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Looks like the Digimon folks are missin' a pair of goggles. Gotta love those Homecoming pranks. But shouldn't it be the jocks trying to steal each other's mascots, not the mascots pocketing the jocks' stuff?


Not sure who was the one who called it. But I would've been disappointed if there WASN'T a costume update sooner or later. About 6 different costumes is good news! I've never played a Metal Gear game, but the picture of three Snakes checking each other out makes me laugh.

Anyone know if Samus has the Phazon Suit (black with red lights) from Prime 1? I think everyone can agree that those are the coolest Samus suit colours to date. I wonder why we (by which of course I mean "I") haven't seen any Zero Suit alternate colours yet...?

Anyone ever seen the DK TV show, the 3D animated one? It totally had a Yeti character that looked like DK with white fur, but his name escapes me at the moment.... it rhymed with "yeti", I'm pretty sure...... "Eddie"?

why are you guys trying to top rocketsnipers its by far the best youre embarrassing yourselves

Yea seriously dude, I think you missed the point :?

Nobody is trying to top anything, it was more an aknowledgement of his idea, and adding a further idea, rather than just typing "haha this made me lol and stuff". :tomatoface:

And just to make this post have some use, now Snake can have an accentuated ass in tiger skin. Nice.


Oh come now! Would it have been that hard to change Snake's hair to blonde and white for Liquid and Old Snake?! I suppose there's still hope. Maybe Dark version will be Liquid and his white version will be old snake. *shrugs*

.... grumble grumble....

tiger skin??!! TIGER SKIN!?!?!?!

Someone over at Sora must have been like, hmm, how can we make Snake look gay.... he's already in a skin tight suit, LETS THROW IN SOME TIGER STRIPES. UK YUK!

... geez... how about the just throw in "It's raining men" as his level music too while they're at it.

HELL, they should just make all of his color schemes pink leopard print too. To hell with it all.


well, his other camou's look cool. Dark Link and Fox look hella sweet. And Zelda in black looks awesome (it looks like her hair is almost a sleek white which looks really cool.) It does make me wonder what Dark Pikachu will look like ? ... maybe black devil horns and red eyes ... that would be very scary actually.

Oh come now! Would it have been that hard to change Snake's hair to blonde and white for Liquid and Old Snake?! I suppose there's still hope. Maybe Dark version will be Liquid and his white version will be old snake. *shrugs*

.... grumble grumble....

That can only mean one thing.....

Liquid Snake/MGS4 Solid Snake confirmed!

But seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if Liquid was in too, seeing as he's an extra bad guy, and more of them are always welcome.


omg pichu and jigglypuff deconfirmed

pikachu killed them and took their accessories!

or pichu evolved, killed the older pikachu, and took his hat.

Mmm, anyone notice the emphasis on "Dark" Characters? Perhaps these could be clones made by the Sub-Space Villains in order to fight the real things...

Yes. It has story mechanic written all over it. Same concept with having both a devil (Meta) and an angel (Pit).

Yes. It has story mechanic written all over it. Same concept with having both a devil (Meta) and an angel (Pit).

OMG... I hope they have a "white" MetaKnight color scheme... that would be three kinds of cool...

tiger skin??!! TIGER SKIN!?!?!?!

Someone over at Sora must have been like, hmm, how can we make Snake look gay.... he's already in a skin tight suit, LETS THROW IN SOME TIGER STRIPES. UK YUK!

... geez... how about the just throw in "It's raining men" as his level music too while they're at it.

HELL, they should just make all of his color schemes pink leopard print too. To hell with it all.

I'm pretty sure that's his animal camo from MGS3. But, you know, don't let that stop your blind outrage.


After playing some Metroid Fusion lately, trying to beat the SA-X at the end, and seeing the fusion color scheme on the site, anyone else think an X parasite would make a cool assist trophy? It could mimic a player and act like a computer controlled player for a bit or something, I dunno just a random thought I had.


Especially with inane banter, yeah.

BTW, did anyone laugh at the line "You can change the color of your character by pressing buttons on the character-selection screen!

This is one of the many joys of Smash. This time, each character has about six different color variations."



Personally, I think the tiger skin camouflage is pretty badass. But that's just me. Dark Link, though, is probably the "coolest" alt. color scheme. I mean, everyone seems to love the idea. My favorite is probably the black dress Zelda, though! Zelda really needed a cooler color scheme than "pink and/or purple." Especially since, well, she's wearing a dress. Pink dresses are pretty tacky. It only works for Peach since she's the quintessential dumb blonde... and yet...

...so undeniably sexy! :<

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