Well, I give this piece a 8.5 out of 10, for the record. Yes, as I said, the bomb and whatnot.


Much like the Lightning Star remix for Sonic the Hedgehog, I love the first part, and feel like the second part is good, but not quite to my tastes. Despite this, the overall package is great, especially considering I wasn't crazy about the Guardian Theme in the first place.

  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

Completely nuts, going from overwhelmingly packed to beautiful in a span of a few moments. The themes used are really good, quirky but endearing, and the remix really makes them unique, and is very strong overall.

This isn't a mix everyone will love, but it is one that everyone should give a chance to. Give it a listen and see how you feel. I thought it was really good.

  • 1 year later...

I have no idea why, but even after listening to it and relistening to it, I always find it utterly unpredictable. It's several delightful discoveries every time. It might be the fact that it so smoothly progresses from source track to source track, or that there is an ebb and flow mechanic in how many sound effects bombard the music. Whatever it is, I'm a massive fan of it. It's not a building mix, rather a mix that does its own thing when it wants to. It's a bizarre rhythm to get into as a listener, but one that is by no means offputting.

Subtle in some ways, unsubtle in others. A pretty curious mix in terms of sound and structure, but a ridiculously entertaining one too.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Glad to read at abandonedsheep.com that Mr. Binster is still making awesome music - I just wish he'd make some remixes for us back here once in a while!! :D

I sneaked a little remix out at the tail end of last year - it's on the Wild Arms remix album.


It's track 2 on disc 2, if you fancy a listen :D

Cheers for the continued support! I should really do another remix...

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