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OCR01459 - Guardian Legend "The Scarlet Halls of Night"


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I agree with Greg, the piano sounds wonderful; but the track as a whole was simply fantastic... Comming from The Wingless, what else is expected?

I enjoyed it a lot, along with the other TGL mixes; such a great game. <3

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If I'm hearing this correctly, this is the same source tune used in Wingless's other mix, Rosethorne. This mix eschews the acoustic guitar in favor of a silky smooth piano, and Wingless buries the theme behind different layers this time, but the effect is the same -- a very chill mix. Keep up the great work.

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Beautiful, simply beautiful. If this is how John sees making love, well... Dang, boy! 8O

Coincidentally, this mix was posted WHILE we were recording for the next episode of VGDJ, hehe. Tune in if you're interested in hearing an inside view from The Wingless himself. ^_^


Also, I thought the ending of this piece was incredible. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

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how can the Wingless be so awesome at so many things. He is quite definitively, the man's man. In other words, yes I have a man crush on the Wingless, and no I am not ashamed of admitting it.


The Wingless certainly has mastered the art of being awesome. Awesome, awesome song. I think I've already listened to it too many times.

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The only thing better than a Guardian Legend Remix from The Wingless would be a Guardian Legend 2.

Wingless, if you're reading this. From what level is your StarFox "Obsidian Ocean"? It says it's from Zection Z but I can't get there and according to vgmusic.com it's the same music as the sun level but it sounds nothing like it.

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Wingless, if you're reading this. From what level is your StarFox "Obsidian Ocean"? It says it's from Zection Z but I can't get there and according to vgmusic.com it's the same music as the sun level but it sounds nothing like it.

It's from sector Y in the first starfox game actualy.

Sectore Y was an awsome level, there were killer sting rays, jelly fish, and giant whales all over that part of spave, which may be why his remix was called "Obsidian Ocean".

Oh yeah, to stay on topic.

This song is beautifull! I love the piano. :D

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I havent played or seen the game. And usually I'd go for only remixes on games I know. Then I decided to broaden my horizons and that sure paid off.

So then I came across this. I downloaded it after hearing 5 seconds of it really.

I seriously love the intro which replays the same bit but more instruments come in each time. Its beautiful and overall so well composed.

I'd like to hear the original track too though, so I can compare. But this song is definatly on my Current Favourites list now.

It's a nice, easy listening track and can't get bored of it.

Good work indeed


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