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Wow, whoever said that noone uses dk is very uneducated.

Your implied defenition of "education" ingruiges me...

Anyway, I'm up for speculating about certain specifics, certainly surrounding speculative stages and sizes of said stages, speculative Super Smash spectator sounds, and specifically speculating a spontatneous spill of special Super Smash info surrounding a specific and special member of a certian small spiney species, Sonic. Also certain speculation surrounding Samus' space suit will certainly suppliment said thread, but I sorely fear and dread towards being intellecually dead this thread does head.

That's it, I'm outta here.


I have to ask: Would people be terribly disappointed if Sonic were not in SSB:B? I'm starting to wonder. I haven't heard any mention of Sonic other than fan-fueled interest.


While it'd be nifty if Sonic (and Tails, and Knuckles) showed up, I wouldn't feel terribly disappointed over it if they didn't.

Maybe some of the more....fanatical sorts will, but it doesn't seem like something that would start a riot.

I'd like to see Mewtwo come back, with improvements to make him a little more playable. He was kind of fun to use.

Aniki is exceptionally amazing though. im just saying it really is a lot harder than most people would think to do well in tourneys with link. nobody in america wins competitive tourneys with link.

i wont say if smash has a lot of guaranteed combos compared to other fighters because I dont play any other fighting games competitively, but just because you made up a combo as you were going along doesn't mean it was escapable. i can say though, that link definetely doesn't have the biggest combos in smash.

My my my, has someone so quickly forgotten about


As the other videos (and this one) should have shown you by now, in melee at least, where there's a will, there's a way. The tier system has it's purpose in that it helps quantify in the most general terms what characters are largely better than others at certain things. Where that lier list will deceive you is when a turely talented player comes along with a passion for Mewtwo, or Yoshi, or Bowser, or whoever. Arguably, it takes a greater ammount of skill to learn how to counter "higher tier" characters with "lower tier" ones, though like anything else it's all a matter of skill, memorization and practice. After all, another truely talented player could indeed have a hard on for Captain Falcon and go on to possibly usurp some of the theoretical players I described earlier.

If every matchup was more or less decided from the start based on what character you picked then melee would be a cold, hard peice of shit. But it's not, thanks to the afformentioned (by another fine poster) efforts of HAL, "The Team," Sakurai and Nintendo. Brawl will never be worse than melee. Nintendo is funding this thing out their asses.

I'm fucking excited. Guess I'll watch some more melee vids...


We did talk about The Germ (I personally don't care much for his wigger self and one of these days I'll get him to Link ditto with me if I ever see him), just Aniki has plenty of videos of beating Ken

He didn't say it was impossible, but he said it was very hard to win a tourney with Link (truth)

I already posted my piece on what he said, but yes it's always possible to win against anyone using anyone

I have to ask: Would people be terribly disappointed if Sonic were not in SSB:B? I'm starting to wonder. I haven't heard any mention of Sonic other than fan-fueled interest.

I would be a little disappointed that he is in an Olympic game with Mario and not Smash Brothers as well.

sonic is not necessary

get over it

Honestly, I agree. Sure, it would be cool to see Sonic and Mario go at it again one more time before burying the hatchet on the DS, but my $50 is not going to hinge on the blue blur's inclusion or exclusion. Far from it.

Hell, as far as I'm concerned, I'm already sold.

TBH if we get another 3rd party character besides Snake, I'd want it to be a Belmont, a Megaman or Geno long before Sonic.

Explain how he could slow down/speed up time without seriously affecting gameplay.

two words, Final Smash.

have time slowdown for thirty secs. and you could do some real damage to them. it would just be like in practice mode, with you could slowdown time. then when the slowing ends the people fly with the force you applyed. so everyone would just fly in all directions.

cool idea. VJ would be sweet.

two words, Final Smash.

have time slowdown for thirty secs. and you could do some real damage to them. it would just be like in practice mode, with you could slowdown time. then when the slowing ends the people fly with the force you applyed. so everyone would just fly in all directions.

cool idea. VJ would be sweet.

Even better, your attacks change his speed from a fast Captain Falcon to a slow Ganondorf depending on whether you are forward B or backward B.

Belmont > Sonic

After playing Richter Mode in Portrait of Ruin, I've come to realize exactly how well Richter Belmont would work in Smash. It's almost creepy. Up-B as his upward-knife jump (Up and L in PoR, D+U+Jump in SotN), Forward-B as the Vampire Killer (held a la Sheik's chain whip in Melee), Down-B could be any number of sub-weapons - the Holy Water and Cross and Bible come to mind immediately, but even the Bible could work.

Or move the VK over to the Smash attacks and make For-B his Knife throw or Cross or the dash move he can do (the one where the cross spins over him while he dashes through pretty much everything).

And for the Final Smash? Why, the Grand Cross (Cruz, if you insist) of course!

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