Inimitable Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Every one of these videos were amazing. Every one.
Takashi Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Ok its not Ness but it defintly works quite well might add
Eulogic Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Snake being in Brawl is just a very elaborate hoax.
Global-Trance Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Every one of these videos were amazing. Every one. I wholeheartedly agree. Lots of LOLs.
DuskyFerret Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 HAH! Snake wants to eat a Yoshi! No no, I think you misinterpreted this. Lemme type out the convo and then we'll see what he really meant Snake: It lays eggs right? ...then it must be a female. Otacon: ...Actually it's a 'he'. At least, that's what it says. *** Snake: Now you've gotten me curious... How about I capture one so we can see what they taste like? Otacon: Uhh....Snake YES SNAKE UHH INDEED I'm not implying anything...I'm just putting it out there if you know what I mean....
Wipomatic Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Haha, what the fuck, I was wondering what you were talking about other videos because I could only see one, and then I checked the US site instead of the UK site. I sure love how even on the internet, they try and fuck Europe over.
Antipode Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Bahahaha the Wario one is hilarious. I love how they're talking all serious about this.
TheCatPhysician Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 God bless us. Every one. so did anyone see snake like, kill mario? he snapped his neck or whatever then laid him on the ground. what happens next? is that his down throw? also you can see him use his bubble shield and what the hegg is the box for mario pulls it off and snakes just sittin there like sup man this is too much to think about, i need more info
JackKieser Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Oh my god... I just came. A lot. All over my keyboard. For serious, Sakurai is both a saint (for giving us amazing info like this, and for going though the time and effort to get all those voice actors to contribute extra material to the game) and a total bastard (for not having the game out this very moment. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch those videos again. Orgasm time! --Jack Kieser
Raziellink Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Is it pure coincedence that my music player just started the Metal Gear Solid theme? I think not.
Ray Falling Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I still think Sakurai is secretly lurking on the OCR boards >_>. You guys have had a looot of wishes come true Anyway, since I'm on very crappy internet at work, I will have to wait 7 hours before I can actually watch these things. Everything looks fantastic though. I especially appreciate the stage, what with the walls and all. Good times
Kiyosuki Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Its so fun thinking of what the Codec transmissions for the other characters are going to be. And I really want to hear the rest of that awesome MGS remix song. You know what else this may hint too? It may hint that the individual character intros (like from the first game) could be back possibly. I hope so, those were cool.
Strike911 Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 OH MY GOD, I'M TOTALLY FANBOYING ALL OVER THE PLACe.... THIS UPDATE IS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Campbell! Mei Ling! Otacon! They're all there! AND THE METAL GEARS! ZOMG!!!!111 AND THEY TALK ABOUT SMASH! It's my dream come true. Smash and MGS are my most favorite games ever and I'm having a splooge moment like right now.... awesome... just so awesome... <3
JackKieser Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Hahahaha! The Samus video didn't load the first time I saw the site; I'm so glad I watched those videos again... Snake totally wants to bone Samus. More than he wants to bone Yoshi. "Mei Ling! Samus took her clothes off!" Priceless. --Jack Kieser
Kiyosuki Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I just realized that the "fight" between Snake and Mario eventually ends with Snake breaking Mario's neck. lol Its surreal to say the least.
nookster Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Are we basically out of first party characters to use in any case? Assuming no more Pokemon, no more Kirby, and that NoJ isn't going to give me any Startropics love... Why is everybody forgetting captain Olimar? He's not even obscure. I think (hope) he's pretty much certain. Am I missing some piece of info?
Arek the Absolute Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 hmm..... mixed opinions david hayter or some wanna be?
Thalzon Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Why is everybody forgetting captain Olimar? He's not even obscure. I think (hope) he's pretty much certain. Am I missing some piece of info? Pikmin, Balloon Fight, Animal Crossing, Clu Clu Land, Legend of Stafy (Starfy, Stafi, whatever), Balloon Fighter, and Chalvo are all still possibilities! (Well, maybe not Chalvo.)
The Mutericator Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 hmm.....mixed opinions david hayter or some wanna be? If you mean Snake's VA, it's him. He actually confirmed in an interview that he's already recorded everything for the game.
Dexie Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Pikmin, Balloon Fight, Animal Crossing, Clu Clu Land, Legend of Stafy (Starfy, Stafi, whatever), Balloon Fighter, and Chalvo are all still possibilities! (Well, maybe not Chalvo.) Punch Out.
The Mutericator Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 If you mean Snake's VA, it's him. He actually confirmed in an interview that he's already recorded everything for the game. Theeeere we go.
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