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This is off the topic of Brawl but this is the SSB thread to I thought I might as well post this...

Super Smash Flash over at www.mcleodgaming.com

It's pretty awesome, and you can be charactors like Sonic, Cloud, Chrono, and even Inuyasha (some unlocking is required, however).

OLD. This has been on Newgrounds forever.

But its is pretty cool. Not a stunning example, but very cool nonetheless.

Sorry, but 3 weeks isn't considered as 'being on Newgrounds' forever. "Forever" on Newgrounds is about two years; this estimate considering factors such as how long Newgrounds has been around and also how Newgrounds is somewhat the outside man when it comes to comparison to SA, YTMND, and 4chan.
Maybe they can have online play for SSB64 too...

After all these years of play with both Melee and 64, I still like the N64 Smash Bros a lot better. I mean sure, Melee has great new characters and modes, gorgeous graphics and awesome speed and customization; but its lost some of the spirit of the game.

Maybe I'm just weird, but I prefer the polygonal little guys with their quirky and shifty animations, and highly unrealistic proportions. Somethiong about SSB64 really strikes me as awesome and I don't get that vibe from SSBM. If they can incorporate nline play into the Virtuyal Console, I'll be doing my online Smashing on 64 a lot more than I will in SSBB.

I know what you mean man, one of the first things I DL on Virtual Console is SSB64.

So I'm not alone! I love the 64 verson. Always have preferred it over Melee(my friends think I'm crazy).

Attacks in SSB seemed to do more damage and hace farther knockback than in Melee. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, it's just something I've noticed.


So I'm going to my first real, real tournament this weekend down in San Bernadino, CA. Even though it's not a grand scale tournament or anything, wish me the best! :)

It's funny, a couple years ago, the same tournament had a not so huge turnout, but Ken ended up showing up anyways. Maybe he'll show up this year. :)

Maybe they can have online play for SSB64 too...

After all these years of play with both Melee and 64, I still like the N64 Smash Bros a lot better. I mean sure, Melee has great new characters and modes, gorgeous graphics and awesome speed and customization; but its lost some of the spirit of the game.

Maybe I'm just weird, but I prefer the polygonal little guys with their quirky and shifty animations, and highly unrealistic proportions. Somethiong about SSB64 really strikes me as awesome and I don't get that vibe from SSBM. If they can incorporate nline play into the Virtuyal Console, I'll be doing my online Smashing on 64 a lot more than I will in SSBB.

I know what you mean man, one of the first things I DL on Virtual Console is SSB64.

So I'm not alone! I love the 64 verson. Always have preferred it over Melee(my friends think I'm crazy).

Attacks in SSB seemed to do more damage and hace farther knockback than in Melee. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, it's just something I've noticed.

Yet for some reason I always find it easier to get back on the stage even when I'm knocked out of the park...go figure
So I'm going to my first real, real tournament this weekend down in San Bernadino, CA. Even though it's not a grand scale tournament or anything, wish me the best! :)

It's funny, a couple years ago, the same tournament had a not so huge turnout, but Ken ended up showing up anyways. Maybe he'll show up this year. :)

Ooo, report back on how you do. It would be great if you play Ken too.

Tournaments are awesome places to learn more about SSBM. So many people, it's alot different than just playing in a circle of friends.

I figure Brawl is going to be much in the same way with it's online ability. There will be so much more playing and so much more compitition and then skill will develop.


I'm heading to a tournament in Tarboro (my first tourney as well) sept 23. I don't know of any famous players here in NC, but I expect there will be at least one person there who can hand my ass to me on a platter. I hope so, anyway.

At any rate, it'll be nice to finally play somebody good besides my brother.

So I'm going to my first real, real tournament this weekend down in San Bernadino, CA. Even though it's not a grand scale tournament or anything, wish me the best! :)

It's funny, a couple years ago, the same tournament had a not so huge turnout, but Ken ended up showing up anyways. Maybe he'll show up this year. :)

Ooo, report back on how you do. It would be great if you play Ken too.

Tournaments are awesome places to learn more about SSBM. So many people, it's alot different than just playing in a circle of friends.

I figure Brawl is going to be much in the same way with it's online ability. There will be so much more playing and so much more compitition and then skill will develop.

I probably won't be participating in the singles matches (one on one) but I will be participating in teams and crew battles. I'll let you guys know how we do. I will also be photodocumenting the event so maybe I'll be posting some photos later on.


You guys think we'll get more info on Brawl at wii3? Like the other non-nintendo character(s)? I'm really hoping for Simon Belmont or Megaman...

You guys think we'll get more info on Brawl at wii3? Like the other non-nintendo character(s)? I'm really hoping for Simon Belmont or Megaman...

Nah, Nintendo will want to concentrate on their launch lineup for now. Brawl is set to be their big E3 title next year.

Wait.. just remembered, no E3 anymore. Whatever replaces it, then.


I'd actually prefer if Nintendo tried its best to ensure that third-party characters stay secret. Keep everything secret about them until the "OMG I unlocked *****" or "****** is in event match **, but I can't figure out how to unlock him". Something to make the completionist quest a little more rewarding (and I'm thinking of a robust adventure mode that is at times like Super Mario World with secret endings).


The guy running the show said he'd like to do what he did with Melee, and reveal the characters beforehand.

He said he wasn't sure he was gonna' do it though.

Also, I'd love to see Hector from FE in there.

An axe-wielder would be awesome.

Ok, so I just got back from a small smashfest, my first time seriously playing anybody who was any good aside from my brother (except for the two or three matches I played at Otakon).

I got my ass handed to me.

Your first real outside experience, huh? Yep, that's what happens to everybody. I was happy when I got whipped at my first outside experience, because it showed that though the people in my local group thought we were pretty close to being as good as we can be at the game, there is still a WHOLE lot more left. Heh, we knew nothing about the game. We're still not up to the professional level, still quite a ways away, as I found out when I went to OC2, but we're getting there.


Okay so I came back from mine too. And I did better than I expected.

So I went with my friend Andrew and we entered in the team battles. Two of our other friends came along too.

Double elimination, MLG rules, level bans, best of three matches, loser picks stage.

Our first battle was against DSF and Romeo. We were taking away their lives but it still felt like we were a joke. I didn't know we were against DSF until after the match. This was my first tournament after playing Smash for only a few months and I have to go up against a guy that's ranked in the top 25 of the nation? Ridiculous.

So we ended up in the losers bracket but we ended up rocking the next good handful of matches to lift our spirits. Andrew and I took out half of ThomaSexy's crew (for anyone that knows them from SmashBoards and their numerous tournaments they go to) and my other two friends eliminated the other half of their crew. :)

We won maybe a good four or five battles. If we got a little further we would have had to faced DSF again in the finals. It was kinda depressing but inspiring that the guys that beat us were way better than us and DSF and his partner were way better than them. Looks like I still have a long way to go.

Out of all the people there, I'd say just about everyone was as good as me in the videos (where I didn't really play my best) that I posted on the earlier pages. I say this so that maybe you guys can get an idea of how the turnout was like. All the people that were actually better than me were all better by a long shot.

I wish I did better at this tournament, but what can I say really, except for maybe, "Freaking DSF."


Sorry to break the topic, but I cannot unlock the Random Filter thing in SSBM (you know, you pick what levels you want to be in the random pool). I've unlocked every stage and character today, and from what I've seen I should of gotten it when I unlocked Poke Floats (the last stage I had to get)



Ok that's wierd. All you have to do it unlock every stage except for Battlefield, Final Destination, Dream Land N64, Yoshi's Island N64, and Kongo Jungle N64. Are you sure you have them all? Anyway, it's on the options menu under custom rules. And it's handy.


Attacks in SSB seemed to do more damage and hace farther knockback than in Melee. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, it's just something I've noticed.

Yet for some reason I always find it easier to get back on the stage even when I'm knocked out of the park...go figure

The characters are much larger. Or the stages are much smaller...

I prefer Melee because of the larger platforms. A little more room to pull off crazy stuff.

Ok that's wierd. All you have to do it unlock every stage except for Battlefield, Final Destination, Dream Land N64, Yoshi's Island N64, and Kongo Jungle N64. Are you sure you have them all? Anyway, it's on the options menu under custom rules. And it's handy.

Yea, I played my 200 vs. matches and got Poke Floats, which should unlock it, but I didn't get anything saying it was unlocked and it's not in additional rules

Mabye I shouldn't of unlocked every stage and character first?


Maybe you have to play for 200 hours as well? I just unlocked the random stage select edit option a few weeks ago myself, and I think I had just been playing multiplayer for a really long time.


sorry i basically read the very first post in this thread, the one on page number 1. that person asked for what modes or ideas u had for the new one coming out on wii, well i dont know if anyone already posted these ideas:

Movie Mode: Melee featured a fairly cool feature called camera mode, which allowed u to take pictures of smash bros characters doing....something....the wii version should feature a movie mode which allows u to make small clips or movies of ure favorite characters doing....something KOOL (yes cool with a k)

Personalized Adventure Mode: Another adventure mode but this time one that is more story based and varies from character to character. Each with different bosses and etc.

Secret Special Level Moves: Everyone probably knows if u use falco or fox in either of starfox levels, and press left and right repeatedly, fox/falco do the coolest taunt action, then it causes...well the surrounding starfox ships to attack faster, or more frequently (i actually never noticed a huge difference). Just the same, i think every character, or more characters, should have such moves, and they have more effects....like if falco does the super secret move, then one of the fox ships comes in and blasts one of those smart bombs at the level....something intense like that, cuz it does take an incredible ammount of time to do those little tricks.

Tag Team mode: Sort of like a story mode but for two players, and if u pick a specific duo, like mario and luigi, or fox and falco, then u get to play a more personalized story mode. random duos just get a default story mode.

Reason for a Name: LIke in melee u should be able to enter a name, or profile. but through that profile it should be more customizable, like special preferences. more so, there should be automatic options. for instance, if u use a character more than most, then automatically when ure name is entered ure cursor is placed on ure fave. Aside from that everytime u pick a character u should get a specific title. For instance, if with marth u always get the avenger bonus, then when u select marth the voice should say, Marth the Avenger. it would be awesome to try to get the right titles and keep them.

CHampion belts: THere should be different tourneys with different titles or belts, and only one person or character can have that title. THus in vs mode there would be something worth fighting for. gloating rights and all.

Custom Characters: Sort of goes with that name option thingy, after u set up a profile, u can customize any character, like color templates, and even maybe stats (jump, strength, speed, special, defense, durability) and in some cases customize special moves (falco can use either the stun lazer gun, or use the rapid fire, fox can either use the repel shield that pops upward, or one that pushes enemies left or right) it would make the battle more strategic, and keep u guessing what kind of character u were fighting, no more predictable characters.

i think thats it for now, i think everyones bored of reading my comments by now.

Maybe you have to play for 200 hours as well? I just unlocked the random stage select edit option a few weeks ago myself, and I think I had just been playing multiplayer for a really long time.

200 Hours is way to rediculous. Look on gamefaqs or anywhere else, they say when you unlock Poke Floats (play 200 matches in Vs. Mode) you will have already unlocked 3 other levels. Once you have all four you should get the random filter

Meh whatever, I'll just copy and paste the data from someone elses memory card

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