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Snake looks awesome. I thought he would be, faster maybe, but I'm certainly going to enjoy using him. I wonder when the message boxes come up? Maybe it's one of his moves, although that wouldn't seem very useful once characters get advanced.

OK, now we just need another character update for Wednesday!


I'm sorta getting tired of all the sexual innuendo surrounding this game... Samus was the original kick-ass female. It was cool because she WAS so unapproachable, and the suit was built for a pretty built person. It's lame how they dropped to the lowest common denominator with the zero suit.

At least the tone of the game won't be sleazy, unlike some of the discussions I've seen on game sites have been.


I'm glad to see Snake's punch-punch-kick combo again. Classic. He looks like he'll be a blast to play.

I am curious as to how those conversations get implemented during a fight.


That was one of the funniest updates I have ever seen.

MasterSenshi: There has always been a bit of sexual innuendo with Samus ever since the first Metroid on the NES. Snake just makes it much more apparent. LOL!!

Pikmin, Balloon Fight, Animal Crossing, Clu Clu Land, Legend of Stafy (Starfy, Stafi, whatever), Balloon Fighter, and Chalvo are all still possibilities! (Well, maybe not Chalvo.)

Custom Robo is too good a fit to be ignored, Baten Kaitos is now a second-party series because Nintendo majority owns both the BK rights and Monolith, Chibi Robo could work if they ignore size rules (possible), and depending on how much rights Nintendo has to the games, Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents could be considered usable without being third party. Oh, and Golden Sun.

There's no lack of sourses to draw non-third party characters from.

Well, maybe there would be a female Yoshi if Yoshi wouldn't destroy all of his eggs every time he pops one out.

well maybe its just his way of masturbating. and whats wrong with male yoshis laying eggs? havent any of you seen jurassic park?


I think it's likely that Captain Olimar would be in Brawl... if he weren't the size of a quarter. It makes me sad, I wanted to see him in there.

I'd love to see Dedede in there as well, come to think of it. Even if they just wanted to clone Kirby, skin him differently, and give him the Falco makeover, it would be more than doable.


I think maybe snake wants to see what the eggs taste like not the yoshi. :P

I don't really think Yoshis eggs are any different from unfertilized chicken eggs either, so anything he's just popped out probably wouldn't hatch anyway.


i pulled of the awesomest jiggly combo on contricity's marth the other day

this was right after i saw his dash-grab coming so i just crouched under it and punished with a rest (really fun to do)

anyways right after he came back from that rest, from 0% i did a full hop rising forward air to falling up air (same jump), the upair combos right into up tilt (this part requires an l cancel for you anti-tourneyfags lol), then up air, second jump, REST. OH HO HO. it was so awesome i had to jump up, throw my controller down and dance around

I wonder if the smaller MGS4 models appear! :)

Judging by the fact they don't want to show it, its probably one we haven't seen yet. I doubt those Gekkos are going to be the "big ones" of MGS4.

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