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Star ROXORS my BOXORS!! And makes awesome mixes to boot. This one covers too many musical styles to count,

but the cool thing is they're all done well. I particularly enjoy the orchestral opening. The build-up and tension is almost tangible.

Then things cool off he segues into the rest of this schizo-mix.

There was maybe one synth that seemed kind of uninteresting, and that's about all I can dislike about this.

Star continues an amazing track record for different, yet satisfying OCRemixes. Keep up the good work!


I'm torn on this one, because I feel that it's an extremely well done piece of music. On the other hand, it's something that vaguely resembles but is in no way similar to Magus' theme. However, I'm starting to think that the theme is apparently just a terribly difficult song to remix, because all of the Magus remixes have this issue in my opinion.

Overall, I still feel that this is a very good piece of original music, which is probably something more to brag about anyway.


The strings, especially that lead violin or whatever it's supposed to be, really bothers me, as it has in previous Salzman songs. Other than that, I like it! The vocals and heavy drums in the beginning remind me of World of Warcraft, and of course the soundtrack to the Conan movies!

Speaking of which, playing this song during Onyxia makes me laugh in ridicule. But hey, there's no shortage of game videos set to music way out of context!

Speaking of which, playing this song during Onyxia makes me laugh in ridicule. But hey, there's no shortage of game videos set to music way out of context!

I don't get it. Ony is a big fight and so is Magus. Both are RPGs. The fact I heard this song as we went against Ony is coincidental, and I wasn't making a video of it. I laugh in ridicule at your context snobbery, kind sir!


Thank you for this excellent addition!

An epic introduction at 0:50. Goosebumps!

The section around 1:30 reminds me quite a bit of Pillar of Salt. Awesome!

I also am just amazed at the section starting at 3:35. It brings back fond memories of the Scream Tracker songs that used to dance in my headphones. :razz:

Heh, and even an ending that reminds me of Gitaroo Man! Great work!

-Austin Spafford


I would have liked the guitar to come to the forefront at some point to give the electronic sound of the latter half more variety, but otherwise a very good mix. Going on my playlist.


Dude, please, just... pick ONE or TWO styles and stick with them, rather than completely changing every 20 seconds. There were at least three motifs in here that would have made really good remixes by themselves, if they'd been allowed to develop throughout the entire thing.

This song gave me whiplash. It felt like you were trying to show off all the tricks in your bag, at the cost of a coherent and satisfying performance.


Dude, I don't hear a change in style every 20 seconds. I don't know about you, but the changes are nice, and adds some variation. I don't think this mix is perfect (I'm really, really picky when it comes to the realness of orchestral sampling, and the techniques used to make it sound authentic. I think in some respects he could have done better there).

But don't go dissing the variation. That's what it's all about.


Brilliant opening, but the piece gets far too into techno as it progresses. I would have much preferred if it stuck to the same array of instruments present in the first two minutes.


I like the orchestral and the techno, but (IMO) he should pick one and stick with it.

Simmons: For me, 2:18 - when the mix disintegrated into squealing noise - was when I finally threw up my hands and decided the composer had abandoned melody and consistency for the sake of showing off his range. I don't find a dish which randomly changes its taste with every bite to be palatable.


I'm a real big fan of most of Star's work, and what you guys need to understand is that that's really his style, to vary and blend techno, orchestral, etc. elements into his mixes. Now, at first, the way he bounced around kinda turned me off, especially when it went to about 80% electronica, but I learned to like it. I really enjoy the nice, "crunchy" guitars growling under the main theme, and I was a little upset when I didn't get more of that, but this mix has really grown on me. Magus's theme has been mixed a good deal lately, and it shouldnt be too hard to find a concentrated mix of it with just one style, anyways.

A few more comments on the mix itself, though: The beginning, especially before the 1:00 marker, sounds a lot like something from The Matrix (especially with the chorus), but it works for me. I also really enjoy the bit of synth around 3:30 that goes off and does its own thing - a little bit of deviation from the source theme is nice, and this handles it well. The acoustic guitar busting outa nowhere at 3:01 is also very nicely handled. This mix seems to jump around a lot more than Star's other works, but I really enjoy the overall impression it leaves, though the ending feels kinda abrupt - I'm no music major, but maybe bringing it back to what was going on in the very beginning woulda been a good way to bring the song to conclusion.

I think, overall I like the way my girlfriend (who is also an OCR listener) put it: A lot of mixes go places, and then keep coming back to the same place. This mix just goes places, and keeps going. I give it a solid :nicework: , and a permanent home on my playlist (and stuck in my head, in a good way).


This is admittedly one of my crazier remixes; it was influenced heavily (oddly enough) by Yes and other 70's progressive rock. The genre-blending is indeed my favorite stuff to do with remixes, but couple that with stuff like 13/8 time signatures and you get a lot of pandemonium. This mix definitely wasnt designed to be a crowd pleaser... OR a "show off" piece as some have suggested. It's designed to be a departure from classic, highly-structured no-dissonance style remixes. Basically, I wanted to prove that you can still do crazy outlandish stuff musically without sacrificing quality. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!


Wonderful. New Star stuff. Nothing much to add, except that this is one of the best mixes you've done yet, and ranks pretty high for me (though Pillar of Salt still tends to send me into a crazy trance state of awe, utterly oblivious to the outside world).

You've done right by my ears when I can't really offer a single intelligent comment. :wink:

Just good to see new material from Star of all people on a sleepless night that demands music. Deliriously delicious stuff as always.


I don't even know why I like this song so much. Most of it is not really my thing, and I almost quit listening after the first few seconds. I'm not really into the orchistral thing, mostly. I guess it's the middle/ending that really hooks me. All I know is that right now I'm listening to the song for the third time in a row, and when it's finished, I'll probably replay it again.


I'm always up for a Salzman mix and this is no exception. The song changes so often it's almost hard to keep track of what's happening, but it's not a bunch of mish mash at all; it just simply keeps the tune as exciting as possible.

When the main melody comes in at 2:02 and 4:16 I get the urge to thrash about manically. Which is a good thing, by the way.


Definitely a style I've never heard before. There were parts of it that I thought were off-the-charts awesome and then there were parts that left me pretty confused as to what you were trying to accomplish. I like the idea of mixing the orchestral with the techno, but I think it could have been done a little better in some areas - for example, I think this may have worked a bit better for me if the electronic sounds were not so high pitched...the contrast was a bit too much to handle sometimes.

This is definitely a work of art though and has earned my respect and admiration. Keep up the good work!

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